Amd & Ati.


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
I was wandering what other peoples opinions where, and
there recommendations from there upgrades, for a future
upgrade of my own?
As u can guess I am stuck between two hardware choices,
1: Either the AMD 64 3Ghz or 3.5Ghz Winchester cores.
This would include the comparison of speed, performance,
price and how Over-clockable they are.
2: either the ATI PCIx X800pro or X800xl
Again under the same comparison as before.
There over-clocking is of the more concern here though!
Any Ideas please!!!
I'd go for the Winchester over the Intel chip (great value for money and excellent for gaming)

If you're planning on overclcking your gfx card i'd get a Vivo X800 pro (prerably one of the ones that comes with 16 pipes out the box) Otherwise the X800 xl is the better value for money.
Isn't Winchester Intel? AMD doesn't have any 64 bit chips in the 3.0GHz range... ???
AMD 64 (or FX series) will be a better, and cheaper chip overall - plus you can overclock. Intel's run hot normally and take more cooling to OC.
Winchester is an AMD 64 (socket 939). The 3500+ runs at 2.2 gig and pretty much wipes the floor with any Intel chip in terms of gaming.

Have a quick look:

The FX chips are very expensive - and not worth the extra cash imo. The best bang for buck chips are the 3000+, 3200+ and 3500+ winchesters (imo) All overclock well and all offer far greater value than Intel offer (esecially if you couple them with good ram)

(my 3500+ just arrived through the post while typing this :) - cya'll in a few hours)
Good to see your processor arrived warbie!!!
I was wandering is the 3.5 the same as 3ghz but just clocked higher. ie if i had a 3ghz could i oc it to equivelent speeds or even higher than the 3.5 at 2.2.
would it save me money in the long run and try some good old oc'ing.
Any suggestions on memory as this could restrict my oc potential.
was considering giel value 2x512mb.
no your better off just getting the 3500+, and send a link to your ram
SFPL1 said:
Good to see your processor arrived warbie!!!
I was wandering is the 3.5 the same as 3ghz but just clocked higher. ie if i had a 3ghz could i oc it to equivelent speeds or even higher than the 3.5 at 2.2.
would it save me money in the long run and try some good old oc'ing.
Any suggestions on memory as this could restrict my oc potential.
was considering giel value 2x512mb.

The 3500 has the same core as the 3000 - it's just running 400mhz faster. Many people have managed to overclock their 3000+ to obscene speeds :) (considerably quicker than the 3500. Of ocurse, as always, others haven't been so lucky)

To overclock these chips you'll want decent ram (casue you'll be wanting to up the fsb) So ram that runs faster than pc3200 is what you want (the faster the better really)

Personally, I have pc3200 that doesn't like to go much above 215 fsb, which is why I got the 3500+ (to be guaranteed 2.2 gig) It also has an 11 multiplier (which will be nice for overclocking if and when I get new memory)

If you're planning on overclocking - i'd go for the 3200+. You'll find a multiplaier of 10 to be more handy than 9 (which is what the 3000+ has) You'll also wnat some good ram (which can be expensive)

If, like me, you've decided on pc3200 ram - then get the best chip you can afford (you should be happy with any of them - they're all sweet)

Lastly, don't take my advice to strongly, there are many forums and ppl around who know far more (maybe check out here:
..... a friendly bunch who really know their stuff)
I was considering the Giel 2x512mb.
But would hoghly consider better Ram if it would improve my oc potential.
Although after warbie's suggestion of better Ram i have looked into corsair @

oh, Still confusied on a graphics card.
Any ideas @
I was considering the x800 pro or xl.
i couldnt find a pro with 16 pipes out of the box!
I know the AGP Gigabyte and MSI x800 pro come with 16 pipes as standard, it's just not stated in the specs. Apparently all the Vivo models have 16 working pipes, you just have to activate them for the other models. The x800 xl is a great buy though, and better than a Pro at stock (if you can't stretch to an XT i'd go for the XL)

That Geil ram is great value for money (infact I got 2 Gigs of it last week for my Dad and a friend) If you're going to be running at stock speeds then this will be a good buy. If you want to overclock then get some faster ram than pc 3200 (I hear Crucial Ballistix PC-4000 does the job, but have no experience with it. Search around some forums, maybe ask some of the gurus some questions)
I have looked a both Gigabyte and MSI web sites and was not able to find PCIx cards with 16pipes. in either pro or xl models.
I guess iam stuck with the pro.
I have looked at other memory, and i would be happy with giel