AMD price cuts


Aug 22, 2003
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The exact amount of AMD's price cuts were rumors before.
They only knew:
* AMD Athlon 64 price cuts will receive price cut up to 30%
* AMD Athlon 64 X2 will receive price cuts up to 50%
* AMD Sempron processors will receive price cuts up to 15%

AMD has now announced their pricing for July 24th through October.
AMD offical prices.
FX 62 $799 <-Only AM2
X2 5000+ $282 <-Only AM2
X2 4600+ $224
X2 4200+ $175
X2 3800+ $149

Here are Intel's Core 2 Duo prices again:
X6800 $999
E6700 $530
E6600 $316
E6400 $224
E6300 $183

Haha There is a big gap between FX62 and 5000+ pricing. I guess they want to keep the extreme pricing for that market and remember AMD's 4x4 platform is coming up and only will use FX CPUs (2 dual core FX CPUs on a desktop board).
Love those X2 prices. :D
nice extreme price cuts there
to bad i dont have the funds to buy it
wow I guess I'm upgrading a little earlier than expected
And check out those Sempron prices. $50 CPU with 64bit would be awesome for a budget PC.
I'm still going for the 6600. At that price with the benchmarks i've seen, and how well it overclocks, it is very hard to beat.
im trying to decide to get a new process righ now i have 3000+ or get a 19 widescreen lcd D:
erm sorry Asus for somewhat hijacking your thread, puppys only last like 4 weeks before they turn into dogs
cpus last about 2 years or so or something..


thisis the dispaly I thinking about buying

is this good for general applications like... gaming ?

edit: nvm after thinking about it i dont really need it i enjoy my 15 inch eh
Get a puppy and a 23 widescreen LCD. =p
i really want e6300 though, but it's $319AU so i either need to save money, or go with a 3800+ (and i like the mobos better for amd :x).

thing is, the e6300 kicks the 3800+ in the face - see

What about the X2 4200+?
I also like AMD motherboards. You can get AMD boards for less than 100$ that have great performance/features and are very stable. They have been out long enough the bugs are mostly ironed out.

I'm really wondering about the Intel motherboards with Core 2 Duo support right now. Mostly expensive and what kind of bugs do they have for the first revision?
What about the X2 4200+?
I also like AMD motherboards. You can get AMD boards for less than 100$ that have great performance/features and are very stable. They have been out long enough the bugs are mostly ironed out.

I'm really wondering about the Intel motherboards with Core 2 Duo support right now. Mostly expensive and what kind of bugs do they have for the first revision?
An X2 4200+ should be roughly $233AU, so it's kind of half way between a 3800+ and E6300 though much closer to 3800+ price.

I finally found some benchmarks ( which covered the 4200+ and it seems it's always a bit behind the E6300, as large as 10 frames in alot of games.

The new Conroe chips seem like they're awesome for overclocking (Especially on stock cooling) but is the 4200+ also good @ being overclocked ? I'm not talking huge amounts, just a small/decent amount, probably to at least be on par with the E6300 (Stock :().
i dont think you will notice 10 frames... but whatever i gaveup on the whole processor party a while ago.
i dont think you will notice 10 frames... but whatever i gaveup on the whole processor party a while ago.
That's true, I think I'm just getting sucked into the whole "LOL INTEL IS BACK FROM THE DEAD AND CONROE ROCKZ" thing, but I'd still love a E6300, better performance, power consumption and heat ouput and be able to upgrade to a desirable CPU, though price-wise AM2 would be a better choice and have awesome motherboards.. and the Conroe's have a cool name, I'd love to go Intel (I haven't for like 7 years or something, lol :x) and so on.

I'll wait about a week, than everything should be shipped, prices will be down and I'll freaking finally be able to make a decision and stop asking people (See: Asus ;)) questions blah blah.
damn, nice X2 prices

everyone should have one of thoes now :p
If it is within your budget and you find a nice motherboard and DDR2 memory then go for Core 2 Duo. If you want a little better price either on the CPU or motherboard etc then go ahead and go AMD. If you are gaming with a high end card then there will likely be no difference. But doing other stuff the E6300 will be faster than the X2 3800+ at stock. The X2 CPUs (90nm) OC very well, Core 2 Duo (65nm) of course have a bit more head room for OCing.
Always gone for AMD mainly because I've never owned an Intel PC and soon I shall be getting the 3800+ AM2.

So I thank Intel for forcing AMD to reduce prices.
Lol my friend just bought a few parts to upgrade his pc. Yes, including an AMD cpu :rolleyes: And I did tell him before he bought it. If he had followed my suggestions he'd have a way faster pc...

He bought a Sempron btw, so it's not really bad, but he could've gotten a 3400+ instead of the 2800+ if he had just waited for a week.
Nahh currently he's fed up with a P3 667mhz and geforce fx5500. His motto is "anything better than this, I only have €300 and I've been waiting long enough. Oh yeah, and I kinda forgot..".

He bought some cHeapo s754 mobo, a sempron 64 2800+ and a 1gb ddr400. For €315. I told him to save a bit more and get a socket 939 mobo (agp + PCIe, for now he wants to use his fx5500) with an athlon 3800+ once the prices dropped.

I told him he made a pretty dumb choice, but he sais he doesn't care that much. He's happy that he will be able to play cs1.6, Generals and Morrowind. :| He could've started Css and Oblivion too. Oh well, his problem. I don't care much either.
That's kind of disappointing. I wonder if the differences are similar for gaming as well. Any other info on this?
I don't have any other info atm. It's probably the same 64bit extentions they had on the P4. Intel is not fully invested in 64bit X86 it seems. Wonder how that will effect their Server Conroe CPUs. Most programs are still 32bit, it will only begin to change with Vista 64bit for consumers.
If it is within your budget and you find a nice motherboard and DDR2 memory then go for Core 2 Duo. If you want a little better price either on the CPU or motherboard etc then go ahead and go AMD. If you are gaming with a high end card then there will likely be no difference. But doing other stuff the E6300 will be faster than the X2 3800+ at stock. The X2 CPUs (90nm) OC very well, Core 2 Duo (65nm) of course have a bit more head room for OCing.
well, besides gaming i do some medium photoshop work (it ran more or less perfectly on my old pc so i'm sure an x2 cpu would be fine, and i don't whore filters or anything like that) and some compiling so i'm sure i'd be fine either way.

i emailed the 4 'best' computer shops which i go to, and none have replied and that was like 5 days ago - customer service ftw.
those look nice, but I'd need a table of their orginal prices to accuratley compare.
Well...what's the best Intel Dual-Core for 150 quid?
I noticed and already dropped their AMD prices. Newegg hasn't just yet. Probably will do it on Sunday (23rd) or Monday (24th).
Haha, mwave has the X2 4600+ for $242 yet their X2 4400+ is $460 and X2 4800+ is $602 (discontinued 2x 1mb L2 cache CPUs) .
Newegg is just starting to drop prices. I just looked and their X2 3800+ and X2 4200+ are lowered but the others have not yet dropped (X2 4600+ still over $500). Wonder if I caught them in the act...
Yeah you did, I checked them like half an hour ago. Nice one.
Once it drops i better order. lol
I don't want them running out of stock like mwave did.