AMD to drop ATi brand


Jul 6, 2003
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Chip guru AMD has announced that it's going to drop the ATi brand name following its takeover of the Canadian graphics underdog. Gareth Cater from AMD told Custom PC that 'the new company will be called AMD,' meaning that we could shortly be seeing AMD-branded Radeon graphics chips.

We asked Richard Baker from AMD if this meant that the memorable Radeon name would also be biting the dust, but he replied that 'we haven't made any final decisions yet, but I'd personally be very surprised if we dropped any of those product names. The ATi company name is definitely going, though.'

Baker stressed that, contrary to what's been reported in the press elsewhere, the acquisition will be a takeover rather than a merger, which means that AMD is going to be wearing the trousers in its relationship. Baker said that 'the company is being bought, so it's fairly standard that the name should go, as it's becoming a part of AMD.'

Chris Hook from ATi shrugged off the move, saying that 'I don't have a personal emotional attachment to it [the brand], one way or another. I think the important thing is that we're going to make good products. ATi may be gone, but certainly lots of discussion is going to come over the next few days about the rest of our brands and their strengths.' Could the next Radeon chip be AMD branded? Watch this space.

I didnt expect that =\
So this means no more ATI??

So is the new war going to be Nvidia vs AMD? But wait AMD and nvidia like each other.... oh no.

Well I sure hope that the Radeon name stays atleast we cant just erase ATI like they never existed.
Wow that's pretty stupid decision from a marketing point, the ATI name is still pretty big in the gpu industry.
It's fake. AMD has already said it won't change the name.

Also this is the only website I can find saying this, so it's probally fake.

If not, I will eat my hat.
Damn't, I like ATI better...

Oh well.

*grabs some hot sauce*
Not a great idea imho because gamers know its either ATI or NVIDIA, not AMD or NVIDIA. Weird....
Well it sure does put an interesting perspective on the graphics industry now.

I bet AMD's stock is going all crazy.

Edit: It's up 1.24%. I wonder if the traders got whiff of this news yet....?
Intel will probably buy Nvidia now so that it will be AMD vs. Intel again. Or maybe AMD will buy Nvidia too so there will be no more wars.
Onos, it's the G4 - TechTV merger all over again.
*falls to his knees*

wow,Im an Nvidia dude,but I think ATI is good to.They shouldn't change the name imo.
I know when the deal was announced they had not planned on a lot of things so they didn't say anything for sure but just some quick plans.

I don't specifically recall them saying anything about keeping the name. But I do remember them saying about keeping 'ATI' a separate division and in Canada for GFX. Guess it will just be named AMD like the rest of the company.
ATI = Array Technologies Incorporated
AMD = Advanced Micro Devices
oh god, i can just see the line of confused computer custoemrs now. they had enough troubles tell between nvidia and.

"but doesnt amd make processors"
"yes but they bought ati and changed the name"
"but doesnt amd make processors"
/bashes head
AMD Radeon x1900

Hmm, sounds cool but it still would be better as "ATi" just because AMD will always remain as a processor in my head. "I have an AMD" = "I have a CPU". :|
yeah...I got an idea, how about we all still call them ati's instead of amds, like we'll get in trouble or something? :naughty:
Some are saying the reports are false it seems.