AMD to integrate PCI-E


Aug 22, 2003
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Now that's an idea. More and more things getting integrated onto the CPU. Good stuff for sure. Dual GFX cards via integrated 16x PCI-E paths and Dual Core AND DDR2 800 anyone?
How are they going to integrate it into the CPU? That seems a bit weird..
Basicly AMD will make it's own PCI-E logic right onto the CPU and the PCI-E slot will connect to some of the CPU pins. Just like they do with the memory controller right now. Nvidia and VIA won't make their Northbridges with PCI-E logic.

In picture form...
Intel now:
| (FSB Up OR Down)
--------------- ----PCI Express/AGP

AMD64 now:
|| (HT Up AND Down)
|nForce|------PCI Express/AGP
-------- -----PCI/USB/NIC/HDD

AMD64 then:
|CPU|----PCI Express
Thats going to be nice. It should definetly help the videocard run.
But wouldn't this put more stress on the CPU?
Shamrock said:
Thats going to be nice. It should definetly help the videocard run.
But wouldn't this put more stress on the CPU?

Well, we all know how well the memory controller turned out. I'm sure that this will go just fine.
So will this reduce the CPU bottle neck that is occuring with modern gfx cards just now, where teh fps is held back by the cpu?
Right now it might not be a big performance booster but it's still a great step.
I'm sure there will be some kind of boost with Dual GFX cards or Workstations geared toward GFX. Also if the GFX card needs to access system memory it's right there. Also if that physics processor gets built into GFX cards then that will be a huge boost. It's all right there. Cleaning up daisy-chaining for chipsets, bus' and ports.
Asus...would it be people to have....
2 graphics card on the Nforce Motherboard and the cpu?.
Just a thought.

Or maybe 1 on the gfx card and another on the cpu both running at 16x(instead where if you have 2 they both run at 8x).

Probably not but...just something that flew in my head.
Eh? The difference is where the paths lead to. It's cutting out the middle man. I don't get your question.