AMD Upgrading Question

Alan Freeman

Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
Hey sorry just need to get this out ..

I've been hearing people talking about getting AMD 64 3500+ processors and upgrading ram just to play games flawlessly and things of that nature and actually considering buying AMD 4000+ CPU and a better graphics card and all that good stuff. My queastion is, is that all really neccassary right now i mean i really want to play Brothers in arms, Battlefiled 2 , and other titles at there best eye candy do you guys think i or any other person should consider upgrading with a PC like mine or am i fine with what i got. personally i think im fine :). If i can run Half Life 2 with 60fps - 256fps tops then ill be fine for future games. But from seeing all the posts and threads about AMD's i think that will be my next step later . :thumbs: Thanks for your time let me know what you think. :)
Athlon 64 3500+ or so would be enough. 4000+ even better. Should be able to handle those games pretty easy.

From what I remember in benchmarks ATI did best in Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam games and it became really noticable when increasing AA/AF. Not talking highest framerate specificly but more along the lines of not dipping to unplayable or jumpy FPS, such as when zooming ingame.
I think you're fine now, and should be for a good while. Going from a 3.2 p4 to a 4000+ prolly wouldn't be that big of a leap especially for the price. Besides a processor upgrade wouldn't really help eye candy if that's all you're after. It would mostly just help with things like load times and physics, for example.
All I can say is that I got the 3500+ and my games run perfectly on max settings.

The 4000+ is a lot more expensive than the 3500+ and you won't see a difference until later, when bot processors start to get a little slow. If you're bent on getting the 4000+ you might want to wait for the price to come down.

I'm not familiar with Intel, so you might be better off waiting until then.
If I were you I wouldn't spend all that money on a 4000+, I would get a 3500+ 90nm (Winchester core) and if you wanted to later you could overclock, but as of right now you won't need to because it will handle all the games perfectly.
if u own a pentium now, your motherboard is prolly not compatible w/ amds.. or at least my amd motherboard isn't compatible w/ pentium processors
I'm almost 100% sure he knew that already. And yeah, your current setup should be enough for all those types of games.