America and Europe


Jul 2, 2007
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Its on my mind for some days...
Does America is full of Xen creatures living in destroyed houses in which peoples were living before Black Mesa incident? Does it mean everybody move in hurry from USA to Europe. And there is a question how much peoples died by portal storms/7 hours war/combine extermination...
could you please re write that. i didnt understand a thing you were asking.
I think Half-Life takes place in a country with a past USSR/Soviet history,NOT America
Everything outside of cities controlled by the combine is pretty much full of abondoned houses and overrun by Xen creatures. And the answer to how many people died: Alot. Almost definately the human population of Earth is way, way, way below one billion these days but it's hard to make any exact guesses. We don't even know how many people lived in City 17. Also it depends on whether or not you count combines and stalkers as human.
I think Half-Life takes place in a country with a past USSR/Soviet history,NOT America

It took place in New Mexico. If you meant Half-Life 2, it took place in Europe or somewhere where they have non-American roadsigns lol.
He meant half-life 2. He just forgot the 2. I know it's fun to nit-pick but come on.

:eek: I am being watched.

I would say that the portal storms started in the United States and then expanded to the rest of the world. So yes for a time people probably migrated, but in the end everyone was screwed.
From Episode Two:

Citizen: Well, this place is hell, but at least it's not North America.
wait, if the combine cannot mate, then what happens when they run out of people to convert into soldiers? What happens to the Combine when all humans die off? Next species over or something?
From Episode Two:

Citizen: Well, this place is hell, but at least it's not North America.
What? Where? When?

All I heard in reference to North America was the Hawaii joke.
From Episode Two:

Citizen: Well, this place is hell, but at least it's not North America.

I don't believe what you said. I played and the game 4 times and "interacted (e)" with every npc.
Also, considering that there are no children in City 17, it's possible that the current humans are the very last generation, until they get busy. 0_o
What? Where? When?

All I heard in reference to North America was the Hawaii joke.

It's from the closecaptions_english.txt file. It's an idle reply named "ep_02.reb_idles15".
wait, if the combine cannot mate, then what happens when they run out of people to convert into soldiers? What happens to the Combine when all humans die off? Next species over or something?

Supression field's off. :>
wait, if the combine cannot mate, then what happens when they run out of people to convert into soldiers? What happens to the Combine when all humans die off? Next species over or something?

Something along the line of "Non-mechanical reproduction simulation"? :rolleyes:

Cloning may be a solution, but why bother... Since virtually anyone can be converted to a combine. The physical and mental capabilities required by soldiers today does not apply since the combine are all surgery and brainwipe anyway. The stripped combine in nova prospkt had mal-nutrition written all over him.
It just seems that the combine spend more money one getting troops rather then just cloning them.

Oh yea, and about the suppression field being off and all. What about when it was on? For 20 years they just seemly slowly consume humanity, and then what? No more fertile people to make men with. I don't know about you, but humanity seems to be the only troops they've got with a nice little appendages called arms and fingers, so you'd think the combine would value them a tad bit. I guess they could do a Matrix style farming of humanity, but then why keep any humans free to begin with?
but then why keep any humans free to begin with?

Whatever is "cheaper" for them, in your terms. :D

It's just like, we sure have the technology to build automated factories with robots making all consumables for us. But it's just cheaper to hire some sweatshops in a China village to make them. :p

I think they figured that it takes one human generation to strip the planet's resource/convert the planet to their liking/whatever they want to do with Earth anyway.
Half-Life -> New Mexico

Half-Life 2 -> East Europe.

Case closed :D

And combine don't need to reproduce, they're almost robots.
In my view, it's placed in Sofia, because the Russian word which is written on a lot of old factory's means cement and is only used in Bulgaria, the problem is, that the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, does not lie on the coast, so either it lies now on the coast because of global warming which is caused bye portal storms, China, the 7-hour-war and America or it's another big city in Bulgaria, like Plowdiw or Warna.
The reason why everybody fled from America is, that it might be destroyed during the war, because America has the mightiest Army in the world. America (150kk people) still have a bigger eta for his army then whole Europe (500kk people).
Also some newspaper in city 17 were only published in Bulgaria.

Another popular theory is, that it's placed in Riga.
In my view, it's placed in Sofia, because the Russian word which is written on a lot of old factory's means cement and is only used in Bulgaria, the problem is, that the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, does not lie on the coast, so either it lies now on the coast because of global warming which is caused bye portal storms, China, the 7-hour-war and America or it's another big city in Bulgaria, like Plowdiw or Warna.
The reason why everybody fled from America is, that it might be destroyed during the war, because America has the mightiest Army in the world. America (150kk people) still have a bigger eta for his army then whole Europe (500kk people).
Also some newspaper in city 17 were only published in Bulgaria.

Another popular theory is, that it's placed in Riga.

And the most popular and correct theory is that it's nowhere real. Just a generic eastern european city with influences drawn from several cities in the region.
Of course it's a made up city, but it is certainly inspired by many existing ones. And it ain't Sofia, because C17 is by the coast...
Well they can't just clone themselves? Why bother keeping any humans alive when you can just puck their genitals like a Big Moma head crab, and keep it producing nonstop?
From Episode Two:

Citizen: Well, this place is hell, but at least it's not North America.

Meaning it's worse.
Combine probably just nuked it down alltogether, seeing it's a settlement too large to bother with.
wait, if the combine cannot mate, then what happens when they run out of people to convert into soldiers? What happens to the Combine when all humans die off? Next species over or something?

Breen was talking about immortality being within our grasp. Could be propaganda... or something else?

but then why keep any humans free to begin with?

Who says they're free? Just a single extra human in the tenement block was enough for the CP's to launch a raid at the start of HL2. They're being kept tabs on like cattle in a shed, awaiting their fate. It's simpler to keep them pacified and docile for long enough until every human has been processed for whatever fate the Combine have in mind. Clearly they don't want any more humans or why else stop them from breeding.
could you please re write that. i didnt understand a thing you were asking.

He doesn't need to re-write anything. I understood what was being said. I'd love to see you try to re-phrase your reply to him in Polish and make it understandable.
could you please re write that. i didnt understand a thing you were asking.

Its not rocket science. Though its not perfect English, its better than most attempts made on this forum by native English speaking/reading nationals.
In my view, it's placed in Sofia, because the Russian word which is written on a lot of old factory's means cement and is only used in Bulgaria, the problem is, that the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, does not lie on the coast, so either it lies now on the coast because of global warming which is caused bye portal storms, China, the 7-hour-war and America or it's another big city in Bulgaria, like Plowdiw or Warna.
The reason why everybody fled from America is, that it might be destroyed during the war, because America has the mightiest Army in the world. America (150kk people) still have a bigger eta for his army then whole Europe (500kk people).
Also some newspaper in city 17 were only published in Bulgaria.

Another popular theory is, that it's placed in Riga

I love you.
I highly doubt any of the games take place in Sophia, Bulgaria. None of the city lies on the coast and the architecture of City 17 is nothing like what you see in Sophia.

But.... Father Grigori looks just like my buddy Vlady who grew up in Sophia... and immigrated here when he was 12 years old.

I still believe that the game takes place in Odessa, Ukraine. The cities look very much alike, they're both Eastern Bloc nations, they have very similar coastal areas, and if you noticed.... Col. Cubbage is located in a place called "New Little Odessa".
The reason why everybody fled from America is, that it might be destroyed during the war, because America has the mightiest Army in the world.

Ahem. Britain.

all i know is that HL2: Ep3 is going to be set (or apparently set) in some arctic place which is only a chopper ride away. so wherever HL2's setting is, its nearish to some form of arctic place if alyx believed it to be but a choppers ride away.
You know the last level in Half Life 2, where you see a building you have to enter and bunch of striders are outside? (on the roof of that building you have to destroy several gunships and striders). Well, it looks exactly as the Council of Serbia (or Skup?tina Srbije, in Serbian). It was a BOOM here when we all saw it :)
It's supposed to. But that doesn't make it a real city. Valve created it fictionally
Of course. I think, if Valve hadn't created it fictionally, it would have problems with governments around the world
And yet so many other video games are set in real-world cities all the time. New York seems to be a popular favorite. It's purely fictional with real-world influences to allow for all sorts of narrative and gameplay issues that would exist otherwise. Just look at what the charger caused, because there are no american cars in europe :rolleyes:.
Of course. I think, if Valve hadn't created it fictionally, it would have problems with governments around the world

I highly doubt anyone would have gone that far. They just don't want to commit anything, because then it loses all sense of fantasy.