America to Pakistan: "We'll bomb you back to the Stone Age."


Jul 2, 2003
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It just keeps getting better everyday.,,11069-2369505,00.html

PERVEZ MUSHARRAF, the President of Pakistan, claimed last night that the Bush Administration threatened to bomb his country “into the Stone Age” if it did not co-operate with the US after 9/11, sharply increasing tensions between the US and one of its closest allies in the war on terrorism.

In a meeting with Musharraf today, Bush was apparently shocked and horrified at the allegations.
i was about to say the same thing but i thought...ehhh that might be a little too un-P.C. even for me, but since you already said it...

yeah, aren't they already living in the stone age?

edit: damn, image code isn't on
American diplomats have done the same in South America as well, for the longest time. They've threatened embargoes, death squads, bombings, assassinations and the like many, many times in South America. However, the preferred method of espionage in South America was the overthrow of legitimate governments by US-backed factions. Seeing as how Musharraf is already the US-backed faction, I guess the government had no choice but to threaten to bomb it's own ally...
American diplomats have done the same in South America as well, for the longest time. They've threatened embargoes, death squads, bombings, assassinations and the like many, many times in South America. However, the preferred method of espionage in South America was the overthrow of legitimate governments by US-backed factions. Seeing as how Musharraf is already the US-backed faction, I guess the government had no choice but to threaten to bomb it's own ally...
Which countries in South America were threatened? And are they still?
Which countries in South America were threatened? And are they still?

Off the top of my head, Chile (overthrew democratic government with the help of Pinochet), Cuba (helped Fidel Castro's group get into power, campaign against Fidel, Bay of Pigs), Dominican Republic (20,000 US troops landed, helped US-backed factions defeat opposing factions), Argentina (supported coup of president), Nicaragua (supported resistance groups, mined fields, conducted illegal arms sales with drug profiteering), Ecuador ( supported military coup), El Salvador (gave military training to death squads), Venezuela (attempted overthrow of Chavez's government).

Basically, any country that showed signs of leaning towards the left side of the political spectrum (liberalism, socialism, Marxism, communism) has had that government overthrown and a military dictator imposed instead, all backed by the US government and US military.
this sounds like the kind of thing that was said right after 9/11 when every became ant-middle-east fanatics......
Off the top of my head, Chile (overthrew democratic government with the help of Pinochet), Cuba (helped Fidel Castro's group get into power, campaign against Fidel, Bay of Pigs), Dominican Republic (20,000 US troops landed, helped US-backed factions defeat opposing factions), Argentina (supported coup of president), Nicaragua (supported resistance groups, mined fields, conducted illegal arms sales with drug profiteering), Ecuador ( supported military coup), El Salvador (gave military training to death squads), Venezuela (attempted overthrow of Chavez's government).

Basically, any country that showed signs of leaning towards the left side of the political spectrum (liberalism, socialism, Marxism, communism) has had that government overthrown and a military dictator imposed instead, all backed by the US government and US military.
Uh, that sounds like conspiracy theories (mixed up with truths)? But maybe it's true, do you have any sources for that?
Uh, that sounds like conspiracy theories (mixed up with truths)? But maybe it's true, do you have any sources for that?
All true, cba finding sources.
Uh, that sounds like conspiracy theories (mixed up with truths)? But maybe it's true, do you have any sources for that?

Those are all from declassified CIA docs...
their was a bill passed that said to stop the spread the communism at all costs which unfortunetely led to the stuff you mentioned. a communist country wouldnt be helpful either though.
their was a bill passed that said to stop the spread the communism at all costs which unfortunetely led to the stuff you mentioned. a communist country wouldnt be helpful either though.

It wasn't just communism though, it was anything that hinted at the slightest bit of liberalism. The second a country talked about worker's rights, that government was overthrown. Anyways, that's democracy. If the people want communism, who is to tell them otherwise.

It's been said, the US is for democracy, as long as it fits her interests.
wtf? isn't this a line from the Robin Williams standup??? "If we bomb them back to the stoneage they'll just go, "Upgrade!!"
Yeah, really awesome tactic. If someone doesn't comply, bomb them. :D

Wait, it is a good tactic! *scribbles on notebook*

their was a bill passed that said to stop the spread the communism at all costs which unfortunetely led to the stuff you mentioned. a communist country wouldnt be helpful either though.

Amen to that.