Ametuer radioing


May 29, 2003
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Does anyone have there liscence? Im studying to get mine, My uncle is a big fanatic about it, has has thousands and thousands of $ in radios and antennas, his house has 6 antennas and 2 sattelite dishes coming off of it(he has the extra class liscence).
Ametuer radioing is a hobbie, it can be considered survival, its supposed to be the last resort of communication if all phonelines get blown up or something. In a few months (hopefully) ill be able to talk with spacestations or talk with someone half way across the earth with my radio, antenna, and computer.
The book im reading is called Now Your Talking, you can find it at any Ham Radio Outlet store, and a lot of electronics stores have it if you are interested. I was just wondering if anyone had their liscence.
Ah, cant send video until i upgrade to the General Class liscence, thatl be a while
o well u still have regular spam but i advice u to wait until u get that other license, then spam spam spam lol :p that is the only true purpose of comunications : spam!
both my parents are traing Amatuer Radioers... I'm only certified on VHF ;(