An HL1 Assassin

Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Modwork and college has kept me busy, but I've managed to slack off long enough to work on a personal project for once.


Pencil sketch + 1.5 hours in gimp (paintbrush and airbrush) + photo background.
Sweet :D

Except you should have drawn her with that mini-crossbow like they had in the beta days of Half-Life. And the pose doesn't seem right. Looks kinda like she is flinching. Although that may be what you were going for, considering the turned head and open left hand.
whoah, sweet :D love the pose, the style, the coloring ,everything. I give you an A+, and a pie.
...fond memories of creeping up on them (once you knew where they hid in the level beginning) and surprising them with a small cap in the back. ZOOM! off they ran.
they were basterds!! toko me ages to actualyl find out what they were let alone kill them, i ran away
Never played Half-life 1, Just a little of the demo, But the drawing looks good anyway...

P.S. Her boobs look kinda saggy :\
wow, cool. i wonder what happened to them in HL2..., they were supposed to be in the game too, there is concept arts of them in some internet sites. their suit was like combine elite's, exept for the booby thing... but you never see them do you?

dog-- you've never played HL1?... you should try it sometime...
No No No, I have played a little bit of it, I just wasn't that interested in it for some reason, The whole reason I played HL2 is because the graphics, Then I got into the storyline, Community, ect. Now I wish I had HL1...
no, they do the higlight is pointing down and it makes it appear saggy....]#

a more rounded highlight would fix that :)
Nice. :D

Am I correct in assuming you draw it out on paper first then scan it in and colour it? I've got a few drawings that I'm going to give that method a shot with once I get my new wacom. But the question I put to you is:

Do you ink the drawings before scanning them in?
You are correct indeedy.
Inking is sometimes good it you're going for a slick look. I prefer the sketchiness though. It make things look a bit less 'fresh from the store'. That's just pencil in the picture.

All you boob-heads:
She's an athletic woman wearing torso armour. What were you expecting? :P

Anywho, I put a bit more time into things to fix up the colouration and improve the shading.

comparing the two, I think I like this better than the bluish. yay :D
Ooh, I don't know! The quality of shading and so forth is undoubtedly better in this one, but the other one I liked the ambience better...but this one is more Half-Lifey. Plus her clothes look slightly green and military characters actually wearing green is ftw. :p

Might as well keep clutter down and share a thread.
Barney follows the theme because, um, he is trying to give you an inportant message: Whatever you do, don't *GACK*
You are extremely talented - I like your Dark Awakening sketches (especially Brazas).
I remember when me and my friend draw cover for HL1 with Black Ops Assasin - five years before...