I've written a very long article on The Ship to try and promote the game. It's a great game that isn't getting the attention it deserves. Please feel free to post about it here, or on my actual article (guest posting is enabled.) It's a hybrid preview/review. I'm mostly trying to get more people to buy it, and I'm explaining away the reasons why people think this is a mod and not a full-fledged game. I also provide links to the trailer, a few screenshots, and the resources they would need to order the game. You can find the article here:
Also please be sure and Digg the article by clicking here.
Registration for www.digg.com is free and if we could get enough Diggs this could provide a huge boost in traffic for people to check this game out! Outerlight deserves to succeed so do your part and Digg this article!
Also please be sure and Digg the article by clicking here.
Registration for www.digg.com is free and if we could get enough Diggs this could provide a huge boost in traffic for people to check this game out! Outerlight deserves to succeed so do your part and Digg this article!