An interesting server problem.


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Has anybody else that runs a server had some difficulties filling their server? Well, we at Hardfought have been trying to figure something out. We have 2 BF2 servers, one is a 40man server with 32 player maps. Then the other is a 24 man server with 16 player maps. #2 is virtually NEVER under 22 people. *Its average is like 23.* but #1 rarely got off the ground. So we tried to figure this one out. Alot of people on the forums couldn't find the server in the internet browser list. #2 was always on the FIRST PAGE like 2 from the top. All the time. But #1 would either be pages down, or not there at all.

They are both hosted on the exact same box, so we can't quite figure this one out. We dropped #1 down to the same type of gameplay as #2..but it just doesn't hold up as much.

The provider is working to talk to EA about this, hoping to find some reason for this.

Anyway, the reason I asked this was does anybody else have this problem?
For us we often have dull empty periods during the day, though that is more to do with the fact that our Multiplay server requires 10 people to start the game O_o. But when we get a group of clannies on, then it quickly fills up
Evo said:
For us we often have dull empty periods during the day, though that is more to do with the fact that our Multiplay server requires 10 people to start the game O_o. But when we get a group of clannies on, then it quickly fills up
That's the thing, we'd get people in. We'd have about 4-5 of the regs sit in there waiting. It will get up to like 9-11, then just die. The lack of people seeing the server really hurts :(
You got to attract clan players, thats the only way word gets around that the servers are worth visiting. Run a Royal Rumble like i described a while ago....or something.
It's hard to attract clans when they can't even find our server in the server list!

well i sort by ping - so the lower the latency of the server the more likely i will join
maybe thats where the problem lies...
Then why would one server get such a high spot on the list due to latency, and the other server, which mind you is on the SAME box so they have the exact same ping, be way way way lower, or non-existant?
i sort by people, i only join servers that have max 50 people currently have more than 45 people in it, plays 64 size maps, and is not a 24/7 map server....hmm...i'm picky.