an xsi uv map tutorial


Nov 25, 2004
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ok i final figured out how to export a uv map of the polygons of a model in xsi mod tool to a texture file. what you do it create an image file on photoshop a suitable size for the texture. for my sword model i did 1024 by 256 as its long and thin. then go to xsi go into render mode on the toolbar and then go to get texture image and load the blank image. choose the texture projection you want. if your not sure try cubic and see if its good for you. then with your model selected go to application/views/texture editor and your image file should be there with your mesh over it. then go stamp uv mesh and save the file. then as you edit and save the file if you keep xsi up you can check how the model looks with the skin on it.
thanks for this tutorial. i am quite n00bish at texturing in xsi, and this is just what i needed to get started :D
lol yeh so am i really but after a long time i finally managed to figure this out so i thought i should share the info.