Analog Control for PC


Jan 11, 2008
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Is there any peripheral for the PC that allows for analog control? I'm thinking something along the lines of the nunchuk for the Wii, with an analog stick replacing WASD with a couple of buttons for essential key bindings. This would solve the only problem I have with PC controls, having both analog movement and mouse aiming would be completely perfect.
I've long wanted analogue control along side a mouse for aiming. Using a keyboard to move around is simply rubbish compared to well implemented analogue control. Even if such a device exists, no games would support it :/
I'm thinking something along the lines of the nunchuk for the Wii
I've long wanted analogue control along side a mouse for aiming. Using a keyboard to move around is simply rubbish compared to well implemented analogue control. Even if such a device exists, no games would support it :/
If no such device exists, we'll make one, Warbie. And if they don't support it, Eejit beats their wives.
A joystick is one big analogue. Isn't that where the idea came from?
Yes but it doesn't sit comfortably under your thumb a-la analog stick.
Try a 360 controller?
You can't hold a controller with one hand?

Maybe you should stop playing video games for a while and work out or something.
What's the point of an entire controller when all I want is the analog stick + a couple of buttons? I know you were intentionally missing the point in sake of your joke, but still.
Because you'd look like a douche holding whatever device your imagining, I'm sure.

Perhaps you would like something like this:

When I'm on the PC, how I look really isn't a concern of mine. Especially when I fail to see how using such a device would cause me to "look like a douche" anyway. Holding half a 360 controller would make me look far more stupid.
How do you expect to pick up hot ladies while gaming otherwise?

I happen to think my concept keyboard is hot as hell, and would definitely make women wet.
*product will not become translucent and start floating in the presence of a lady
There's this:


Although the thumb pad isn't analog.

The only thing besides aiming that would be useful with analog control would be moving around IF the game supports it, besides flight/mech sims, most games don't support analog movent. If you want analog movement in games that don't support it, you'd need to find a program that allows you to assign the key presses to the analog stick's movements (push stick 50% up = "W", push stick 100% up = "W"+"Sprint" key, etc.).
No computer peripheral is truly analog these days, sirs.