Ancient Rome provides evidence in global warming

Quite frankly, I gave up caring about global warming because it has not yet been proven to be true to me...however, I know for a fact all the crap we pump out isn't good for us or our little planet's future.
"It appears that nearly all the rise in sea level since Roman times has happened in the past 100 years, and is most likely the result of human activity."

dear god; one day we will all live under the sea, or not at all
Ouch, But i'm still inclined to belive that this is just the start of another iceage, rushed on thanks to humanity.
Yeah the ice age theory is kinda creepy, especially with that top secret pentagon report being leaked a while back talking about a huge upcoming climate shift, and natural disasters off the hizzy...
/me runs and hides in his yellow submarine...
MaxiKana said:
Ouch, But i'm still inclined to belive that this is just the start of another iceage, rushed on thanks to humanity.
You mean how theres the trend thats been going on where it goes from an ice age and gets warmer and warmer and then starts getting colder into the next ice age?

I was trying to find a picture of it but couldn't.
CptStern said:
"It appears that nearly all the rise in sea level since Roman times has happened in the past 100 years, and is most likely the result of human activity."
dear god; one day we will all live under the sea, or not at all
I wouldn't go that far...the level has only risen 1.35m in the last 2000 years. So no under the sea yet. :D
I spose the real question now is: why?
Well its nothing like the Day After Tommorow...In fact we probably wouldn't notice much of a change in our lifetimes.

Having said that, I can't predict the future with any accuracy...but then, niether can the Pentagon, especially once they get past a year or so.
when i was in school i read an article on Austrailia sinking 1 centimetre every year.. so i guess its quietly been affecting the whole world instead of just Aussie land.. hmm..
Hell, Pentagon can barely preditct NOW with accuracy. :D
I'm not gonna worry about what they say.
Sinking...You mean actually sinking or the water rising around it. Because if it was sinking, then that really has nothing to do with this and is more to do with underground volcanic activity, and the movement of tectonic plates....Unless Australia is a giant water float :O
the cold is not what will kill off humanity. As the global average temperature gets warmer the weather will change dramitically: the polar icecaps have already started melting ...just a few years ago a large chunck of ice broke off the polar cap (300 km in size) and began it's long journey southward ...with global warming this will continue leading to a rise in sea levels that will evetually flood all coastal areas.
I love the idea of global warming, me being a landlocked canadian, I can't wait eh!
CptStern said:
the cold is not what will kill off humanity. As the global average temperature gets warmer the weather will change dramitically: the polar icecaps have already started melting ...just a few years ago a large chunck of ice broke off the polar cap (300 km in size) and began it's long journey southward ...with global warming this will continue leading to a rise in sea levels that will evetually flood alll coastal areas

Bu surely water takes up less room than solid ice :O
Yep, well this is good news imo. Since people fail to believe in globar warming, at least now people will start to believe that the sea levels are rising and will start to support sea defenses and flooding controls. There are places such as the maldives where whole countries will be going underwater within 50 years or so. There is so much evidence for global warming, but they arent universially (sp?) known about. You really should look it up.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Bu surely water takes up less room than solid ice :O

yes but the melting polar cap reflects a large amount of radiation from the sun's rays more ice melts more radiation is absorbed causing further melting of the caps's a lose lose situation
Uh...I still fail to see the point. I was saying that water takes up less room than ice, therefore the sea level doesn't rise as a result of it melting. Perhaps I could understand it on the south pole, but even then the sheer drop in volume from the north pole and the parts of the south pole which are pure ice seems like it would compensate.
yes but the artic shelf is what keeps the weather balanced's not the ice melting that will add to the water level of the sea (negligible at best) it's the warming weather due to the melting that will cause more global annual rainfall
no farrow is right ...water expands when it's frozen
Fat Tony! said:
hehe farrow, water takes up a lot more space then ice :p

I don't know if the laws of physics cease to exist in your house Fat Tony, but I would be willing to bet if you had a glass full to the brim with ice and came back after it melted the water level would be noticably less than the brim.
CptStern said:
yes but the artic shelf is what keeps the weather balanced's not the ice melting that will add to the water level of the sea (negligible at best) it's the warming weather due to the melting that will cause more global annual rainfall

Right, yes.
Most of the time people just say the the ice melts and adds more water to the ocean which makes it rise which is annoyingly wrong.

Fat Tony...:P
Farrowlesparrow said:
Right, yes.
Most of the time people just say the the ice melts and adds more water to the ocean which makes it rise which is annoyingly wrong. I think also, that the fact the ocean will be warmer would mean that i

mmmm that's the first time I've been quizzed by someone half my age ;) bravo mr farrowlesparrow :thumbs:
Correct me if im wrong, but alot of the ice is above water isnt it? so not all of the ice is displacing. So technically if all the ice melted, both above and below sea level (somehow) then the water level would rise because of the extra ice that wasnt displacing turning to water? Or am I missing something?
Yup, i agree with that! The above water thingy.
The DemonWithin said:
Correct me if im wrong, but alot of the ice is above water isnt it? so not all of the ice is displacing. So technically if all the ice melted, both above and below sea level (somehow) then the water level would rise because of the extra ice that wasnt displacing turning to water? Or am I missing something?
Most of the ice is under water, one of the other fears about the ice melting though is that frozen water doesn't contain salt. So if the ice caps melt the salt concentration in the sea goes down which can cause all sorts of other problems.
Best thing about global warming is the ****s who thought it was bullshit or the ones who remained ignorant of it will drown first :D
Ghost Freeman said:
Best thing about global warming is the ****s who thought it was bullshit or the ones who remained ignorant of it will drown first :D

*huge wave about to engulf New York*

"Run for your lives!"

"Pfft, I don't believe in global warming! That wave is FAKE!!"

thats something that will happen by loooooooong years
cuz this weather stuff like a new ice age take thousands of years right?
<RJMC> said:
thats something that will happen by loooooooong years
cuz this weather stuff like a new ice age take thousands of years right?

Unfortunately no, the pentagon predicted that it's possible that an ice age (at least here in the UK) could be as close as 20 years away. Our temperatures would drop to around what it is like in Siberia today.

This is because as the polar ice caps are melting more fresh water is being dumped in the sea, which obviously acts to dilute the salt content, which by an act of physics will eventually act to stop the gulf stream (which provides our little island with a lot of heat).

The ceasing of the Gulf Stream will have global repercussions also.
mortiz said:
Unfortunately no, the pentagon predicted that it's possible that an ice age (at least here in the UK) could be as close as 20 years away.

This is because as the polar ice caps are melting more fresh water is being dumped in the sea, which obviously acts to dilute the salt content, which by some act of physics will eventually act to stop the gulf stream (which provides our little island with a lot of heat).

The ceasing of the Gulf Stream will have global repercussions also.
It won't stop the Gulf Stream, it will simply change its course so it no longer travels past Europe. Of course then the UK will be getting weather that is more standard considering how far north it is.

Take a look at a world map and trace your finger horizontally from the UK to Canada, you should come to a little body of water called Hudsons bay, or James bay depending on how far north you are. In the winter Polar bears roam those regions in Canada. :naughty:
What the pentagon said, is merely a guess. We don't know what the weather will be like in a month, let alone 20 years. Ok, we have a good idea of what next month will hold because of past experience but 20 years is something different all together.
[SARCASM]See?! Its all a goddamn Canadian plot to make everywhere else as bad as Canada. :D[/SARCASM]
The Mullinator said:
It won't stop the Gulf Stream, it will simply change its course so it no longer travels past Europe. Of course then the UK will be getting weather that is more standard considering how far north it is.

Take a look at a world map and trace your finger horizontally from the UK to Canada, you should come to a little body of water called Hudsons bay, or James bay depending on how far north you are. In the winter Polar bears roam those regions in Canada. :naughty:

hey it's all the same to us, we'll still be freezing our butts off up here.
Direwolf said:
[SARCASM]See?! Its all a goddamn Canadian plot to make everywhere else as bad as Canada. :D[/SARCASM]

it's true !!!! else could you explain Celine Dion?

Celine Dion = beelzebub's errand girl