and here is my new pc :)


Aug 29, 2003
Reaction score
CPU - AMD Athlon XP Barton 3000
MOTHERBOARD - Asus A7N8X Deluxe (motherboard bundle -£370.13)
ADDITIONAL MEMORY - Samsung 512mb PC3200 400MHz DDR - £89.89
VIDEO CARD - Sapphire ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB - £283.12

HARDDRIVE - Western Digital Caviar SE 120Gb 7200rpm 8mb Cache - £84.42

CASE - Thermaltake Highest Xaser III V1000A Super Tower - 330W TruePower PSU - £100


MONITOR - CML175SXW - £335


SOUND CARD - Creative Audigy 2 ZS 7.1 THX - £85.07


SPEAKERS - Logitech® Z-680 - £275


CD-ROM DRIVE - Liteon 48x24x48x16x Ide Retail Kit £42.93


DVD-DRIVE - from old computer


= £1664.56

what u think?

:cheese: :cheese:
Originally posted by Murray
And here's my responce:

hmmmm, jealous i see, hmmm dont blame ya, my pc is gonna kick hl2 in the A$$
:eek: that motherboard bundle sounds good, nice pc. Anywhere else do other motherboard chip and ram bundles like that ??
SHIT SHIT SHIT just looked at theere is only 1 of those motherboard bundles left in stock SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT ...no1 else better not buy it...I SAW IT FIRST!!!!!!!
Originally posted by mouse
rofl im going to get there first :D:D

**** off dude , u better not order it, ive had my eye on that bundle for months now, :flame:
Originally posted by ||Diablo||
**** off dude , u better not order it, ive had my eye on that bundle for months now, :flame:

Then why teh **** were you so stupid and said that it was only one left??!!! how stupid can u bee?
i rang them up and ordered it

ok im lieing but they said that deal would most likely be back asap as its prooved to be very popular. I dont mind tho they have lots of good deals on those motherboard bundles.
eBuyer is a very cool place to buy from. I'm suprised they weren't cheapest for everything. All those delivery charges from different companies soon mount up and make it more worth while buying from one place.

Your gonna need more than a 330w PSU. That 9800pro needs plenty of juice. £275 for speakers!!!! if you can really tell the difference between them and some cheaper creatives then go ahead....madman, spend it on some else.
||Diablo||, i would have went with the 400MHz RAM and a 400MHz FSB Barton.

What is the FSB speed of you're CPU anyway?
look here....

by the way... i would go with a pentium 4 3.0 ghz at 800mhz fsb if you have all the other parts.... thats what i'm upgrading to soon... Asus p4c800 or pfp800 i forget the model number... good stuff... it is what the benchmarks for hl2 ran on and if you look at p4 hold the thrown right now... considering the 3000+ xp is clocked at i think its just a hair over 2 ghz and the p4 is actually 3 ghz with a huge fsb... ah well... buy what you want... it wont be the best though... it'll be good enough...

edit * i have a 1.4 tbird right now... old skool amd fan but right now.. intel has the crown * edit
so what your saying is, get a better power unit,cheaper speakers, faster cpu? ok ill go look....thks for your help :thumbs:
Originally posted by Meteor_of_War
||Diablo||, i would have went with the 400MHz RAM and a 400MHz FSB Barton.

What is the FSB speed of you're CPU anyway?

And waste more money? Go with a 166fsb barton and up the fsb to 200, same core different heatsink it would would. Get the DDR3200 though.
if i buy that motherboard seprate , can i still use a intel on it? cuz isnt it an AMD board?

/me confuzed ;(
why are u getting 512 of DDR333 and 512 of DD400?? the bios is gonna force the 400 to run at 333mhz.... your system is only as fast as your weakest link.
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
And waste more money? Go with a 166fsb barton and up the fsb to 200, same core different heatsink it would would. Get the DDR3200 though.

Waste of money? It's faster clock speeds on the RAM and CPU.

If he's expecting to play the next generation games, he's going to need next generation hardware.
Originally posted by nofriends
why are u getting 512 of DDR333 and 512 of DD400?? the bios is gonna force the 400 to run at 333mhz.... your system is only as fast as your weakest link.

maybe cuz i dont know much about building a pc? and im asking for your help.....

so will that board work with the intel p4 , 3ghz ?
No, you cannot put an intel processor on an AMD board. Your system looks very nice....only suggestion would be *maybe* have a bit more power thna 330W.

Unless you plan on OC'ing the RAM, it would have been advisable to get more pc2700.
ok so its a battle between , amd 3200 vs p4 , 3.06hz, and if u guys say p4 im gonna have to change motherboards =[ and that motherboard is the best ive seen...
I would keep everything, just downgrade the CPU to 2500+. The 3200 and 2700 RAM will not work out together, the 3200 will just run at 333mhz. If you went intel dont get the 3.06 533FSB. I would get a 2.4c with a nice HSF and some mushkin PC3500 lvl II(Im RMAing my corsair) and OC that baby past 3.2ghz.
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
I would keep everything, just downgrade the CPU to 2500+. The 3200 and 2700 RAM will not work out together, the 3200 will just run at 333mhz. If you went intel dont get the 3.06 533FSB. I would get a 2.4c with a nice HSF and some mushkin PC3500 lvl II(Im RMAing my corsair) and OC that baby past 3.2ghz.

can anyone translate these for me plz ROFL....

so i buy an 2.4ghz p4,.......? and 3500 ram? ok ill go look for them .. but another thing , what if i dont want to OC anything ...what should mi do then?
If you dont want to OC, 2.4 is still fine. But its embarrasing buying a 2.4c and not OCing it. Dont just get any PC3500 RAM, though. Mushkin lvl. 2, or corsair XMS. I hear Geil has some good PC4000 which is actually cheaper then the mushkin PC3500. Whatever you do, make sure the timings can do pretty tight timings easily. I made the mistake of not checking the timings on my Corsair PC3700, and now im stuck at 3.0ghz.
ok ok ok OK phew this is tough....ok so after all the changes i had to make here is my new pc...only thing is i dont know what motehrboard to buy can some one tell me what is the best from


CPU - Intel P4 3.06Ghz HTT 512Kb FSB 533 Socket 478 - £313.79


MOTHERBOARD - Dunno can some one tell me the best for my system from

MEMORY1 - A Samsung 512mb PC3200 400MHz DDR - £89.89


memory2 - A Samsung 512mb PC3200 400MHz DDR - £89.89

VIDEO CARD - Sapphire ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB - £283.12

HARDDRIVE - Western Digital Caviar SE 120Gb 7200rpm 8mb Cache - £84.42

CASE - Thermaltake Xaser III V1000A Super Tower - £98.70


POWER UNIT - Antec TruePower 550W PSU - £98.58


MONITOR - CML175SXW - £335


SPEAKERS - Logitech® Z-680 - £275


CD-ROM DRIVE - Liteon 48x24x48x16x Ide Retail Kit £42.93


DVD-DRIVE - from old computer


= £1711.32
Instead of the 3.06 with 533FSB, get a 2.8ghz with 800FSB. I reccommend either an Abit IS7-G, or an IC7-G. Whatever fits your budget.

EDIT: ouch, they dont have Abit mobos there. Look around for another place in the Uk that sells the Abit mobo. If not, get the Asus P4P800 deluxe.
nothing this year will really kick hl2's ass...expect next years systems to be getting 100+ framerates :D
CPU - Intel Pentium 4 2.8ghz 800FSB SKT478 512k Cache - £232.07


MOTHERBOARD - Asus P4P8x SKT478 ATX - Sound,LAN USB2.0 FSB800 SATA - £80.94

that right? also does the motherboard support 5.1 surround sound or im i gonna have to buy a sound card...audgiy 2 ....oh my limit can go up to 2000 uk pounds :bounce:
I dont know aboutt hat P4P8X. Ive heard about it but never read any reviews.
One thing to be carefull of is the RAM chip's brand names... if you want to run DUAL DDR.. to ensure good stability NV recommend using the SAME brand name chips in both Channel 1 AND 2... So check 1st!
i have those logitech z-680's that you are thinking about buying and they totally kick ass.
I love my creative I-Trigues. My harman kardon 2.1 on my AMD. And my 5.1 Altec Lansing on my dell(not sure what model)
Why do people post the most expensive, highest end computers and then ask what we think? That's like me saying:

I just bought an Enzo Ferrari, what do you think? Think it's faster than a Ford Escort, opinions plz!