... and I was slightly confused until.....

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
I got a reply.

Ok, this thread was going to be me bitching about how my ex just asked me out again.. trying to guilt me into it...... but I decided to turn it into a general bitching thread about what annoys you. This annoys me:

(on forums) :

People with numbers in their name... why? :P
speaking like a text message (i know I used to do this... but still :P )

(In real life) :

Commercial exploitation of the populace

add your thoughts

P.S Read Login_here's sig... tis funny :)
(On forums)

(In real life)
Stupid commercials
What's a Chav?

EDIT: Hate:

* People who are complaining about the Subscription thing
* People who like Doom3 who pick on Source for the tiniest things
* People who say something stupid then say "Go ahead Flame me if you want" as some sort of protection. Pretending they are the poor defenceless ones in a forum of evil.

Real Life

* Liars
Ahh, we just either call them Trendies or Townies, really.

EDIT: and the site address should be www.knowhere.co.uk only one w. Took me ages to find it.

All types of Doom3 trolls
People who start flamewars for no reason


Cellphones. I called up the girl yesterday and sure enough my cell produced a 2-second delayed echo that sounded like a zombie repeating everything I said. She waited patiently till both I and the zombie stopped talking.

Weird romantic relationships
People who htink they know more about hardware than me when they don't.
People who hate John Carmack jsut for being the John
People, when seeing us older forums members (myslef, badger, stone, evil, etc, you know who you are), try and spam to rais thier post count.

Real life:
K-mart employees who direct me to home imrovment when I ask for a windows game. (true story)

Chicks who ask you out on a date, and then get upset when you try to hold thier hand/ aren't really interested.
*i hate people with big songs in thier sigs or some kind of weird text that u read and really wastes time.
*people who take part in flaming coz they got insulted a bit.(keep ur cool)
*that rapzor guy.

real life
* i really hate parents who try to boss the kids of other people like they were thier own.
* tech noobs who think they know something but end up asking for advice
*girls that purposely say they are bad looking when they arent just to get compliments
*barney in any form.
* People that flame somebody for trying to help them.
* People that seem to just barely slip out of the rules, unable to be punished.
* A hell of a lot more things that I can't think of at the moment.

* School idiots that feel it is nessary to put the word "F|_|<k" between every word.
* Idiots that find the need to try and steal your food during lunch.
* Juniors and Seniors that like to take some of your lunch. (Back off you dick weeds! I don't give a rat's ass that you have facial hair.)
* My High School
* Various international stuff.
* My life.
* Not being able to figure out WTF is going on with my computer!
* People that find it nessary to turn up the volume so loud on their car stereos that it makes thier %@#ing ears bleed!
* All the confusing jibba jabba nessary to talk about computers.
* Almost everything in life.