And Now For Something Completly Different

May 15, 2003
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I have evolved this idea from an idea I had years ago, and recently (while on holiday :P) I went back to it, because since then the gaming world has seen the advent of Cel-Shading.
My idea is to create teh FPS equivilent of Mario Party, ideal for LAN and console gaming and manic Internet fun. This may be a mod or I may make it into an Indie game, depending on lincence and royalty costs. Challenges include:

Time-limited dancing block blasting

Co-Op Arena (think the end of Star Wars episode two, but with funnier baddies)

more on the way :)

what do you think?
If you add alot of gamemodes (good ones too :D) then maybe you got something here. The only problem i see here is play time. Maybe you will loose interest in the mod over a short time. Maybe you can release a new gamemode every month or so to keep it going.

Just my 5 ½ cents :)
god damn, I was looking for some Monty Python goodness here...

Oh well, sounds alright, i epsc like the Episode one thing :P...
yes i agree with Majestic that alot more game modes should be added...lots of them..
maybe you could release an mode every couple of months to keep gaming in fun and original....
How do you mean fun badies?

and now for some monty python goodness:

Pope: Well, look. The last supper was a significant event in the life of our Lord. The penultimate supper was not. Even if they had a conjurer and a mariarchi band. A last supper I commissioned from you and a last supper I want, with twelve disciples and one Christ.

Michaelangelo: [Goes from grudged to horrified] One?!

Pope: Yes, one! Now will you please tell me what in God's name possessed you to paint it with *three* Christs in it?

Michaelangelo: It works, mate.

Pope: Works?!

Michaelangelo: Yeah! It looks great! [Drawing it in air] The fat one balances the two skinny ones.

Pope: There was only one Redeemer!

Michaelangelo: I know that, we all know that. What about a bit of artistic license?

Pope: Well, one messiah is what I want.

Michaelangelo: I'll tell you what you want, mate. You want a bloody photographer, that's what you want. Not a bloody creative artist who...

(this off top of head so maynot be fully correct but pfft)
Well, ironically enough I was planning that... Two gamemodes are gonna be released (I don't know which two) and the exe and files required to play the game, and if people want more then they can download ( I don't know if this is gonna be free yet or not, sorry).

Okie, I'll explain another game mode:

The Three Teams

This may sound kinda lame at first but bear with me. This is essentailly Class-based 3 team DM, but with a MAJOR difference:

the Three teams are:

Past will feature Minotaurs and Sorcerors (of course nowt too serious) with axes etc
Present will feature Counter-Strike-Alike player models, with Raven Shield style weapons
Future will feature Space men and Aliens with Ray-Guns and of course, the Atomic Nerd :P

Each team will have simple, yet characterful differences... but this is not attempting to be realistic or anything.