And So It Hit Me

May 15, 2003
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Today I set about reclaiming the middle room in my parents house (which is where I shall be residing this summer until the lease comes in on my house in Lincoln)

Now when I was younger I used the room to store my magazines, toys, and Warhammer figures etc.

Today I started packing these things into boxes or throwing them away..

And so it hit me - as I was packing a good few years of PCGamer away, condemning them to probably never see the light of day again.. I'm really really leaving childhood and my teen years behind.. I mean for god's sake soon I'll have my own place, be paying rent, commuting to work and all sorts.

I suppose I've grown up.. leaving a lot of things behind. And a large part of me likes that feeling.
turn around, turn around, turn around and you're a young man and you're too big to choke ;(
send me all your warhammer things

but yes, i know the feeling. i'm not at that point yet, since i'm only 17, but i can feel childhood hightailing it away - it's kind of sad.
It wasn't depressing.. I've had a good run as a kid - I never really knew how lucky I was.

I have no regrets - I'm happy to be who I am today.
Yeah know the feeling. I'm 19 and I'm moving to anther city to go to something similar to a university (here it's called facultate). Can't say I feel sorry my childhood is over so hey maybe it's a change for the best:)
ComradeBadger said:
And so it hit me

Yeah my fist lololol. But noes, that wouldn't be very nice.

Im never going to grow up! Im going to keep using my poo jokes until im 90. But I do sort of know what you mean, we're both at uni more then at home. Crazy stuff.
Yeah. I'm 16 in a month. The whole "move out, fend for yourself" thing is coming too fast.
I've thought about this too... I'm 18 and after college and maybe uni i'll be working until i'm 60-odd, then i retire.

I've not thought of it as a bad thing really. I mean I have my whole life ahead of me. So much is going to happen to me in the future.

Just being a kid/teenager is easy really. Not many/any worries in the world. Everything is paid for out of someone elses pocket. Ahh well... gotta grow up at some point.
I'm 20 years old and still have my old badly painted, half-assembled Dark Eldar army. **** throwing them away, keep it all. :P

Makes things more interesting when looking for space for that new nifty TV you just bought.
Send me all your PC Gamers. Lawl.

KagePrototype said:
I'm 20 years old and still have my old badly painted, half-assembled Dark Eldar army. **** throwing them away, keep it all. :P

I snapped a pain brush trying to paint one.
KagePrototype said:
I'm 20 years old and still have my old badly painted, half-assembled Dark Eldar army. **** throwing them away, keep it all. :P

those things are so flimsy. my chaos space marines mostly stay intact when i forget that my shelf isn't too securely attached :D
Qonfused said:
Yeah. I'm 16 in a month. The whole "move out, fend for yourself" thing is coming too fast.

16 in a month? :P I don't think you have anything to worry about :imu:
I have a big box, where I keep all the things that mean to me : letters, pictures, diary-entries, gifts, details etc etc. Its allways fun to have things to remember when you are older.
I've got a couple boxes of Chaos Dwarves and some cardboard construction houses and hedges and rocks and shit. I'm damned impressed by what kind of stuff I could build as a twelve year old. I even painted the little pupils on the eyes and highlighted the metal on each piece of armour. I also used cereal box card to make tiles to go on the roof of the cardboard cottage. Almost makes me want to get into it again.
Dan said:
I've got a couple boxes of Chaos Dwarves and some cardboard construction houses and hedges and rocks and shit. I'm damned impressed by what kind of stuff I could build as a twelve year old. I even painted the little pupils on the eyes and highlighted the metal on each piece of armour. I also used cereal box card to make tiles to go on the roof of the cardboard cottage. Almost makes me want to get into it again.

Makes you wonder how you were ever able to afford it at that age. :P
I put all my Star wars figures under my bed when I was 15 :(
I miss them :(
I have a good memory however, a memory of awesome some may say.
I'm never going to stop being a kid... When i'm an old geezer i'm still going to be wearing a propeller beanie, eating a bag full of candy and playing computer games with my sticky candy fingers!
Fat Tony! said:
16 in a month? :P I don't think you have anything to worry about :imu:

Two years, man. That's all I have left. :p
I was cloned at the age of 14. Which is to say, I came out of the clone tank, at 14 years of age.

It's true. Ask any conspiracy nuts in a given radius. *nods head*

Still... childhood is something to treasure. To cherish. But also, i guess, to leave behind.
I know what you mean, now that i'm 20 my parents are telling me that I should get my own place and stop playing videogame's
I'm 24 this year, but i still have plenty of child left in me


But seriously, although in some ways it's sad to leave childhood behind and leave the safety of your family home, you become free, and you control what you do, that in itself is a great thing (although disasterous for the first year at least !!)