and the Fcuking Moron of the day award goes to


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
...wait, it's a 3 way tie!!!

Three teenagers who beat another girl while being videotaped turned the camera on themselves to brag about the incident before posting the video online, police said.

The teenagers were arrested Tuesday on charges of juvenile delinquency and attempted assault. The video was shown on two Web sites, YouTube and MySpace, which are popular with children.

In the video, screaming can be heard as a 13-year-old girl cowers on the ground while others punch her and kick her repeatedly in the head. At one point, she is dragged along the ground by her hair.

lesson for today: if you're going to be a ****ing moron dont video tape it, brag about assualting someone and then post it on the interwebs
I think braging about yourself in a crime is something that should be more encouraged so the criminals do it al the time,anyway they deserve it
Another link that portrays the sort of society we live in today...
I think braging about yourself in a crime is something that should be more encouraged so the criminals do it al the time,anyway they deserve it

I agree ..all paroled prisoners should have a camera surgically grafted onto their shoulders so that we can watch their idiotic escapades leading up to their arrest and subsequent prison gang rape could be a subscription service were criminals are rated based on their studity/level of comical idiocy and those will be more expensive than the run of the mill bank robber/jay walker ..for added hilarity they could sell a wireless remote that administers a electrical shock whenever the viewer feels like it an added cost of course ...oh and while we're at it the program should be expanded to include the religiously idiotic like Kent Hovind or creationist dinosaur/human museum curators ..perhaps later on they could add politicians, annoying celebrities, celine dion, sinners etc
I agree ..all paroled prisoners should have a camera surgically grafted onto their shoulders so that we can watch their idiotic escapades leading up to their arrest and subsequent prison gang rape could be a subscription service were criminals are rated based on their studity/level of comical idiocy and those will be more expensive than the run of the mill bank robber/jay walker ..for added hilarity they could sell a wireless remote that administers a electrical shock whenever the viewer feels like it an added cost of course ...oh and while we're at it the program should be expanded to include the religiously idiotic like Kent Hovind or creationist dinosaur/human museum curators ..perhaps later on they could add politicians, annoying celebrities, celine dion, sinners etc

Sounds like a plan to me!
Thats all great and everything but we clearly require the actual footage here to come to proper judgement >.>
Wasn't there a similar incident to this involving Australian teens last year?
In the video, screaming can be heard as a 13-year-old girl cowers on the ground while others punch her and kick her repeatedly in the head. At one point, she is dragged along the ground by her hair.

The teenagers were arrested Tuesday on charges of juvenile delinquency and attempted assault.

Attempted assault??
If these dicks don't burn, I will lose all faith in our justice system.

/grabs blowtorch and gasoline
Attempted assault??
Yeah, wtf is up with that?

"Yeah, so the video evidence shows the guys beating the hell out of this girl. Buuuuuut it doesn't look all that bad, let's knock the charges down a notch."
It's attempted cuz eventually she said "uncle".
I assume the video was taken down or something. Or maybe he wants us to search for it? : D

Eh, Happy Slapping but 20 times stupider.
Because it's not on Youtube and he doesn't want to find it. Yeah, in australia recently some kids filmed themselves raping a girl, lighting her hair on fire etc. Sick stuff.

Sick like 'oh god' sick, not 'yeah bwoy' sick.
Because it's not on Youtube and he doesn't want to find it. Yeah, in australia recently some kids filmed themselves raping a girl, lighting her hair on fire etc. Sick stuff.

Sick like 'oh god' sick, not 'yeah bwoy' sick.

I NEVER condone raping of a person then setting their hair on fire.

But it's just so hard for a woman to actually get that "Fear" in her scream when she really isn't scared...
I agree ..all paroled prisoners should have a camera surgically grafted onto their shoulders so that we can watch their idiotic escapades leading up to their arrest and subsequent prison gang rape could be a subscription service were criminals are rated based on their studity/level of comical idiocy and those will be more expensive than the run of the mill bank robber/jay walker ..for added hilarity they could sell a wireless remote that administers a electrical shock whenever the viewer feels like it an added cost of course ...oh and while we're at it the program should be expanded to include the religiously idiotic like Kent Hovind or creationist dinosaur/human museum curators ..perhaps later on they could add politicians, annoying celebrities, celine dion, sinners etc

heh, i can see it now on imdb

Joseph Bloke, a.k.a. "LAZORZ"

i'm obsessed with that site, i know
Rating: 7.9/10 (10,423 votes)


This guy is totally fantastic! He claims to be powered by lazers and then throws unsuspecting people onto speedy subway stations.

Those lasers sure glow in prison.

Definitely worth your time!"

i'm obsessed with the site, i know
I hope they get publically humiliated for being such cockbags. I found the video, that was pretty ****ed up.