And the reason noone is playing dm_gulch is...


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
I think this has to be one of the most amazing maps made for hl2dm yet. It's on fileplanets hl2 page. It is so rediculously well made, yet there isnt a SINGLE server running it. What gives?! :rolling:
Post screenshots. The one on Fileplanet isn't satisfying enough and I'm too lazy to download.
well if it isnt known then it SHOULD be known. itd make an AMAZING CTF and Team deathmatch map. i could just imagine all the carnage and fun going on with a full server on that map. SPREAD THE WORD AND DL THE DAMN THING!!! :sniper:
Looks neato. Never heard of it though.

EDIT: Anyone got a server they could throw up running this map?
I While the overall design is nice, the map lacks polish.

A simple 10-12 hours of enhanced development could make this one of the best hl2dm maps out--especially from a gameplay perspective.