animated decals


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
We all know HL2 will include them. And we all know they will be badly abused when it comes to spraypaints an whatnot (if they are still in)

but i got to thinkin. think they included it so that when a soldier is shot against a wall or something his blood will run down the wall? just a thought. discuss?
or how about when a soldier is shot they fall
Originally posted by tCh
or how about when a soldier is shot they fall

....your a clever one arent you. think maybe i meant the blood that splatters when they are near a wall?

go drink the stuff under your kitchen sink
i already drank all the stuff under the kitchen sink

How about a 3D decal that doesnt have to be sprayed on a surface
Way back in the day when I played CS, you could spray animated decals. They only ran through the animation once, and they were very small. You'd have to take a full decal, split it into like 9 seperate cells and put each stop motion of the animation into each cell. It sucked, but it was possible in CS.
Originally posted by iamironsam
Way back in the day when I played CS, you could spray animated decals. They only ran through the animation once, and they were very small. You'd have to take a full decal, split it into like 9 seperate cells and put each stop motion of the animation into each cell. It sucked, but it was possible in CS.

i wish i could still play CS
Originally posted by iamironsam
Way back in the day when I played CS, you could spray animated decals. They only ran through the animation once, and they were very small. You'd have to take a full decal, split it into like 9 seperate cells and put each stop motion of the animation into each cell. It sucked, but it was possible in CS.

I remembered hearing about that waaaaaaay back around beta 1 I think it was, when my this kid named Michael first got me into Counter-Strike back in the 5th (maybe 6th? Don't remember for sure...) grade.
Originally posted by NSPIRE
I remembered hearing about that waaaaaaay back around beta 1 I think it was, when my this kid named Michael first got me into Counter-Strike back in the 5th (maybe 6th? Don't remember for sure...) grade.

I was in my freshman year of college, so it would have been Q4 '99.
I remember waaaaaaaaaaay back on 2004 when i was playing HL2 with animated decals
Originally posted by tCh
I remember waaaaaaaaaaay back on 2004 when i was playing HL2 with animated decals

yeah those were the good days, gosh i miss those days....i wish i had those days in the first place. THANKS ALOT never mind even the hate has lots its touch along with the HL2 anticipation.
yeah the good ole days, it was great when duke nukem forever, stalker, farcry and doom3 all had a surprise release in early december of 2003... and i shat my pants!
Originally posted by iamironsam
Way back in the day when I played CS, you could spray animated decals. They only ran through the animation once, and they were very small. You'd have to take a full decal, split it into like 9 seperate cells and put each stop motion of the animation into each cell. It sucked, but it was possible in CS.

Hello. Im the person who made the discovery on how to create animated decals. They worked in all HL mods, not just CS. I published my tutorial to which is still there to this day.

Valve has since disabled animated logos from working due to noob CS players complaining that animated logos of fake bombs with the blinking red light was a cheat. It was fun while it lasted. The first animated logo was a running black and white cat which I included with my tutorial for people to learn from.

For those who are interested, or don't believe me... heres a email from Valve.

-----Original Message-----
From: adam ****** [mailto:********]
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 12:19 AM
To: Yahn Bernier
Subject: False information in SDK2.0

Hi again Yahn,

I don't know who to e-mail about the SDK2.0 documentation, but I discovered a major error in the Texture Tutorial documentation. It says, " The largest possible texture is 256x256. ", and all the web-sites say the same thing.

I tryed to make a 512x512 texture and it did indeed mess up and act all strange. But, when I tryed 384x128, it worked completly without any problem! I think the textures might not be able to go past 65536 pixels. That should be the correct limit told in the documentation. Not 256x256. Since you can increase 256 on one side if you decrease the amount on the other side, whats important is that it doesnt go past 65536 pixels. I hope Im right about this 65536 pixels thing, although it might be 65025 if I count the pixels as being 255 on length and width.

I wish I knew of a way I could let everyone in the whole half-life community know of this... I think its important info for mappers and texture artists alike. Hey! I will ask LadyICE to post this information on planethalflife when you reply! :)

Also, I found out the next BIG thing... I recently made the first ever animated spray for multiplayer! I tested it in a TFC server and everyone was amazed. Im not sure if I should tell everyone about this though.. I can imagine the animated porn that it would spawn...

Adam Sierra

I'm not that worried about this issue actually. I'd have to look at the code to see exactly what's going on there. Probably, the 384x128 is being resampled (downsampled?) to a power of two by the engine before uploading to the video card, so I'd be careful on that.

On the animated logos, we always knew you could do this and figured folks would deduce a way to make it work. I don' think it would be all that bad if you wrote up your method and posted it somewhere. The community already figured out how to do full colored logos, animated isn't a big leap from there.


Heres my original tutorial:

Note: Animated logos are disabled now due to complaints.
I hope HL2 will have animated decals

One way to minimize the complaints of the animation is to have a filter or have the decals preapproved for use
Or better yet, just have an option in the settings that disables the users ability to view animated decals if they find some of it offending or otherwise not to their approval. Infact, this already exists. r_decals 0 console command will do this for you. r_decals 300 is the default in multiplayer. (Its about 3000 in single player mode.)
Originally posted by zdub
We all know HL2 will include them. And we all know they will be badly abused when it comes to spraypaints an whatnot (if they are still in)

but i got to thinkin. think they included it so that when a soldier is shot against a wall or something his blood will run down the wall? just a thought. discuss?

Duke Nukem 3d had that, I'm sure it wouldnt be difficult for HL2.
Its a design descition not a technical limitation (at all)

PS: Did I spell "descition" correct?
Originally posted by Adam
Or better yet, just have an option in the settings that disables the users ability to view animated decals if they find some of it offending or otherwise not to their approval. Infact, this already exists. r_decals 0 console command will do this for you. r_decals 300 is the default in multiplayer. (Its about 3000 in single player mode.)

better to just disable in-game downloads. Then you can download maps, but you don't download decals. However, I'd rather be able to turn off the spraypaint of individual players since MOST sprays are fun.
Agreed, Ahnteis. I hate playing CS and seeing some idiot spraying gay porn on a wall, it's like, CONGRATS YOU 12 YEAR OLD. Oh well, sprays can be fun, I agree :)
Re: Re: animated decals

Originally posted by iamaelephant
Duke Nukem 3d had that, I'm sure it wouldnt be difficult for HL2.
Duke nukem 3d had it all, running blood, blood puddles that if you walked through u would track blood, Mirrors that showed your reflection, awsome weapons like the shriker and the freeze ray. Its had it all. Jet packs up the waaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzooooooooooo. Omg that game was great, the onlt thing that sucked about it was no mouse look......if it had that then i would probably still be playing it when i am bored today. Seriously i would
So would I.... actually I might go and install it again some time today, could be fun.

Ever make a map for Duke3d? Man doing those mirrors was a mission.
Duke 3d

Dude, duke 3d DOES have mouselook. Run the setup.exe and go into controls, youll find it there. I think then you press U or something and you get mouse look! The only downside is its always inverted :dozey:

I agree, Duke kicked ass. I made a few maps when that Starship Troopers mod was released, anyone else remember that ? The maps I made were rediculous though - I'd just set stuff up so that as soon as you walked into a room, there would be like 1000 bugs and then a whole bunch of explosions would go off in a pattern and kill them all, just so that you could see it happen... haha!
tCh, how about using HL2's engine to the max huh?
Half-Life2's engine is way more than just corpses dropping to the ground.

I know that you know that Gabe N knows that Half-Life 2's engine can do more than that.:dozey:
I know that you know that he knows you know that Gabe N knows that Half-Life 2's engine can do more than that.

what other uses of animated decals could there be, beyond the obvious stuff
They could be used for mind control, like.. someone hides behind a crate, and sprays a spinning target type thing on the wall

An unsuspecting person comes by, and stares at it for a few seconds, while the person behind the crate chants some phrases to hypnotize them
I think animated decales would work great on some mods.

For example on NS you could have a sort of icky slime dripping down the walls from bile bombs. :D

I am sure it could have other really cool uses too like. But my minds a blank right now
that ns 1 sounds cool. spit attack dribbles onto the floor from the wall :D
"the downside is its always inverted"

Originally posted by Tredoslop
tCh, how about using HL2's engine to the max huh?
Half-Life2's engine is way more than just corpses dropping to the ground.

I know that you know that Gabe N knows that Half-Life 2's engine can do more than that.:dozey:

How about a 3D car animated decal with the ability to take bullets and have bullet holes n stuff. Or a Drivable animated decal ar a wearable 1
Originally posted by tCh
How about a 3D car animated decal with the ability to take bullets and have bullet holes n stuff. Or a Drivable animated decal ar a wearable 1

lol, drivable decal.
I suppose you could have birds and stuff on a sky box so that your comp doesent have to render the model and textures.
It might work....

I dont know. I'll try it all as soon as I get HL2 and its SDK tools :)

EDIT: hold on hold on.......
An animated SKYBOX. That means we might possibly be able to have clouds that move and changing weather implemented easily with little strain on your comp!!

Now thats a nice idea. I think...
we already talked about moving skyboxes in another thread, like weve talked about every other aspect of hl2adsf