Announcement: cs_747 in the works!


Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
I loved the old 747 map, I know many people hated it but I thought it was one of the best and for that am now working on a revised version of a 747 (not THE 747) map. This is not an exact replica as this plane scenario will take place in the air! One plane will be docked to another midair and that's how the CT's will infiltrate the plane. It will feature most of the same architecture the original cs_747 plane had in the interiors, but will add alot of new things like vents and extra passages and such.

Below is samples of the early beta of the map (very early, little objects and detail, so far have worked about 2 hrs on this), I'd say 2 or 3 more days and it'll be done!


  • 747main1.jpg
    62.9 KB · Views: 489
  • 747hall.jpg
    60.6 KB · Views: 466
  • 747exit.jpg
    83 KB · Views: 448
  • 747cargo.jpg
    54.4 KB · Views: 463
Looking good so far, keep up the good work.. It would be nice to add in a few source additions, like bumping.. and some cool effect to make it a bit newer..

But from the looks of it, nice job.
I think you mean bump mapping and specular highlighting. I have added cubemaps but it seems the textures that I've used so far don't use them lol. Carpet and the walls from office don't have specular highlights on them, the metal doors do and some of the tiled areas do. I'll try to find ways to make it look prettier dont worry, this is just the overall layout, youll notice that it doesn't even have the cupboards above the seat's heads, ya know where ya store all your carry on luggage, ill put all that stuff in later. I did the entire lower cabin, now I just have to do the second floor cabin, cockpit and the sneaky vents. I've playtested with bots already and they're great.
Looks cool - might be an idea to de-grey-ify or break up the areas with just flat colour on the walls - it definitely tells the eye "this isnt real".

Also, see if you can sort out those chairs, they look very blocky...
i agree with LXS, chairs really do look blocky. But it is much better than I could do. I have been working on an aim type map for prolly two weeks now. Keep up the good work. I love being a CT and rushing T's on this map....can't wait
BigWalnutZ said:
i agree with LXS, chairs really do look blocky. But it is much better than I could do. I have been working on an aim type map for prolly two weeks now. Keep up the good work. I love being a CT and rushing T's on this map....can't wait

Well here's the thing guys, I HAD them more detailed, but must realize that this map has over 50 of these seats. 1 detailed seat is no problem but when you got 50 seats with little carvings and trims then the compile time skyrockets. Believe me the entire thing looks so much better in game for some reason.
Here's another picture just for fun. It's Lester! The gangsta ass bot runnin' swat style down a bloody corridor. I'm already playtesting, bots are savage, they use the vents and everything! I also added the overhead compartments now if you will notice.
Are you going to find a nicer texture for the seat upholstery? At the moment it looks like the inside of an old English bus!

Also try and make it look more like a plane, at the moment it's looking too blocky and feeling more like a building than a plane.

Otherwise I'm looking forward to this. Make sure you take care of the curtain problem of the old cs_747. (Players could camp the 2 main aisles, waiting for the enemy names to come up in either blue or red. When you saw a blue name you riddled the plane with bullets and generally pwned anyone in that aisle. The Para worked a treat on that map :D)
Whenever I make maps I always have the bot's sanity in mind. If I make a too clusterphobic of a space with many doors the bots will act nuts no matter how much nav_editing I will do ingame. As of now there are no curtains, there is only doors which are already opened. The seats are blocky because the map has over 50 seats and if I make them too detailed the compile times quadtriple, and fps drops. If I make the map too curvy the bots won't respond well to it as it is a small spaced map. However, all corners will be clipped to make it seems less blocky, but that will be later one when I'm finishing up the map.
No I'm just making sure it's bot compatible. Chances are this map will be played more with bots than online lol, very few custom maps, regardless of how good, become popular with online games. This map by all means will work with human players (don't really know why not), but I am also making sure that bots can navigate it and understand it. When I release this map I will make sure to include a custom .nav file, as the generator in this game isnt so good. I customly edit the navigation meshes, connect certains ones, split them up to make it all more efficient.
I would suggest that you optimize it so that it doesn't become a shotgun map. That would plain suck. Also, do something about those seats, thye are way too... blocky.
LOL again with the seats lol, it's so difficult to do much to them as again, there are over 50 of them in the map. 1 extra trim on the seat = 50+ extra trims in the map, 50+ extra lighting angles to compile = 50 times longer compiles lol. I'll try to do SOMETHING but I dunno.
Looking good mate, definately something that i'd play like the style and at one point it did look rather building like but being a half mapper myself i know it's not exactly easy to do so congratz with what you've done in the very short amount of time :)

BTW - chairs are abit blocky but i wouldn't care in game TBH
LOL again with the seats lol, it's so difficult to do much to them as again, there are over 50 of them in the map. 1 extra trim on the seat = 50+ extra trims in the map, 50+ extra lighting angles to compile = 50 times longer compiles lol. I'll try to do SOMETHING but I dunno.

maybe try using a model :dozey:
Ok I FIXED THE SEATS LOL. I gave them a nice frame, I think it saves the whole model lol, makes it look much better, also you can see overhead compartments.

btw, DJ i love your courthouse map. It doesn't looks too great to be honest but the layout kicks ass! Love that vent above the CT spawn lol, its the source of much death! :D
Seating overhead detail needs to be worked on. What's right above the seat with the small light, air, ring bell thing, oxygen mask. The right texture could do it. Or put a TV in the back of each chair...Also, the cabins should be more horizontal than vertical, maybe you could use a normal map to fake it with one texture.

The whole seating area needs more detail. But what's up with those metal thing on each end of the seats? I don't ever remember seeing those on my flights...
What can I say? It looks like crap. It's nothing better then the original CS 1.6 map, and for Source that's not a good grade.

It might be an early beta but seriously, you should have kept it to yourself.

Oh, but I do encourage you to continue working as I love cs_747 too.
Get someone to make you seat models? <shudders at epolys>
is this one dead? lol im willing to help, i know im about a year late and the author is probably dead but..