Announcment - Regarding "Perfect Dark: Source" and "Tribute to Darkness"


Jun 26, 2004
Reaction score
Firstly, appologies to ShinRa and Ennui, original leads of PD: S, incase this post seems a little unexpected.

As many of you may be aware, ShinRa and Ennui lead the HL2 mod Perfect Dark: Source. The goal of this mod was to recreate the N64 game Perfect Dark for HL2.
At the same time I was leading the mod Tribute to Darkness, which was set on recreating the mutliplayer portion of Perfect Dark for HL2.
Due to certain reasons, Perfect Dark: Sourse is no longer a project, and a few of their members have moved over to Tribute to Darkness, including Ennui and MrMan.

It is now that I announced that Tribute to Darkness is to undergo a name change to:
Dark Conflict
(This was one of the musical scores within Perfect Dark).

I would also like to say our goals remain mostly equal to that of what Perfect Dark: Source had, and that is providing the commmunity with the best representation of Perfect Dark possible.

I would also like to encourage all those who were/are interested in joining Perfect Dark: Source to get in contact with Ennui, or myself, and a transfer over to this team should take place.

That would be all ;) .

EDIT: Just incase someone saw, I accidently mashed enter when I had just began typing this thread, so for a brief period of time a rather odd and empty version was on display.
The Dark Elf said:
Got told you couldn't do Perfect Dark for legal reasons huh :)

No, the Perfect Dark modification is continuing. There were originally two PD-to-HL2 Mods, "Perfect Dark: Source" and "Tribute to Darkness".

There is now one, Dark Conflict (originally Tribute to Darkness), which also contains some of the Perfect Dark: Source members.
EatChildren said:
No, the Perfect Dark modification is continuing. There were originally two PD-to-HL2 Mods, "Perfect Dark: Source" and "Tribute to Darkness".

There is now one, Dark Conflict (originally Tribute to Darkness), which also contains some of the Perfect Dark: Source members.
Atleast until that one gets shut down too right :)

No but in all seriousness. Why do two very similar mods when you could do one mod and pool talent instead of splitting it up and competing with each other when there's no need.
I think those of us who have realised the advantages of what you said have piled into the one mod elf, the rest really just wanted to do their own thing
There is no rest lol. Anyone I gathered together is now working with Dark Conflict. Have a great time guys. I'll be seeing you around. :)
Dasparov said:
EatChildren, do you have a website?

No website yet. Computer related problems caused some delays. However, a Flash site should be hosted by sometime soon.