annoying p2p, Gabe clear it up plzzzzzzzzz...

ARGH!! I emailed Gabe about it but nobody seemed to notice. Here it is (again):

Valve Premier Pack? Never heard of it.

-----Original Message-----
From: lonederanger@****.net [mailto:lonederanger@****.net]
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:56 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Valve Premier Pack

Hi Gabe,

Could you give us more information on something currently only knows as the "Valve Premier Pack"? Is it some sort of a subscription service?

- LD
maybe he never heard of "premier pack", but it could still be p2p for hl2 mp, man if hl2 mp go p2p, the world will be so sad.
Presumably the Valve Premier Pack is just placeholder text in Steam then (unless Gabe is messing with us).
Well not really, as much as Im looking forward to it, HL2 is just a game man, not enough to make the "world sad"
Yeah I have to admit Gabe being quiet about this is rather pointless and puts strain on the community. Strain that doesn't need to be there...

But I still luv him. :D
P2P = peer to peer by the way.

And why dont you just wait and see?...
I think hes gonna have to come clear this up like the aa issues.

P2P also can mean pay to play.
To be honest I really am getting cheesed off with these Pay to Play threads...
oh.. p2p means Peer to Peer AND Pay to Play.
Think it means one more thing asd well, can't rem.

It's original origin was Peer to Peer as it's what all the old Online Games used.
Originally posted by D33
oh.. p2p means Peer to Peer AND Pay to Play.
Think it means one more thing asd well, can't rem.

It's original origin was Peer to Peer as it's what all the old Online Games used.
tell me how do you know of bunchie, and why is the pb&j banana riding him?

In my opinion they would make half as much money as if they would of made it like HL1.

People in countries other than the US/Canada don't really like/have money for games like this.

Also alot of people will want to buy HL2 just for multiplayer.

It would make it more appealing to pay nothing and just get the singleplayer off some warez site that to pay for the game+multiplayer fees for life...

And don't forget that they are pushing for a HL3 sequel, it will hurt them aswell as the already huge community that has been formed.

Originally posted by worldspawn
tell me how do you know of bunchie, and why is the pb&j banana riding him?

It's Pod ;(
I swear, you guys can be very sad at times. Valve is not retarded. They would not go and ruin the best game ever by making it pay to play. I am one of the most excited people ever to play this game, but i dont have money to pay monthly, and wouldent get to play it. And i KNOW Valve doesnt want that. And if its all a joke, it could end very badly for someone. <_<
As I said over on the steam forums, this is nonsense in at least two ways. It's nonsense to expect that HL2 MP has any chance at all of being mandatory PtP. The server system isn't set up for it.

But if they do offer a PtP system, it's nonsense to hyperventilate about it and call it greedy or wrong or whatever. PtP is simply a different payment plan: whether it costs more or less in the end has NOTHING to do with the means of paying. Especially if it is just one option out of many, there is flatly no reason to complain, at all.

Seriously. So many people are just obsessed with not paying anything for all the enjoyment they get out of games, to see the crazy extremes they go to try and justify it (oh, it costs too much: therefore I can steal it!) is just sad.
p2p will be in hl2

Peer to Peer network via STEAM
I don't even see a way Valve could do p2p if the games are hosted on privately owned servers.
"People in countries other than the US/Canada don't really like/have money for games like this."

Originally posted by BWMASTER
People in countries other than the US/Canada don't really like/have money for games like this.

You're such a retard you deserve to be shot.

Just how old are you? you obviously ride the special short bus to school don't you?

God do everyone a favor and shut up. Or change your name to BSMASTER.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
You're such a retard you deserve to be shot.

Just how old are you? you obviously ride the special short bus to school don't you?

God do everyone a favor and shut up. Or change your name to BSMASTER.
Someone's having a bad day.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
You're such a retard you deserve to be shot.

Just how old are you? you obviously ride the special short bus to school don't you?

God do everyone a favor and shut up. Or change your name to BSMASTER.

I'm sorry I worded that wrong and forgot to edit it.
The Valve Premiere Pack was included in Steam when it FIRST hit beta, a long long time ago.
Oh man, why does everyone have to post these pointless threads about stuff that has already been discussed!
Simple answer, if Valve makes it "Pay to Play" we boycott them till they change it! :dork:

see problem solved!
didn't valve say that you can subscribe to steam and get all valve games for a monthly fee?