Anon's at it again; This time they're going after Mexicans.

You know how this is going to turn out right? They're going to kill the anon guy and they're going to videotape it and post it up on youtube.

I guarantee it. They don't give a shit.
They should release the information anyways. Though I don't see why they didn't before if they had access to the info anyways.
They all obv. wear Guy Fawkes masks everywhere in public, if they just kill all of those folks it's all over for ol' anonymous. This will likely result in nothing, sadly.
What's with the weird gesticulation? It looks as if he was using a sign language, rather than stressing the points he's making.

Mexico City Anonymous group anounced it has cancelled reprisals against the Zetas cartel for being a very risky operation. It was informed through a press and social networks for different users.

After the disappearance of one of its members in Veracruz, one of the members announced reprisals against the drug cartel “Los Zetas” with “Operation Cartel.”

However, because of the great risks involved in leaking information and to safeguard the integrity of persons adhering to the collective group of hackers, they decided to cancel the whole operation.

Undoubtedly the Cartel is going to kill their member anyway. They don't **** around and they don't give a shit.
I'm confused as to how it would be risky to themselves to release the info, unless they're simply not 'anon' anymore.
lol Anonymous backs down:

Members of the hacktivist collective Anonymous who threatened to post identifying information online about the civilian associates of Los Zetas, one of Mexico’s most powerful and violent drug cartels, have backed down just days before the November 5 target date for their operation.

The sudden withdrawal comes by way of a report in Mexican newspaper Milenio, published online Sunday night, which features comments from two self-identified Anonymous Operation Cartel participants, Skill3r and Glyniss Paroubek.

“We didn’t want irresponsible administrators to condemn participants [in the Operation] to death,” the two Anonymous spokespeople are quoted as saying (translated). “We’ve discussed it extensively and and we all decided to remove it.”

probably because of this:

As global intelligence firm Stratfor reported on Tuesday:

We have seen reports that Los Zetas are deploying their own teams of computer experts to track those individuals involved in the online anti-cartel campaign, which indicates that the criminal group is taking the campaign very seriously. Those individuals involved face the risk of abduction, injury and death — judging by how Los Zetas has dealt with threats in the past.
I'm confused as to how it would be risky to themselves to release the info, unless they're simply not 'anon' anymore.
It's risky to their sources. 99% of what anonymous does isn't hacking, it's either social engineering, luck or script kiddie bullshit (or some combination of the three).

Although probably this is just Anon's excuse for running scared with their tails between their legs because they realized how retarded it is to mess with a cartel that has killed thousands of people and has billions of dollars in resources and unlike their other targets (corporations, governments, etc) these guys aren't remotely concerned with or bound by any laws.
too late. nerd heads are going to start popping up all over mexico and the US. sans body of course
... might bring a well deserved sense of perspective to some of these script kiddies who think they're leading some kind of glorious /b/tard internet revolution
We should use beheading to keep more kids in line. I don't believe in laying hands on children though, so next time my son misbehaves I shall cut off my own head as an example.

Anonymous draws its roots from an online forum dedicated to bringing sensitive government documents and other material to light.
What a group... "release names and we'll kill random people."
Awesome! Everything went better than expected. And I guess there was learning on both sides, anon learned that the internet can be srs bsns and the cartel learned... probably nothing. Maybe they learned that online, people do have the power to challenge them. No information is secret, really. Anon does have some good hackers amongst the seas of script kiddies, and make no mistake, anyone who f*cks with them better be pro-level with their infosec.
So... a group of unorganized and anonymous people demand one of the most ruthless and violent criminal groups in history to release an unconfirmed and unnamed captive. If the captive is not freed, the group plans to release the identities of many of the cartel's members. The source of this information is never confirmed or elaborated upon.

The ruthless drug cartel responds by threatening to use their own, nearly limitless, resources to track down members of this anonymous groups who in the past have been ousted as mostly naive youths with a very limited actual knowledge of computer hacking.

The anonymous group for several days releases conflicting reports that the operation has been shut down, but the nature of the anonymous group suggests there is no official standing. A specific and named man in Texas says he will release the information, but does not appear to have any knowledge of the credibility of this information. He suggests anyone who may become wrongfully named and put into severe danger would be comparable to civilian collateral damage in WWI.

Suddenly, the unnamed and unconfirmed captive is said to be freed by the anonymous group, and continues to be unnamed and unconfirmed by any official source.

Awesome! Everything went better than expected. And I guess there was learning on both sides, anon learned that the internet can be srs bsns and the cartel learned... probably nothing. Maybe they learned that online, people do have the power to challenge them. No information is secret, really. Anon does have some good hackers amongst the seas of script kiddies, and make no mistake, anyone who f*cks with them better be pro-level with their infosec.
I think the cartel released the guy due to pity for nerds and realizing they would get nothing out of the nerd they kidnapped.
I think the cartel released the guy due to pity for nerds and realizing they would get nothing out of the nerd they kidnapped.

these are the cartels that left like 10 bodies a week in mayor roads just to menace a rival group

also I guess they can kidnap anyone they want,cartels have too much power thats why the whole thing is so serious
I continually misread the thread title as "Amon's at it again" and get really worried about what my favourite electronic producer is doing these days :(