Anonymous hacks White Supermacist Group finds ties to Ron Paul


May 5, 2004
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The hacktivist collective Anonymous set out to take down the white supremacist American Third Party (A3P) in what they called “Operation Blitzkrieg” but they may have done much more.

In a document dump that includes private forum messages, emails, organization notes another other information the group found numerous connections between Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul and A3P. According to the documents, all hosted here, Paul himself regularly met with many A3P members, engaged in conference calls with their board of directors and engaged in a “bridging tactic” between A3P and the Ron Paul Revolution.

Interestingly, the article makes no direct mention of anything from Ron's side of the fence, despite directly quoting several of Jamie Kelso's claims to be meeting with him.

[edit] Also, shit just got real:
Queens of the Stone Age
QOTSA support Anon.
AnonOps Communications: #Anonymous Message to World Leaders
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Shit I'd heard of him being a racist and now there's a possible connection to a ****ing group like this.
It is well known that white supremacist support Ron Paul, due to him not being a die hard Isreal lover like the rest of the republican party and he is against welfare. That doesn't however make Ron Paul a racist or an anti-semite.
Damn, I'll be sure not to elect him when he isn't chosen for the republican primary.
It is well known that white supremacist support Ron Paul, due to him not being a die hard Isreal lover like the rest of the republican party and he is against welfare. That doesn't however make Ron Paul a racist or an anti-semite.

Indeed. I find this sort of hysterical finger pointing rather depressing tbh.
...yet, the allegations are not that he has white supremest supporters, they are that he knowingly met several times with white supremest groups. Which is an entirely different thing.
Obama met with Jerimiah Wright several times, does that make Obama a black nationalist nutjob?
I've met with Republicans. Does that make me conservative?
Strange he'd associate with such whackjobs, he's usually so cogent.

[edit] Also, shit just got real:
I saw that on their Facebook page t'other day. QOTSA are my favourite band. I jizzed.

Also, what's with the attempt to smear Ron Paul anyway? Are people really beginning to see him as that much of a threat or something? Poor Ron.
Well they sure can't ignore him like they have been. Might as well try to drag him through the mud, right?
Regardless if he is crazy, racist, etc. he still seems to be the only one that's genuinely honest from the lot of the presidential candidates.

BTW who are you guys voting for?
Regardless if he is crazy, racist, etc. he still seems to be the only one that's genuinely honest from the lot of the presidential candidates.

True.dat. And even if he is a racist, he's pretty much the only candidate who understands that personal moral wars aren't meant to be translated into federal legislative action. Nothing would happen.
Well, since he consistently claims not to be racist, it would actually rather undermine his vaunted "honesty" if he was.
Yes - I concede it would only put him on the level of most other Republican candidates with regards to racism. He'd still beat them on most of the other things they lie about.
Slightly OT but I was listening to the latest podcast by the Longnow foundation: -

It was was all about how complete f'd up the whole congress system is and why special interests basically have the ear of congress.
Slightly OT but I was listening to the latest podcast by the Longnow foundation: -

It was was all about how complete f'd up the whole congress system is and why special interests basically have the ear of congress.

In other words, shit everyone already knows?

Out of the Republicans currently in the race, I would, without hesitation, vote for Paul. In the actual election, Obama.
Obama. It just doesn't make sense to switch parties in the midst of an economic crisis. FDR was elected a third term during WWII for a similar reason.
In other words, shit everyone already knows?

Out of the Republicans currently in the race, I would, without hesitation, vote for Paul. In the actual election, Obama.
but why krynn?
Crisis started in 07....

Not to mention it's largely the result of Republican action in Congress and the White House, so who better than a Republican to understand the intricacies of what's going on :V
Ron Paul voted against the repeal of Glass-Steagall.
Ron Paul opposed government encouragement of giving mortgages to people who couldn't afford them.
Ron Paul opposed the FED's artifical injection of money into sectors fo the economey like the housing market.

but why krynn?
Because: A) He is the only person on there who is consistent in his viewpoints, B) Despite some shitty ideas, I feel he honestly wants to improve things for America rather than profit from being President, and C) because despite some shitty ideas, he has a few good ones too. None of the other candidates have good ideas at all, they're all shit.
Because clearly I'm an american

I'm quite sure its global knowledge that America is corrupted by corporate influences.
It doesn't really make sense for supremacists of any group to support Paul due to his voting record. It conflicts with their interestes of government mandated racial laws.

The only benefit they likely would see from a Paul presidency is less federal scrutinizing and spying on the public without warrants. But I'm pretty sure any group, moral, immoral, legal or illegal, wants that.

Think about it. Based on Ron Paul's voting record and positions how do the two match up?

Not to mention it's largely the result of Republican action in Congress and the White House, so who better than a Republican to understand the intricacies of what's going on :V

Excuse me but which party pushed through legislation forcing banks to allocate more loans to those who could least afford them?

I'm not saying that banks irresponsible investing and underwriting did not play a major part in what happened, but if you're talking about fault at a Congressional level it really falls on the Democrats.