Another amazing looking ut2k4 mod.


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Some of the best player models i've ever seen :O not to mention that mod has a retail quality look about it :bounce: especially since it's been in deveopment since 2k3 came out (just about) for the press release

I'l eagerly awaiting this mod :)

Anyone elese a loyal 2k4 mod player, my favourites include Frag-Ops, Red Orchestra and SAS (sas severly lacks U.S. servers) anyways I recommend ut2k4 to all half-life gamers because of it's mods nowadays
They look nice, but needs some damn AA on that screenshot.
it looks like he put a sharpen filter, thats why it looks like it needs AA...

RedOrchestra is great, and im waiting for this mod too!
The metal textured floor looks so cartoony! Heh.
Air Bucanners was by far the best mod for that game.
damn, it looks good, better than a lot of shit pumped out by game companies, i just wonder how it'll play
Foxtrot said:
Air Bucanners was by far the best mod for that game.
No, Red Orchestra.

I think I'll be giving this one a try when it comes out.
MiccyNarc said:
No, Red Orchestra.

Hehe one man's trash is another man's treasure. Red Orchestra was so great, the majority of the development team stopped production and started a HL2 mod.
AIRBUKS!!! Because deep down, everyone wishes they could be a pirate.
Hehe one man's trash is another man's treasure.
Yarr, deed someone say treasure??
Red Orchestra was pretty good, but Air Buccaneers was in a leauge of its own, there is nothing like the game on many levels.
Everytime i see glimpses of karma(ut2k4 physics engine) I shed a tear at how poor it is.
I liked Air Buccaneers when it was in v1.2 - you could do almost anything, fly the ship and aim the cannon down at the ship, load it with gunpowder, wait til there was like 4 or 5 people on the airship, and then fire the cannon - taking down your whole crew. Like major team kill fest man! Classic.
DeVry Student said:
I liked Air Buccaneers when it was in v1.2 - you could do almost anything, fly the ship and aim the cannon down at the ship, load it with gunpowder, wait til there was like 4 or 5 people on the airship, and then fire the cannon - taking down your whole crew. Like major team kill fest man! Classic.
So you were the asshole that team killed everyone, gg.
madacian said:
Hehe one man's trash is another man's treasure. Red Orchestra was so great, the majority of the development team stopped production and started a HL2 mod.
Red orchestra is so great it just won the $1,000,000 Make Something Unreal competition.
Now be silent before I have to shove your foot even farther down your throat.
MiccyNarc said:
Red orchestra is so great it just won the $1,000,000 Make Something Unreal competition.
Now be silent before I have to shove your foot even farther down your throat.
Pff, its all politics.
Meh, Red Orchestra > All other UT2k4 mods. Air Buccaneers is great fun though. :)
Hey but I mean isn't it just scandalouse they brought out UT2k4, I mean all the shit that was suppesedly new in it, they had promised in for 2003 version, UT2k4 should have been an addon. I mean Valve would never pull shit like that.
Grey Fox said:
Hey but I mean isn't it just scandalouse they brought out UT2k4, I mean all the shit that was suppesedly new in it, they had promised in for 2003 version, UT2k4 should have been an addon. I mean Valve would never pull shit like that.
Yeah, Valve would never take a current game, update it slightly then charge money for it... oh wait, DoD:S and HL:S.
Can't discover anything special about this... :|
Grey Fox said:
Hey but I mean isn't it just scandalouse they brought out UT2k4, I mean all the shit that was suppesedly new in it, they had promised in for 2003 version, UT2k4 should have been an addon. I mean Valve would never pull shit like that.

You're right so instead they did it to the same game...twice

cs...csz(literally a month passes) cs:s
StardogChampion said:
Yeah, Valve would never take a current game, update it slightly then charge money for it... oh wait, DoD:S and HL:S.
HL:S is not that special, but i think there's gonna be a full upgrade(like CS:S) for DOD:S :D
Computer5k said:
HL:S is not that special, but i think there's gonna be a full upgrade(like CS:S) for DOD:S :D
Nah i think DOD:S is going to be a 95% port, with only a few extra additions
Valve charged 10 bucks for it, so what, I said if UT2K4 came as an addon it would be cool, that would be like 20 bucks, valve did it for 5(yeah 5 cause for 10 extra you get DoD en Hl:s).
Most of UT2k4 was allready in 2003, they added 2 new game modes and sold it at full price. Goddamm people, it's because of people liek you that take this shit, EA is this big. What the hell fo you do, do you buy every freaking year the new fifa game, and argue its worth it.
Grey Fox said:
they added 2 new game modes and sold it at full price.
Yes, but when you think about it, that's doubling the creativity of the 2003 gametypes: Double Domination, Capture the Flag and Bombing Run were just slight variations on the same thing. Deathmatch/TDM was the same old. In 2004 we got Onslaught which was a massive elabouration on the "two base" concept, and Assault which is quite a bit different.

Yes, 2004 was what 2003 should have been, but I can't say I care: For double the content (maps, skins, gametypes and what have you), UT2004 was four times the better game. The maps that shipped with UT2003 were piss-poor bottom feeders. 90% of the maps weren't worth the HDD space they took up. Almost all of the UT2004 maps are good, and some are pretty damned excellent.
SearanoX said:
EA has nothing to do with UT2003/04. I don't understand quite waht you're getting at. People who like Unreal Tournament 2004 automatically like EA? Can't make the connection myself.

What EA does alot is just update their games a little every year and sell it for full price to fools who buy it, that is exactly what they are doing to UT now, every year there is going to come another Ut.

But I can understand that everyone likes UT2k4 better than 2003 becauee of the maps and those game modes, but IMO It should have been aan addon for UT2k3, you like if you had UT2k3 you could jus tdownload it for 20 bucks and people that didn't could buy it at full retail.

You know I'd better ask it you all, okay you do like ut2k4, but do you also feel it's more like and addon than a full new game, in other words, do you think they should have sold it for like 20 or 30 bucks instead of full price.
Grey Fox said:
other words, do you think they should have sold it for like 20 or 30 bucks instead of full price.
they did, never did they charge 50 bucks, they charged 39.99 for it, and they gave you ten bucks back if you already owned 2003, so if you had ut2003 and payed 40 bucks for 2004, then you could get ten bucks back and you would have payed 30. 30 dollars is well worth it for the ammount of fun i had with 2004, best mp i have played in some time, onslaught is so freaken fun, along with assault, and the vehicles makes mods more fun, 30 dollars is cheap as hell for what i got, and am getting out of 2004.

Plus they just updated 2004 and released another version, ECE collectors edition, but oh wait, for those who already own it, you can download all the updated and extra content for FREE!
People have said the same thing about Halo 2 being an upgrade and same with Half Life 2 .. it just depends who you hate. UT2004 is alot more than just an expansion pack.
When UT2004 came out there was a huge debate about which was better, BF:V or UT2004. I said and still do say BF:V was a much better game.

UT2004 felt so detached and had nill feedback.

Plus using the Manta isn't quite as cool as Driving round in a Jeep with Fortunate Son blaring out the speakers. Or playing March of the Valkyres on a scooter.
I don't like Air Bucaneers, not my taste. But TKing is extremly fun in AB :)
Grey Fox said:
in other words, do you think they should have sold it for like 20 or 30 bucks instead of full price.
It worked perfectly as a full priced game. Many, Many games sequels are just a collection of a few more maps and gamemodes. There was far, far too much content in UT2004 to be an expansion pack or a true rip-off. You get all the UT2003 content (though of course, most of it is crap), there was a rebate (never bothered to claim mine - in the US, they had to send the front page of the 2003 manual. UK had to send the play CD. Fair?!), and it was sold pretty cheap anyway (got mine for £17.99 on the day of release).
Aha okey didn't know about the rebate thing and alll, cause here where I live it cost about 50,- euro's.
Grey Fox said:
Aha okey didn't know about the rebate thing and alll, cause here where I live it cost about 50,- euro's.
I believe the rebate was only valid for about 3 months after release, so if you got the game later you may have missed it.
Air Buccaneers is teamwork within teamwork. It's glorious.