Another Character Concept......


May 15, 2003
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naa, I liked the other two, but now its getting far too into manga inspired territory, and I don't like that kind :(

Oh well, but the character from the other week, and the monster sometime today, those looked really good.
Well the idea so far is design a character that I could use for a super small mod. Spend alot of time working on one character, then later begin to implament the world in wich he lives.
Fenric said:
naa, I liked the other two, but now its getting far too into manga inspired territory, and I don't like that kind :(

Oh well, but the character from the other week, and the monster sometime today, those looked really good.

Is it the head? to me the head looks kinda manga.
Yak! Dude!! How long have you been on these boards? Welcome over!
Yakuza said:
Is it the head? to me the head looks kinda manga.
the head and the pose i think. I dunno it just seems more that style than the others.

Don't get me wrong, im not saying its bad, cause it isn't :)
SnowBall said:
Yak! Dude!! How long have you been on these boards? Welcome over!

I have actualy been here for quite a while, its just that i started posting more recently. Glad to some of my fellow u2'rs over here.

Yeah I know what you mean Fenric, I went form marvel style to anime (ninja scroll). Now I think I am some where stuck between, Try to find my own style.

and the fact that Brett Booth is one of my favorite comic artist doesn't help either.
i love that style of drawing... the sort of rushed feel, the way that theres not much detail- but the drawing still looks perfect. thats the kind of drawing style i try to do.

i guess it cant be changed, but i just HATE elven heads. in every game or film or cartoon or comic EVER why do elves have to look slightly annoying?? theyre never ugly or anything, theres just one or two things that make the face look slightly in this drawing he has a big chin. in LOTR they have bloody long faces. in warcraft 3 theyre all women.

die elves!!!!
Its quiet a nice concept but if u look his feet are actually on the floor inside grass. If this is true it means that the whole top section of the body is wrongly placed. I think you just got away with the fact that it seems to look like he is flying through the sky :D

The actual concept its self is ok but i dislike all the connan concepts and other types of things like that. Its just not my thing.
IchI said:
Its quiet a nice concept but if u look his feet are actually on the floor inside grass. If this is true it means that the whole top section of the body is wrongly placed. I think you just got away with the fact that it seems to look like he is flying through the sky :D

The actual concept its self is ok but i dislike all the connan concepts and other types of things like that. Its just not my thing.

Yeah this is one of the first ,next to a couple of others guy I did that didn't look like somthing from a samurai movie or a futuristic type warrior.
Very nice, the proportions are fine and the pose conveys energy.