Another Character


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
So yeah, this month we started learning Zbrush, so ive imported my new model into there and this is what I have so far. This is the first time I ever used zbrush, and it confuses the shit outta me. I really just made some alphas in photoshop and made them stencils to get the wrinkles. Tell me what you think. I will post the rest of the model later, but its not as high res as the bust is because all that is due for the final is the bust. Oh and dont worry about the pixelation on his right cheek. It will be taken care of.


Here are the links to my older stuff I posted here.
Almost done with it. I really just have to turn in this render with a backround, but his eyes are annoying me.
His mouth might be a bit small, and pursed, so it looks like he's grumpy, but, good work. Your skills are good.
Thanks for the comments. I think... JNightshade's confuses me a bit...

Here is the final render. Its what I am handing in, but I might work on it a bit more. There are a few areas like the smile line which looks weird to me, so Ill probably smooth that a bit. But this is what I have turned in.

Overall, really good!! But i would agree that the "smile lines" need to be smoothed out a little bit, and the eyes de-whitening. I'd also say his ears are a little on the small side, and his nose needs a little more work where it meets the eyebrows and the sides look a little too...smooth (?), needs a bit more detail / texture.
Thanks for the comments. I think... JNightshade's confuses me a bit...

Surely you've seen The Fifth Element? You know, fantastic sci-fi flick from the 90's starring Bruce Willis. Anyway, that's one of his funniest lines in the movie, and I was using it to refer to the fact that your character looks strikingly like him.
Surely you've seen The Fifth Element? You know, fantastic sci-fi flick from the 90's starring Bruce Willis. Anyway, that's one of his funniest lines in the movie, and I was using it to refer to the fact that your character looks strikingly like him.
Pretty much what I was thinking :D

Very nice model though.
Looks good!!

At a glance, here's what stands out to me.

- ears are very small
- cheek bones are non-existant
- mouth is too square. Looks like it should wrap around his face a little more. Right now the edges of his mouth protrude too far forward.
- back of his head seems fairly short/narrow. Look at some reference images from anatomy books.

Other than that - great start!
Awesome crits guys. I see what you are all saying. I noticed the ears were really small also, but I plan on nuking them anyways since ultimately the character is going to have on a "futuristic" headset thats built into his head.

The eyes were a bit of a last minute thing, and unfortunately I feel they are probably the weakest part of the whole thing. Im definately going to redo them. I'll keep your comments in mind.

Now that you explained the Fifth Element comment I get it and I laughed. And its awesome that you guys can see bruce willis, since I was working off a lot of reference of him and was trying to get a likeness. I didnt want to mention it because I wanted to see if it came out on its own. Cool that it did.

Thanks for the comments and crits guys, hopefully I will get some updates out soon, but I am back home with my family now for the holidays and their computers suck. Hopefully they arnt so bad that i cant work :). Thanks again, every comment you guys give helps me improve so keep em coming!