Another CRAZY Video that was requested

there is no need to make your videos 1024 ... turn op aa and use 800 .. saves alot of space
Sweet video! Cool seeing all that AI in action.
The first vid really shows off the ai. The combine hid and fired behind the barrels like real squadmates. cool! :bounce:
I don't see anything special; the soldiers were already behind the barrels to begin with, so that cannot be credited to AI, they just stayed there until the zombies got too close and started kicking barrels around, at which time they backed away.

If they actually acted like a squad, like the injured soldiers moved to the back and the healthy ones covered them, then I'd be a little impressed.
The combine have no squad tactics, but their AI isn't too shabby.
JHD536 said:
I don't see anything special; the soldiers were already behind the barrels to begin with, so that cannot be credited to AI, they just stayed there until the zombies got too close and started kicking barrels around, at which time they backed away.

If they actually acted like a squad, like the injured soldiers moved to the back and the healthy ones covered them, then I'd be a little impressed.

I'd be impressed if I had a nice pizza and beer in front of me right now.
well, technically squad tactics are mearly a culmination of the tatics of the indivudal. each member's ai deligates certain routines, and since they take into account where other members are, they act in a diffrent way.

ussually it makes some simple squad tactics, where one would get cover, and another would flank (because he sees that the cover is now unavalible).
This is fascinating. Each time I replay it I follow another character. I cried as that first combine on the far left fell to a fast zombie that broke through the lines... And as that second combine fell fighting valiently a hoarde of zombies, another tear was shed. And, finally, the battle seemed to be over until one fast zombie broke through the lines and killed another combine, the combine fighting vialiently in hand to hand combat while his friends foolishly pummeld him with shotgun fire... *cries*
Nice video.

One thing: The combine would pwn if they just tossed some grenades into the mass.

Do you have to specially enable grenades or something? Why don't they throw one grenade?
What map is that, I want to setup a little battle.
it didn't work for me. it could find the file if I copied it in the field.
DieScreaming, hit me up on AIM(fattie) and I'll host the video for ya if you need.
Link = dead.

The page you are attempting to access has been removed because it violated Angelfire's Terms of Service.

Someone host please. Thanks.
lol why'd angelfire remove it? angelfire/geocities suck though.
DieScreaming said:
someone is hosting it for me i will create a new thread when its done

Cool thx for info.
DarkStar said:
Do you have to specially enable grenades or something? Why don't they throw one grenade?
But they do...