Another CS:S freeze. Please help my cause!



Ah it was first the corrpupt .GCF now its this. Well I actually had the freezing from the beggining :p . My problem is freezing, in game only. Happens all the time with the reoccuring sound. I've heard about people talking about topics about fixes but havnt been able to find them. If anyone has any ideas or any links pointing me in the right direction please speak. Source is about the only game I'm having problems with right now.

~Colonel :naughty:

Computer Stats are in my sig. All help appreciated.
hmmm I'm having a similar problem. Tell me, does it freeze after a certain amount of time, like say somewhere around the second round? If so, I found that playing at 800x600 allows me to actually play but I'm still mad that its freezing at the higher resolutions.
Try adding this to your command line: -heapsize 512000

Lemme know if it works. :)
That didn't work for me, but then again I might have a different problem.
Didn't work for me either :frown: , thanks anyways. CS:S works on my other rig but not this one. The only reason I want to get this fixed is because that rig is sold to my friend to be picked up wednesday. If more information is needed about my setup in order to help me out please ask. Thanks.

~Colonel :cheers:
So many people viewing the forum yet no one has even the slightest suggestion? While your playing Office without a hitch having fun blowing up the computers I sit here only to fathom the entertainment. It is my prediction if CS:S locks up then Half Life 2 will. Disaster will ensue in my household. Cheers to those who can actually play, good luck to those who cannot.

i feel your pain, man I feel your pain. Try playing at 800x600. Its not pretty but it works for me and its better than nothing!
KFC, are you using any AA or AF? and what resolution at what refresh rate? I'm not sure if these have anything to do with your problem, we'll see. I won't ask if you updated all your drivers because first of all it's a dumb question.

By the way not a lot of people know how to help here, the game is still new to most; take a look at my thread when I asked for help. :LOL:
800x600 everything maxed out in game settings. I made an odd discovery. I noticed the FPS ran at an unusually high rate. Its average was 140-240! Is it just me or is that too high :O
Share your thoughts. Thanks for the help.

Well you do have a uber powerful graphic card and cpu. Since you said maxed out settings, just try once with AF set to trilinear and AA set to none. If that fixes the problem, you can gradually go up the AA&AF settings till you see at which point it causes a problem.

And if it doesn't: I have a dumb idea bear with me, set the fps_max to your refresh rate and enable vsync in options. I don't think it has anything to do with your problem but still. And crank the resolution to 1024*786 at least, it will have no effect on your framerate.
I can almost guarantee that this is a classic case of your computer overheating, you have all the symptoms.

CSS caused similar problems for my very own PC, I removed my case's side panel for now (to get some air flow) and I havent experienced the problem since (it was occuring every hour or less... obviously depending on how hot the computer was). When I get more time I'll buy some better cooling.

And of course as always, dont overclock.

NB: It is most probably your graphics card overheating. Also I think my problem was caused by me placing a scanner on top of my case, seeing hot air rises and the power supply is normally there this obviously doesnt help things.
Neo you think his 430W isn't enough maybe for his card? :O
I tracked my temps with Rivatuner, and 800x600 runs about 15C cooler that at 1024x768 and 1280x1024, both of which run at the same temps, about 80C. Yea I know that's high, but I dont think I can do anything about it. I've got 3 case fans in there already, and the wiring is very organized. I'm not OC'ing at all. Most of my other games run at between 70 and low 80's with no problems. Freelancer and Neverwinter Nights have gotten up to 102, causing flickers and spots, but they have never frozen. I will try moving my sound card farther back to give my gfx card more room, but I dont know how much that will help.
Neo that isn't the problem trust me, my overclock is stable as possible. My rig was made to be cool. That was the first thing I thought about when I got it. Look up the heatsink I have on my CPU thats in my profile, I get a nice stable 45-55 celsius with that baby. I don't even need to go into detail its just the fact. If your curious about my video card here it is, all taken apart though :E
And Para I tried what you told me and I actually get CS:S to work for a lot longer now . I think toying around with in game settings more will get the game to work. If nothing works In the end I will keep you posted. Thanks for your help!

PS: 430w is more than enough :thumbs:

KFColonelSanders said:
PS: 430w is more than enough :thumbs:


how can you say that? it really cannot be for certain. The 430w
nonclameture is how much power the psu draws, not how much it provides. The only way to know if the psu is strong enough or not is to look at the ampere rating of each line, and to compare it with the devices connted to said line. Some x800's and 6800's can run off of a 250w shuttle psu....only because these are high-efficiency psu's, not because they provide 250w.
1.Is your rig stable at stockcan you play OTHER games for hours on end.
2.Are youre rails within .2-.3 of the normal,

If yes to all, then its not the PSU
Its a rebadges enermax PSU, theres nothing wrong with it.