Another drugs thread closed

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Oct 21, 2004
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Now, first off, this thread is not about drugs. Anyone debating drug use will be shot in the foot and thrown in a vat of vinegar. Clear? Good.

What my problem is here is that everytime any thread is opened, or diverges into, the issue of drug use, it gets closed...just like that. *Snip* gone.

I've PMd mods and I understand their prediciment, but I find it bloody frustrating.

For a start, drug use is common; it's estimated that in the UK 51% of people have tried cannabis. Making it effectively 'illegal' to even talk about drugs on these forums is just silencing an aspect of a potential majority. Now, I'm not saying drug use is safe, or should be condoned, what I am saying is that ceasing any civil debate about drugs is quite frankly idiotic.

There are clearly many different views on the matter, and to ban all discussion is like saying "Well, yes we can see there are many viewpoints but actually no-one is allowed to talk about that, goodbye."

I could, I'm told, go to a drugs forum to discuss drugs. But why aren't I being told to go to a weather forum when I post on the weather thread in off-topic? Why aren't I being told to go to a suicide forum when posting on the "best way to die" thread?

I'm just interested in people's views on this.
Is it right that we shouldn't be able to debate the use, legalisation and dangers of drugs?
Who gives a shit? There are only 2 reasons people do drugs... 1, because they can't handle the life they've created for themselves (which means they're pussies), and 2, they don't have anything better to occupy their time with (which means they're losers). Either way, it's pathetic and a waste of everyone's time. Doing it, AND hearing about it.
well I can see why it can be such a touchy issue ..drugs encompasses everything from aspirin to heroine ..that said, cannibis is legal in many countries so it is somewhat culturally accepted just as beer or wine ...but there's many underage kids here so I'm sure we'd have a problem on our hands if we had threads encouraging alcohol use ..especially since so many of you are minors

edit: Dan_Houser_82 perfectly illustrated why we cant have mature discussions on the subject
Dan_Houser_82 said:
Who gives a shit? There are only 2 reasons people do drugs... 1, because they can't handle the life they've created for themselves (which means they're pussies), and 2, they don't have anything better to occupy their time with (which means they're losers). Either way, it's pathetic and a waste of everyone's time. Doing it, AND hearing about it.
Well I believe he just gave the best answer. :LOL:
ComradeBadger said:
It's also becuase they go into flamewars uberfast.

They can do, certainly true, but so do many other kinds of thread. If the entire thread falls down into a flame-fest then close it, but nowadays they get closed as soon as any pro-drug comment is made. We've had drug threads go for pages and pages with very little or no flaming at all.

Incidently, is Dan liable for a few warnings there? Seeing as it's quite clear that I take drugs, and therefore he's calling me a pussy and a loser -- which is breaking the forum rules correct?

(Don't give him a warning, I'm not that bothered, he illustrates how idiotic the anti-drug argument can be sometimes :p )
I think it also has to do with the relatively young age of users here ...I was at the DOD forums and many members are 40+ ..which is quite refreshing ...not so many immature posts ..but then again with 28,852 active users here you're bound to get a few that spoil it for the rest of us
CptStern said:
I think it also has to do with the relatively young age of users here ...I was at the DOD forums and many members are 40+ ..which is quite refreshing ...not so many immature posts ..but then again with 28,852 active users here you're bound to get a few that spoil it for the rest of us

i agree. In fact i am only 5. No expletives near me, thank you very much.
burner69 said:
Now, first off, this thread is not about drugs.

For a start, drug use is common; it's estimated that in the UK 51% of people have tried cannabis. Making it effectively 'illegal' to even talk about drugs on these forums is just silencing an aspect of a potential majority. Now, I'm not saying drug use is safe, or should be condoned, what I am saying is that ceasing any civil debate about drugs is quite frankly idiotic.
:| .
ComradeBadger said:
It's also becuase they go into flamewars uberfast.

I'm aboot to start a bloody flamewar on your butt if you don't come to the -X- forum once in awhile ;)
So I'm not allowed to illustrate points?

I think I avoided any specifics of cannabis use there. If I'd said; the majority of people in the UK have tried illegal drugs I'd be told to back it up, from experience I just put the facts in from the start.

Be nice to hear your opinion rather than just trying to humilate me with frankly childish use of smilies.

Uhh heh.

I think banning drug discussion is a good idea. You are either for drugs, or against them. Don't see any point in arguing.
Agree'd Burner, a mature discussion on drug use would bring out the harmful effects and put minors off ever trying them than those bragging about it.

But then thats the problem, the discussions arent mature, more kids brag about taking whatever and it makes others more likely to try the things, whether its drinking lots of coffee in a row or a child trying heroin, the effects are the same... causing problems directly relating to this site.
Personally, I don't think any discussion about drugs in a gaming forum would A. Influence anyones decision on whether or not to do drugs B. Stop Someone who does drugs from doing them or C. Start someone who doesn't use them. Just like the discussions in the politics forums don't change people political positions one way or the other. :smoking: <--- interesting emoticon for a forum that discourages threads about drugs ^^
No! A discussion is not an arguement and a discussion is not a war of opinions. Therefore, I think there is nothing wrong with a Discussion of drugs, only of an arguement. I don't have any opinions of drug use directly, but I would be more than willing to have a discussion of drug use. I would only complain if people go on about how their way is best and start flaming and trolling.
However, from previous views, the mods have obviously seen that the discussion of drugs does not work here and is a waste of a mods valuable time, closely monitoring it. If a mod closes it, its his opinion but I think that discussions should be less tightly reigned.

(Argh! With a headache, cold, sore throat etc and any other illness you can think up, everythings spinning and turnung. It takes me 20 seconds on each word to check its spelt correctly, fortunately im such a good touch typer. But Im confusing myself so if any of you are confused, blame colds! Or maybe its just me)
actually, hl2 is a 15 rated game, so there shouldnt be any young users on these forums anyway..
It's actually 18 in some countries. But in most, if not all, the law is that people under that age cannot buy the game. There isn't really many laws that say they can't play it.

But either way, the rules on it stay as they are.
burner69 said:
So I'm not allowed to illustrate points?

I think I avoided any specifics of cannabis use there. If I'd said; the majority of people in the UK have tried illegal drugs I'd be told to back it up, from experience I just put the facts in from the start.

Be nice to hear your opinion rather than just trying to humilate me with frankly childish use of smilies.
Sorry, I just found it rather amusing that you launched into a thread not about drugs with some drug-related facts. My opinion on the matter? I'm with the other mods on this one; there are a number of 'hot topics' on this forum that, when brought up, will almost certainly end up with thread closure. An example of this is 'Half-Life 2 vs. X'. Another example is (you guessed it); drugs. We simply close the thread early to save any later grief - we've done it before in the past with other subjects, and it's worked well. Honestly, you can talk about mostly anything else here, why not just find another forum to argue over drugs?
Axyon said:
Sorry, I just found it rather amusing that you launched into a thread not about drugs with some drug-related facts. My opinion on the matter? I'm with the other mods on this one; there are a number of 'hot topics' on this forum that, when brought up, will almost certainly end up with thread closure. An example of this is 'Half-Life 2 vs. X'. Another example is (you guessed it); drugs. We simply close the thread early to save any later grief - we've done it before in the past with other subjects, and it's worked well. Honestly, you can talk about mostly anything else here, why not just find another forum to argue over drugs?

Fair play. But I hope you saw the relevance of that particular drug related fact, with regards this thread.
It's just that at the moment I am very aware that drugs threads get closed immediately if they are related to any balanced drug debate... which seems... unfair....
burner69 said:
Fair play. But I hope you saw the relevance of that particular drug related fact, with regards this thread.
It's just that at the moment I am very aware that drugs threads get closed immediately if they are related to any balanced drug debate... which seems... unfair....
Well life's unfair unfortunately. :(
[nomodview] Why not use different words for drugs, such as dog = heroin, teepee = weed, etc. I'm sure the mods won't cotton on [/nomodview]
I personally feel that this form of discussion is very appropriate. Drugs are a reality and to adopt a policy prohibiting discussions of their use or abuse is foolish. Nor is it really more controversial than many of the other issues that have arisin at this site. If it is true that all discussions mentioning drugs are closed... for shame.
I like your thinking phisionary... anyone should be allowed to talk about drugs unless their trying to sell it on the net or any other means of contacting people to do it with. You should be allowed to talk about drugs all you want
ilovemetal said:
I like your thinking phisionary... anyone should be allowed to talk about drugs unless their trying to sell it on the net or any other means of contacting people to do it with. You should be allowed to talk about drugs all you want
Oh like telling people how to make certain drugs and how to use that drug in order to get a certain effect/high.... :rolleyes:
I'd be happier if there werent drug threads
(Although i do think its dumb to censor a subject)
Thats the one topic that pisses me off to talk about
People make retarded inaccurate blanket statements
And completely ignore any facts from the opposing side
Plus those are why i have a warning level XD
I hate it when people parade that they smoke... On HL2DM someone kept telling me they smoked weed. :|

I really hate those people...

"LOOK AT ME! I SMOKE! w00t!"

I don't even care if you smoke, it's your choice. I didn't ask to hear about it though :|
shadow6899 said:
not to be rude, but then dont talk in them...
Lol, yea, thats why i made sure to add
"Although i do think its dumb to censor a subject"
Cuz i do think censoring the subject is a bad idea
I just personally prefer not reading, they get me in trouble XD

I hate it when people parade that they smoke...
Lol... my sn on css is [SRH] Stoner XD
It helps to innitiate discussion with other ppl that share my interest.
You know what's ironic? A thread about drug threads getting closed, getting closed.
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