Another DS thread


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, another one of these. I would've spared you but it seems pretty impossible to turn anything up in search with just two letters (adding "nintendo" doesn't help). But anyway it seems like a little while since the last one, so it can't hurt.

So, you know the drill. Reccomend any unmissable classics, recent successes, personal favourites, or discuss promising upcomers. No need to leave out GBA titles, either.

For my own part, I already have (including my roommate's games, who got one at the same time as me) -

Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - Reccomended to anyone who meets the following criteria: Owning a DS. Also (optionally) a soul.
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl - Good fun if you enjoyed the original games. Slow paced and easy going enough to play while doing something else, aswell (which you may also see as a con).
Brain Age 2 - Going with the daily theme was a smart design choice. Over prolonged playing sessions it'd never survive, but for a half-hour or so a day it's a nice distraction and definitely gets your brain working.
Trauma Center - Surgery is haaard. Who woulda thunk.
Chocobo Tales - Haven't played it much but seems like good cutesy/kiddy fun. Then again my roommate spent a good hour swearing at one of the minigames yesterday, so maybe it's not all giggles.

Also on it's way via post is Rune Factory (a Harvest Moon game), but I can't comment on that just yet.
Yoshi's Touch and Go - still my fave DS game and the best use of the stylus to date.

New Super Mario Bros. - nice to have some 2D goodness again.

Mario Kart - the best version since the snes original.

Advanced Wars - great fun, awesome multiplayer.

Ouendan - rhythm action ftw
I've gotten pretty bored of my DS, to be honest. I had fun with it when it first came out, like when I went with my boyfriend up to the Nintendo store and waited all night with like 50 million other people to get Shigeru Miyamoto's autograph, that was good times. But I don't think I bought a DS game in over a year, it's kind of disappointing. They all look super lame to me.

But anyway,
Clubhouse Games (I don't think they even make it anymore)
Nintedogs was cute
Yoshi Touch and Go
Big Brain Academy is fun
*oh and Tetris
Ha, I know. I'm just really particular when it comes to games. I pretty much avoid the RPG and stategy game genres altogether, and games with tacky-ass, spastic anime graphics drive me insane. Which really narrows down my selection.

It would be really great if I was either a ten-year-old or a senior citizen, though.
Warbie: I've been contemplating both Mario games, think I'd lean towards Kart as I always sucked something terrible at the old platformers. Advance Wars I was very interested in, but a) I can't find it anywhere and b) that new one is coming out in january sometime, which looks pretty flash. Hadn't heard of the other ones you mentioned, so I'll give em a look.

sea: Elite Beat Agents is on my list, just as soon as I can find it relatively cheap. Puzzle Quest I'd get if I hadn't already bought it on XBLA (so addictive). Is Revenant Wings very good? I was intrigued but reviews make it sound less than stellar, and it's pretty ****ing pricey here at the moment.

Kap H: Little wonder you aren't finding much to enjoy on the DS, disregarding strategy, RPG, or anything with a cheesy anime art style (which probably accounts for about 50% of all games by itself).
Starfox Command! Very intuitive controls. You use your stylus to control your plane, all other buttons shoot, so you can use a shoulder button, an arrow button.. a...
Plus the gay tactical battle map that pisses you off sometimes. Plus non-linear storyline, you ge tto choose what to do next with like 10 different endings. To unlock other choices you have to beat the game once, though.

This is my time to shine.

Elite Beat Agents: Yeah. You need to get this. Also, if you can find it/feel like importing it, Osu! Tatakae! OUENDAN! and it's sequal, Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii!, simply because of the additional difficulty factor. Although it is mostly Japanese widget style, so think about that first.

Phoenix Wright Series: Well... I'm a bit mixed about advising these. They're great stories, certainly, and I definitely enjoyed them; localisation was done exceedingly well. But bear in mind they're more adventure games than anything else. Very well written and enjoyable, though.

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin It was pretty cool. I finished it, but I didn't really have the urge to explore it to 100% like I did a couple of other games.

Advance Wars: Dual Strike: Get it, for the multiplayer funtime that can be had, if for nothing else. Story is decent, although Black Hole Rising had a better one imho.

I was looking into Luminous Arc, while I wait for the next Fire Emblem...
Hah I acquired Elite Beat Agents for a bit and hated it. Mainly due to the music and plain awful tacked on shit that isn't needed in a music game. I'll stick with 8 button DJ Max. The rest of Jintor's post I agree with.
Yes, but that's because you're crazy. Dancing Men In Black Save the World from All Sorts of Crap! What more do you need?

...yeah, it's a very widget series. ><
Hah I acquired Elite Beat Agents for a bit and hated it. Mainly due to the music and plain awful tacked on shit that isn't needed in a music game. I'll stick with 8 button DJ Max. The rest of Jintor's post I agree with.
8? You mean 7.. right?

Edit: Oh, you play portable. Please indicate this next time.

PC owns you.
Well, you see, Vegeta's crazy.
Starfox Command! Very intuitive controls. You use your stylus to control your plane, all other buttons shoot, so you can use a shoulder button, an arrow button.. a...
Plus the gay tactical battle map that pisses you off sometimes. Plus non-linear storyline, you ge tto choose what to do next with like 10 different endings. To unlock other choices you have to beat the game once, though.

Quoted for Troof.

It's awesome.

And pretty much all the other games mentioned in this thread. Although I can't stress Mario Kart enough.
DS games I've played, in order of greatness:
  • Advance Wars: Dual Strike
  • Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
  • Elite Beat Agents
  • Phoenix Wright
  • Metroid Prime: Hunters
  • Worms
  • Eragon
DS games I own:

Metroid Prime Hunters
Phoenix Wright
Phoenix Wright 2
Phoenix Wright 3
Final Fantasy III
Trauma Center
Death Note
Death Note 2
Code Geass
Castlevania DOS
Castlevania POR
Contra 4
Mario Kart
By the way, the best Harvest Moon is and will always be Friends of Mineral Town. Rune Factory tries but it can't quite cut it.
By the way, the best Harvest Moon is and will always be Friends of Mineral Town. Rune Factory tries but it can't quite cut it.
List 5 reasons why.

I got Rune Factory but didn't end up liking it much. The combat didn't mesh quite as well as I'd have liked I guess...
The top of my head reason would probably be characterisation. And a schedule that npcs stuck to, instead of friggin' teleporting everywhere like they do in Rune Factory.
Mario Kart
Metroid Prime Hunters
Star Fox
Both New and 64 Mario Games

Haven't picked up a new DS game in some time, but I've been eying Pokemon Diamond

Not sure what you meant by "characterisation", Jintor, but I've picked up an... err... trial copy of Mineral Town, so I'll probably grab it if it's more to my liking.

Shepard, like I said earlier, the new Pokemon games are good if you enjoyed the old ones and don't mind a bit more of the same. You'll probably only be into the new features if you were already a fan, but then if you weren't it'll all be new anyway. So, don't expect anything radically new, but they're still good.
Mineral Town characters were much more interesting than most of the Rune Factory and the Harvest Moon DS characters, and there was a greatly increased chance of running into character events, etc. More interesting stories for each character... that sort of thing.

I'm still eying Luminscent Arc. Might go pick it up before I leave for China.

I'm still waiting on friggin' Fire Emblem DS. HURRY UP DAMN YOU.
I just got Contra 4 for Christmas and I would recommend it to any fan of old-school 2-d games. It is insanely hard on normal and hard modes but it is definitely playable, and beatable on easy. There are a ton of unlockables including both original NES contra games as well as challenge mode which is incredibly addictive. The best part about the game is that the difficulty makes it better, you will not beat this game on your first few playthroughs, you have to memorize and study enemy patterns and time your movements accordingly. This is one of the most rewarding games to complete or finish some of the challenges because you put so much effort into it.
Picked up Luminous Arc, put it down again. Decent but I'd rather play FFTacticsAdvanced, honestly.
I'd rather just wait for FFTA2 or Fire Emblem. Small japanese dev houses seem to have a hard-on for strategy RPGs on hand-helds at the moment, so there's bound to be a few crap ones in the bunch.
I picked up a DS yesterday, the Target that had it in stock showed an epicness of irony. It was great because it was a Target in the mall plaza, so customer traffic is through the roof. Every Ebgames I called in to check for stock had nothing, all the Wal-Mart, BestBuy, CircuitCity, and other Target locations that I went into had nothing. There I was on the way to picking my girlfriend up from work, I decided to test the doubtful probability of that particular Target of even having any DS in stock, in short they did and I was uber excited every single minute of having it.

That aside. Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is simply THE SHIT.

Dementium: The Ward is a 1st person horror-survival shooter.

I find Flash Focus and the 2 Brain Age games cool for quick fixes, oh and Left or Right: Ambidextrous Challenge is cool even though it seems like it kinda jumps on the bandwagon.

I got many other games but, these are some of the ones I gave test drives so far.
Cool. And yeah, Zelda's awesome. The only thing I'd wish for though, is -

Some more challenging dungeons after you finish the main game. There doesn't seem to be any point to running around getting all the extra stuff when you can beat it easily without them. It's just collectables for the sake of having collectables.
I'm just watching anime on my DS now because I've finished most of my Japanese widget games. I'll go out and get Phantom Hourglass... I was feeling mixed on it, but Luminous Arc not being so good has made me want it more.

Might dig out my Rune Factory, as well, it's not that bad.
Widget? Stop talking moonspeak.

Try and find Zelda relatively cheap. It isn't short, but it won't last you forever either. Pretty much nil replay value.
I've only got 5 games. Final Fantasy III (Yawn), Mr Driller Drill Spirits (?5. I suck at it though :/), New Super Mario Brothers (the best of the lot, and recommended), Puyo Pop Fever (I love Puyo... but I'm still rubbish at it) and Yoshi's Island DS (Which got boring by the third world, because I've already ran the original into the ground, and this version has none of its flair).
Widget? Stop talking moonspeak.

Widget = WJT = Weird Japanese Thing.

I only really want Zelda for the week I'm in China, so I can have something to entertain myself with on flights and whatnot.
Yeah, it should last you that long. And if you're a completionist it'll have you coming back to collect everything else for awhile. Just don't expect that part to be incredibly rewarding (unless something happens that I haven't come across yet).