Another Error Message-goddam Steam


May 26, 2005
Reaction score
Has anybody encountered this error?:

" Disconnect: Error verifying STEAM USER ID Ticket (Server was unable to contact the authentication server, 35 "

I have had this the last couple of days, when trying to get into a server, sometimes i can enter the server for a few seconds before this message comes up and then i am booted.

This was happening before the new look Server Screen (released today) and is still happening.
Has anyone got any suggestions, it's one thing after another lately with Steam f~~king up.
Your Steam Ticket is expired. This is because someone (you or someone else) has attempted to log into your Steam account using another computer. But in your case it's because it can't contact the server :p
Just restart Steam and should switch to another auth server.
Thanks Beerdude.
I logged out of Steam and logged back in again and it's working fine again now.