Another Explosions in the Sky thread


Aug 29, 2004
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So here I am, after a few beers, listening to Your Hand In Mine just thinking how this song underscores how brilliant this band is. This song is simply beautiful. Anyone else agree?
I concur.

I love EitS... I love post-rock in general, great to listen to when toking.

My favorite song is Snow and Lights, it's such a trip.
yes, yes i do.

i went to glasgow on tuesday to see them, when i got to the gig i discovered it was cancelled due to storms in america. They had to cancel their manchester gig aswell. Was so gutted, spent alot of money on flights and hotel etc....

hope they reschedule....pls come HERE!!!!!
Shit jimbo, that sucks. I was going to go and see them at All Tomorrows Parties but tickets are expensooovvve. So many good bands are playing, too. :(

I love me some EITS.
*puts on Your Hand in Mine*

Hell yes.

I so want to form a band and just do instrumental shit like this. I really respect bands who can do it well, because the music really has to stand on it's own. I've actually been switching more and more onto that kind of thing lately, since it's becoming increasingly apparently that bands just don't have anything to say anymore, and lyrics are becoming more contrived by the day. It might as well just be background noise, so why have it at all?

I realise this isn't true of many bands, and I do appreciate a good singer, but sometimes you just wanna switch it off and let the tunes speak for themself...ves... (whatever)
Listen to Mogwai, Hat. :D

I heard some Caspian yesterday which is very EITS like. Pretty cool.
Getting some of them as we speak, been putting off checking them out for awhile.

I keep hearing Boards of Canada mentioned here too. Same sorta stuff or no?
BoC are in the same sort of vein, just electronica. Still very atmospheric and beautiful stuff, though. I highly recommend them. If you can, get the albums Geogaddi, Music Has The Right to Children and The Campfire Headphase. Those three are the most known albums, but try for the Trans Canada Highway EP aswell as, although short, is a close favourite of mine.
Awesome, will do.

Anyway, I'm gonna take this to a new thread before I deralerise this one any more.
Started playing this about 20 mins ago, never realised how almost every song blends into the other in some way.

And yes, Hand In Mine is epic.

***king awesome band. Never heard of them until i came to Uni and through these forums (thanks guys :D). Ive been missing out.
Great bands listed here, might I also suggest Tycho?

My personal favorites by them are Cloud Generator, Pbs/Kae, Overlook, Sun Projector, and Past is Prologue
Great bands listed here, might I also suggest Tycho?

My personal favorites by them are Cloud Generator, Pbs/Kae, Overlook, Sun Projector, and Past is Prologue

I just'd that guy and damn the 30 second samples are nice. Can see why BoC are listed as a similar artist - not that that's a bad thing. Deffo gonna have a hunt around tonight for some.
yes, yes i do.

i went to glasgow on tuesday to see them, when i got to the gig i discovered it was cancelled due to storms in america. They had to cancel their manchester gig aswell. Was so gutted, spent alot of money on flights and hotel etc....

hope they reschedule....pls come HERE!!!!!

They are wonderful live :).,-PA-[03-18-07]

Your Hand in Mine was my favorite piece starting out... most accessible one. But now I'm more partial to Yasmin the Light and The Moon is Down. But I have to say, a lot of their other songs can get kinda noisy, and when they're playing live and you hear those first few notes of Your Hand... it's pretty darn awesome.

Recently, been listening to this guy:
Very nice and easy to listen to. The Airship album is a nice little collection.

Also check out Mono and Sparrows Swarm and Sing and Godspeed You! Black Emperor. And God Is An Astronaut.
The Moon is Down is my favorite EitS song, and possibly favorite song ever. But all the songs are just plain incredible :D