another mag...

Kel Thuzad

Aug 28, 2004
Reaction score
Well, this sure does get boring, but here goes anyway...

Its Czexh / Slovak Mag called SCORE, its not on newsstand yet, but subscribers had gotten it yesterday...
Half Life 2 - 97%
Summary: Although maybe no one believed it after all that time, developers from VALVe outdid themselves and have created one of the best games of all time. Moreover, when we consider the potential in modding comunnity, i am tempted to give HL2 100%. In these times its just the best game you can get your hands on.

pros: Perfect realignment of action and story, perfect use of physics, perfect made characters (he means their personalities) and besides that almost everything :)

cons: could have been more weapons (this guys a moron, he would be happy with 35 unoriginal weapons, dont mind him), sometimes not so great AI of enemies

Thats pretty much it. I dont like the reviewer very much, but he usually gives fair scores, so its ok... He played the entire game in VALVe, there is short interview with DOUG which doesnt tell anything new...
I didnt read the whole review, just a small part of it, cause in the beginning he gives warning af medium spoilers throughout the whole review so...
Whats with the bad AI all the time ?!
I mean, how can they even NOTICE a glitch in the AI which is so small that it takes 1 - 2 % from the final score...?!
I guess they're just trying to find anything they can to prove it's not 100% perfect. That's what reviewers do.
im nt concerned with any AI flaws...Valve is bound to release patches anyway
The AI glitches are probably already fixed, all the mags would have been playing pre-gold versions.
And even if they wern't fixed in gold they will be fixed before release (as they've been mentioned in a couple of reviews I'm sure valve have spotted them andthe fix will be through an update over steam as soon as you log on :) (unless they are too hard to fix easily)
number of weapons ?

dunno,scans are down, i dont have the mag yet...but i think those listed here on should be all withouz one, max 2
complementary info...

just for illustration, Doom3 got 84% in the same mag and FarCry got 90%

Yeah, this really gets boring :D
But thats for a good reason...

Not enough weapons???? I dont care how much weapons there are...I just want something new... and well, HL2 has it.

The AI is perfect, couldnt be better, Im sure of that...

If theres anything not quite as I want it, its the Multi Player...

Im in a CS Clan, so CS Source is a gift from heaven... but I would really like some HL2 multiplayer levels... but aahhh it doesnt matter.. It has CS Source and that great :D
i was just on discussion where the reviewer was posting...
I asked him, what he meant by weak AI...
He explained to me that now he sees writing that con there as a mistake...he said the AI is, in fact, great...That sometimes he even couldnt tell the difference between whats scripted and what is not...its just that in some situations he would expect some better behaviour from AI that is so good in the rest of the game...
case solved

ive found the scans again...
Theres one pic i didnt notice before...

someone may consider this a spoiler but i myself am Spoilerphobe and i didnt mind seeing this.

Its a pic of fight in the middle of a street...there are some rebels, Barney and DOG. Well, looks like DOG is really mad at something / someone cause he is holding a car above his head and is throwing it at some enemy which i cant see due to bad quality of scans...
theyre not even scans - some guy just took a picture of that page with a camera...

well thats it...looks f*ckin incredible, believe me...
Kel Thuzad said:
i was just on discussion where the reviewer was posting...
I asked him, what he meant by weak AI...
He explained to me that now he sees writing that con there as a mistake...he said the AI is, in fact, great...That sometimes he even couldnt tell the difference between whats scripted and what is not...its just that in some situations he would expect some better behaviour from AI that is so good in the rest of the game...
case solved
That seems to be a common acknowledgement of the game. Most other magazines have said this same thing, so i wouldn't worry about the AI being "bad"
Again - most reviews I've read say the SQUAD A.I. is not that great, in particular. The enemy (combine) A.I. they say is very good, and sometimes it's hard to tell between wether it's a scripted or dynamic A.I at work.
The only bad thing i've heard about the squad AI is that sometimes it gets in your way
maybe the ai cant make guns out of mud and sticks, that would suck :(
Sparta said:
The only bad thing i've heard about the squad AI is that sometimes it gets in your way

And the PC Gameplay writes that it's a cool feature, squads, but not overly useful. That's about all the bad things I've heard about it.
If they say that friendly A.I. is sometimes clumsy and gets in your way, it doesn't mean it's rubbish. I think that the reviewers just couldn't think of any real cons, but they had to write something.
To be honest, i find the same issues with call of duty, the issue with squad ai was clarified in the PC Gamer US review where he mentioned, if you run out of a street battle into a room, the friendly guys follow you instead of fighting on there own, (which is kinda what i expect to happen in most similar games), the way HL2 goes about it, is call of dutys squad ai, but with the abbility to direct them to certain positions, etc.
The AI can't be all that bad if reviewers keep wishing they could hand out a perfect score.
A.I. said:
If they say that friendly A.I. is sometimes clumsy and gets in your way, it doesn't mean it's rubbish.
Indeed. Anybody who has ever played multiplayer knows that even teammates with presumably real intelligence can clumsily get in your way. many weapons should there be?? My favorite weapon is the manipulator..cause it can be come a whole bunch of different a weapon that explodes...a weapon that can shoot sharp things and cut things in half...that's awesome.
It just sounds like the Ai is merely pretty good, but nothing revolutionary and doesn't quite match the level of quality of the other aspects of the game.

Not that surprising really.