Another one of them "look I got a camera" threads!


Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
Just got my first camera that had anything over 1 megapixel, and I am very pleased. Sorry that I have no photographing skill, (these are literally the first photographs I've taken)

Baby Pinecones



Dead ant on the front porch
Leaf and Tailight one are good. You say you're a first timer but those two look like you might know what you're doing. Keep it up ;P
Hey thanks guys. I just took a ton more photographs while I was interning at NASA. Sadly most of them are blurry (I guess I should get a tripod)

But here are some of the better ones:

Butterfly peeking over a rock (Taken at the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences)

Liquid Nitrogen (Outside the VASMIR plasma engine complex, they used it to cool their superconducting electromagnets)

Butterfly Resting (taken in the same place as the first image)

NASA test chamber (That is the door to the test chamber, it weighed 40 tons, and that student was 6'3)

Rice University (one of the best looking campuses in the country, IMO)
Good stuff man. Keep at it.

What kind of camera?
I'm looking at a DSLR right now, but my wallet isn't liking the price.
For some reason the ant one and the dew on the car light really struck me, some powerful shots here, keep it up.
looks like heightened contrast and color saturation. It looks nice but like I said I was just posting the raw shots.
Eh, I say throw that shit in the gutter. I have very different tastes than what is usually considered pleasing to the eye according to this pish posh. That stuff comes naturally to those with talent anyways.

Well, i'm just saying to keep composition in mind when you take a picture. Try to think to yourself, "what will this look like to other people? Where will there eyes go first? What will their vision be attracted to, and away from?"

For instance, i'd say that the wasp shot is a million times better than the other ones, as is the nasa one, just because the composition in those shots is allot more pleasing to the eye, and well put together, than in the other ones.

Keep it up :)
i thought u wasnt allowed to take cameras into nasa

We weren't allowed to take them into some of the labs, like the VASMIR engine lab. We also weren't allowed to take pictures of the astronauts, or while inside mission control. We also were not allowed to videotape astronauts in training.