Another school shooting to blame gaming for...


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score

Thank god there were no fatalities except his own. No doubt this case will find its way into jack thompsons briefcase.
i saw on CNN they are talkin about how schoolteachers should carry a gun for situations like this.
Well, can't blame guns. Guns don't kill people apparently.
Jack Thomson is becoming a joke to the non-gaming community now so I don't think we will be hearing much from him.
wow, thats not too far from me

"The attacker was said to have been unhappy at having been suspended."

People are so effing selfish.
this is clearly an act of the Orange Box being released just hours before this event!!!

Someone should arrest Gabe Newell
Not that I'm one to always take news like this 100% seriously, but is anyone else getting just a little sick of the knee-jerk reaction from the gamer side of things when things like this pop up now? There hasn't even been any mention of blame yet and already you're worried that gaming is going to take a hit for this? Uhh... a kid just died. How about, **** gaming for a moment. How about, try and appreciate that there's something bigger going on for just a second. Atleast try and show a little tact.

You know why people like Jack Thompson are constantly getting on peoples nerves when shit like this happens? Becase they're insensitive f*cks who bring up totally innapropriate topics at sensitive times to further their own agenda.

Let's try and set a better example than them as a community, shall we?

Edit - Blah, must be in a flaming mood today. Edited a bit for language :x

And yeah, I'm aware some of you might have been joking, but it still gets pretty damn annoying.
A kid walks into a school and tries to murder innocent people before killing himself, and you're calling me insensitive.
Lol. Dual-wielding.
Otherwise, that's horrible...
Uhm, anyone see the recent rise in gunplay in schools? I just saw such a thing on the news. First it's the Virginia tech.. and all the shits start going down.
Lol. Dual-wielding.
Otherwise, that's horrible...
Uhm, anyone see the recent rise in gunplay in schools? I just saw such a thing on the news. First it's the Virginia tech.. and all the shits start going down.

First its Virginia Tech?

Oh yeah, dont worry about Columbine or the other dozen school shootings in the past few years...
But I mean recently, Like the past year.
Not that I'm one to always take news like this 100% seriously, but is anyone else getting just a little sick of the knee-jerk reaction from the gamer side of things when things like this pop up now? There hasn't even been any mention of blame yet and already you're worried that gaming is going to take a hit for this? Uhh... a kid just died. How about, **** gaming for a moment. How about, try and appreciate that there's something bigger going on for just a second. Atleast try and show a little tact.

You know why people like Jack Thompson are constantly getting on peoples nerves when shit like this happens? Becase they're insensitive f*cks who bring up totally innapropriate topics at sensitive times to further their own agenda.

Let's try and set a better example than them as a community, shall we?

Edit - Blah, must be in a flaming mood today. Edited a bit for language :x

And yeah, I'm aware some of you might have been joking, but it still gets pretty damn annoying.

qft. Seriously, the firs tthing everybody does when this shit goes down is try and figure out who's to blame...
I think that to go into school and shoot at other people is a sign of severe mental issues.
A kid walks into a school and tries to murder innocent people before killing himself, and you're calling me insensitive.
Point taken. I was mostly talking about the attitude in general, since this isn't the first thread where people have had that reaction. It's painful enough when Jacko actually comes out with this shit, but to be reminded of it every time something like this happens is kind of like salt in the wound...

Besides which, if he was influenced by gaming in any way, he must have really sucked at it.