Another story of people's retardation in BF2


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
Half an hour ago I joined a server through Xfire, as I wanted to play with some people from my "friends of friends" list. I joined the squad, where these guys were but it turned out that the squad didn't walk in a group (two in a heli, one sitting in the Stinger launcher nest). I just found one squadmate somewhere and attacked a flag with him, but eventually died.

A few minutes later I got kicked out of the squad. I joined it again as I thought it was the squadleaders mistake, as I didn't see a reason for him kicking me, nor did he say anything. Upon joining I asked whether I was kicked on purpose, and if yes - why? No response.

A few minutes later when I spawned at the MEC airfield (it was Gulf of Oman) I decided to go for the Stinger launcher nest, but got tk'ed by the guy, that was previously using the nest in another part of the map for a long time. I thought he killed me so I don't start using "his" launcher. Anyway, I asked why did he kill me. No response.
I said "obviously you killed me on purpose to get into the Stinger".
He responded "I didn't even get into the Stinger, dumbshit"
- why did you kill me then?
- cause you're a douche
- explain please, what did I do wrong?
another guy from the squad says - you looked at us the wrong way
the Stinger guy, again - you joined the squad after we kicked you
- I asked whether it was on purpose, and if yes, why?
- it's just a no unfocused squad.

Somewhere, while talking I got killed by the "you looked at us the wrong way" guy. When he was taking off with the heli, he launched a few missiles at me.

I quit the squad, found the Stinger guy threw a C4 at him, detonated it and left. I'm a bit ashamed now, because I actually lowered myself to his level a bit.

Anyway, sad :( I felt like telling about it. What do you think of this situation? Did you have any similar experiences?
its always very hard not to drop to the level of asshats like that. ive only done it once, when i was getting into the gunner seat of a chopper. a pilot was getting in so i followed him, little did i know his friend was far behind me trying to get in as well. needless to say, he sprinted up to me and i got the business end of a shotgun in my back. so after i respawned i waited behind the helipad, and got in after the pilot got in. his friend sat outside jumping around and shooting like an idiot, so i used the machine gun on him and quit the server. hated to do it, but i felt like i had to.
Yeah there's a lot of pricks on the internet alright.

I would've done the same thing, one tk'er on my team got on the Anti-Aircraft Vulcan/SAM thing on the US carrier on Gulf of Oman. We'd lost all the other spawn points so he was having a good old time mowing down his respawning teammates. One of my squad mates put C4 on the AA emplacement, but this guy saw him do and got out guns blazing, only to fall off the side of the ship. Then, about 10 or so guys line up on the edge and blow him to hell using rockets, machine guns and grenade launchers as he tries to swim away :laugh:

He got vote kicked out in the end.
One time there was a big jerk in a helicopter that would tk if you got in the mec chopper because he wanted it that bad. Me and a squadmate I was playing with jumped on the cockpit glass as he was taking off so we were tk'ed. We both punished and he was gone :D

It's the best way to deal with jerks you want off the server. Make them TK you.

Tank tk'ing whore? Jump on the front or back.
Jet tk'ing whore? Make him go through you to take off.

Of course this only really works for vehicle guys but if it's an infantry jerk try running into his nades or mines or anything.

Of course every server is different. Some don't let you even punish if you wanted. Some don't kick after a few consecutive tk's but most I've played on allow you to punish and if they're back to back they get banned.

Then there's servers that kick you for lame reasons such as attacking anywhere CLOSE to a main spawn even when your team holds all other points or an example from a game I played today with kaf11.

We were on Dalian Plant (32-player) in the Chinese attack chopper (damn the machine gun on that thing blows - kaf11 will tell you all about it :P). There was a single infantryman inside the warehouse point so I flew the chopper inside the warehouse and around the crates so kaf11 could take him down. We make sure the point is captured and then I fly out. kaf11 says, "holy shit" and boom he's gone. Luckily he was able to rejoin quickly before a slot was filled but c'mon...that's just lame.
There was this one time, Fushe Pass 64p. I entered the server halfway through the game and spawned at the Bridge Camp (the one next to the 32p Chinese Main). I jumped in an APC, aware that i was being shot at, turned around and a guy was blasting my APC with his Mobile AA vehicle, not doing much damage. I got out, and stood in front of his vehicle. We just looked at each other for about a minute while i typed "wtf are you doing?"
He started shooting at me again so i jumped around a bit and got in his vehicle so he couldnt get me.
Then he typed "get the fu*k out so i can kill you"!!
I got out, because he wasn't going anywhere, and he killed me, and i punished.
Yeah that was Fox, his brother, and I.

****ing owned :D
You never said you were affiliated with HL2.NET and we were removing you because we don't want anyone that doesn't know how we work in our squad.
Glirk Dient said:
You never said you were affiliated with HL2.NET and we were removing you because we don't want anyone that doesn't know how we work in our squad. Unfocused's story is about you guys? That's kinda akward :P

In the future you guys should probably lock the squad and only let the people that clarify themselves as HL2.NET'ers join (or send them an invite).
AmishSlayer said: Unfocused's story is about you guys? That's kinda akward :P

In the future you guys should probably lock the squad and only let the people that clarify themselves as HL2.NET'ers join (or send them an invite).

Iono, we always keep people (cyberpitz, kaff11, ect) in our squads if we know they are from hl2net. But unfocused is obviously of sub-par importance if we didn't even know he was from hl2net. Besides, some people take the game too seriously, I mean, comon :|

Actually, we really don't kick people out of our squads unless they are being a hassle and we need to do specific squad stuff by ourselves.
I played with Pesmerga and his squad for a bit a few weeks ago, Strike at Kaarkand. He got 100+ points.

I got only 40 something.
Pesmerga said:
Yeah that was Fox, his brother, and I.

****ing owned :D

whats his bros name?

i think that i played with him a few weeks ago as well
I'm fox's bro. We don't lock the squad because when the squad leader died he leaves so that everyone can spawn on the person still alive. We simply kick people that join that we do not know because if they get leader then the system is screwed up.

Yeah..the story is about me haha. I'm the one that TKed him and said he was a D bag and our squad was a no unfocused squad. Hehe, we were just messing around and had you figured for a random n00b.
Glirk Dient said:
I'm fox's bro. We don't lock the squad because when the squad leader died he leaves so that everyone can spawn on the person still alive. We simply kick people that join that we do not know because if they get leader then the system is screwed up.

Yeah..the story is about me haha. I'm the one that TKed him and said he was a D bag and our squad was a no unfocused squad. Hehe, we were just messing around and had you figured for a random n00b.

Ahhh, nobody does that when I ask them to.

Do you guys play on ranked servers?

Also...when do you guys play? I don't see you guys online all that much (on xfire...hell I'm not sure I have all of you on xfire).
I usually am not on. Fox is on as long as he is still breathing(sometimes not). I usually don't get on Xfire but its Glirk. In game its Glirk Dient.
AmishSlayer said:
We were on Dalian Plant (32-player) in the Chinese attack chopper (damn the machine gun on that thing blows - kaf11 will tell you all about it :P). There was a single infantryman inside the warehouse point so I flew the chopper inside the warehouse and around the crates so kaf11 could take him down. We make sure the point is captured and then I fly out. kaf11 says, "holy shit" and boom he's gone. Luckily he was able to rejoin quickly before a slot was filled but c'mon...that's just lame.
yeah, that helicopter sucked, and that server was even more lame because i got kicked for saying "shit." one time we literally cornered someone and i sprayed him down with about 100 rounds and he just ran behind a fence after scrambling around for a bit. and by the way, that was some excellent flying earlier.
Glirk Dient said:
You never said you were affiliated with HL2.NET and we were removing you because we don't want anyone that doesn't know how we work in our squad.

Yeah, I didn't say that, thought that maybe Pesmerga would recognise me (well, I've got over 800 posts, I'm not a total noob to the forums). It's sad that you treated me like this. It doesn't even matter if I'm affiliated or not. Treating people like that, insulting them (you did that twice, I didn't even once) is just wrong. I would have left without you tking me if you asked me to. You kicked me but as I said, I thought it was by mistake, because you didn't even say anything. I'm not a retard that wants to spoil ppl's games. Maybe you took me for one. :/

I didn't say that those "friends of friends" were Foxtrot and Pesmerga because they didn't take part in this, they were just on the squad. The two guys were Glirk and some TheFlesh guy (sorry I don't remember the nick well). But yeah, I guess I was looking like a noob (if that was of any importance, anyway) because somehow the account server misread my stats and I was visible in the scoreboard as if I was private.
kaf11 said:
yeah, that helicopter sucked, and that server was even more lame because i got kicked for saying "shit." one time we literally cornered someone and i sprayed him down with about 100 rounds and he just ran behind a fence after scrambling around for a bit. and by the way, that was some excellent flying earlier.

You too? I thought it was a bug on my part. In the Chinese attack chopper I would spray hundreds of rounds into this this squad my pilot found, literally the bullets hitting them in the torso, arms and legs and they would keep on running. It happened all the time with every solider i tried to shoot, in the end i had to take them out with tv guided missiles.
Pesmerga said:
Yeah that was Fox, his brother, and I.

****ing owned :D
Did it ever occur to you people that you are retarted, well did it.
did it ever occur to you to say that he was kicked couse you thought he didn't have any affiliation with, when he asked if he was kicked on purpose and why. It's retard like you three that ruin this game.

As far as anyone who can't hit shit with the gun on the USMC/China attack chopper with the chain gun, it's a common bug.
Just watch this video
JiMmEh said:
You too? I thought it was a bug on my part. In the Chinese attack chopper I would spray hundreds of rounds into this this squad my pilot found, literally the bullets hitting them in the torso, arms and legs and they would keep on running. It happened all the time with every solider i tried to shoot, in the end i had to take them out with tv guided missiles.

Blackhawk for teh win! You can shoot the minigun next to the guy and he will get hit, because of the recoil :)

Grey Fox said:
As far as anyone who can't hit shit with the gun on the USMC/China attack chopper with the chain gun, it's a common bug.
Just watch this video

Eh? WTF?
JiMmEh said:
You too? I thought it was a bug on my part. In the Chinese attack chopper I would spray hundreds of rounds into this this squad my pilot found, literally the bullets hitting them in the torso, arms and legs and they would keep on running. It happened all the time with every solider i tried to shoot, in the end i had to take them out with tv guided missiles.
yesterday this happened to amishslayer and i several times. very frustratiing. this is the explanation of how it happens given on the totalbf2 forum link provided earlier:

"I can confirm that it is definately as the result of a bug. Me and my bro play online on two PCs in the same room and were both in a chopper. I was hovering and he was gunning. According to his screen he was shooting at three stationary infantry taking a flag and for some reason having no effect. But according to my screen, and thus, what the server is recording him as doing, his cannon was firing at a wall around 10m away from the enemy infantry, hence no kills!!

As mentioned before it is a bug that occurs in the cobra when the gunner changes from TV missile back to the cannon. For whatever reason the gun is not calibrated properly (even though it appears to be for the gunner). I have heard that the gunner looking to all four corners of their view may recalibrate what he is doing compared to what the server thinks he is, though I cannot confirm this."

this sounds reasonable, but i dont think amishslayer was seeing my bullets hit elsewhere. he saw that they were hitting the soldiers directly. oh well, i guess he could always steal us the mec chopper like he so easily did before.
kaf11 said:
yesterday this happened to amishslayer and i several times. very frustratiing. this is the explanation of how it happens given on the totalbf2 forum link provided earlier:

"I can confirm that it is definately as the result of a bug. Me and my bro play online on two PCs in the same room and were both in a chopper. I was hovering and he was gunning. According to his screen he was shooting at three stationary infantry taking a flag and for some reason having no effect. But according to my screen, and thus, what the server is recording him as doing, his cannon was firing at a wall around 10m away from the enemy infantry, hence no kills!!

As mentioned before it is a bug that occurs in the cobra when the gunner changes from TV missile back to the cannon. For whatever reason the gun is not calibrated properly (even though it appears to be for the gunner). I have heard that the gunner looking to all four corners of their view may recalibrate what he is doing compared to what the server thinks he is, though I cannot confirm this."

this sounds reasonable, but i dont think amishslayer was seeing my bullets hit elsewhere. he saw that they were hitting the soldiers directly. oh well, i guess he could always steal us the mec chopper like he so easily did before.

Yeah that was absolutely ridiculous. This guy sitting on the TV station balcony was NOT dying. kaf11 was unloading directly on him to no effect. I fired like 28 rockets (at least like 75% of which should have at least hurt him) and kaf11 even dropped a tv missile at the guy's feet and nothing happened.

Then another chopper came in and sprayed like 3 bullets at the guy and he died.
Grey Fox said:
Did it ever occur to you people that you are retarted, well did it.
did it ever occur to you to say that he was kicked couse you thought he didn't have any affiliation with, when he asked if he was kicked on purpose and why. It's retard like you three that ruin this game.

As far as anyone who can't hit shit with the gun on the USMC/China attack chopper with the chain gun, it's a common bug.
Just watch this video

Eh...wah? Do you need some Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo so it doesn't get in your eyes? We were having a great time, and you weren't even in there. So **** off, seriously, you're taking sides against someone without any of the information at all. Besides, it's a game. It's not like we join a game specifically to piss people off (Ok, Foxtrot does).
looks like ill never be able to play bf2, by the time i can afford a super pc, bf2 will be boring for most of you.
KoreBolteR said:
looks like ill never be able to play bf2, by the time i can afford a super pc, bf2 will be boring for most of you.

How come you can't play like you did in the demo days?

I won't be getting bored with BF2 for a long time.
Pesmerga said:
Eh...wah? Do you need some Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo so it doesn't get in your eyes? We were having a great time, and you weren't even in there. So **** off, seriously, you're taking sides against someone without any of the information at all. Besides, it's a game. It's not like we join a game specifically to piss people off (Ok, Foxtrot does).

I gave all the info I had.
Pesmerga Eh...wah? Do you need some Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo so it doesn't get in your eyes? We were having a great time, and you weren't even in there. So **** off, seriously, you're taking sides against someone without any of the information at all. Besides, it's a game. It's not like we join a game specifically to piss people off (Ok, Foxtrot does).

Another story of people's retardation in BF2
Half an hour ago I joined a server through Xfire, as I wanted to play with some people from my "friends of friends" list. I joined the squad, where these guys were but it turned out that the squad didn't walk in a group (two in a heli, one sitting in the Stinger launcher nest). I just found one squadmate somewhere and attacked a flag with him, but eventually died.

A few minutes later I got kicked out of the squad. I joined it again as I thought it was the squadleaders mistake, as I didn't see a reason for him kicking me, nor did he say anything. Upon joining I asked whether I was kicked on purpose, and if yes - why? No response.

A few minutes later when I spawned at the MEC airfield (it was Gulf of Oman) I decided to go for the Stinger launcher nest, but got tk'ed by the guy, that was previously using the nest in another part of the map for a long time. I thought he killed me so I don't start using "his" launcher. Anyway, I asked why did he kill me. No response.
I said "obviously you killed me on purpose to get into the Stinger".
He responded "I didn't even get into the Stinger, dumbshit"
- why did you kill me then?
- cause you're a douche
- explain please, what did I do wrong?
another guy from the squad says - you looked at us the wrong way
the Stinger guy, again - you joined the squad after we kicked you
- I asked whether it was on purpose, and if yes, why?
- it's just a no unfocused squad.

Somewhere, while talking I got killed by the "you looked at us the wrong way" guy. When he was taking off with the heli, he launched a few missiles at me.

I quit the squad, found the Stinger guy threw a C4 at him, detonated it and left. I'm a bit ashamed now, because I actually lowered myself to his level a bit.

Anyway, sad I felt like telling about it. What do you think of this situation? Did you have any similar experiences?

Your replay

Yeah that was Fox, his brother, and I.

****ing owned

I know more then enough from your replay. You people are the cancer that has taken hold on Bf2. You should be ****ing happy that someone like unfocused joined your squad, WTF does it matter that he isn't hl2. How many ****ing people do you know that would politely ask if the ywere kicked and not just flame your ass off. You ****ing assholes TK'ed just for joining your squad, and you think you owned him. You've got nothing on him, he will come a lot farther in this world then dipshits like you ever will.
Isn't this what password-secured squads are for?

Passwording your squad is easier than allowing unwanted people to join, and then acting like w**kers towards them. Surely?

Personally, I hate that style of "Why are you being a dick?"- <no response> player, who won't even tell you what their problem is
Grey Fox said:
Your replay

I know more then enough from your replay. You people are the cancer that has taken hold on Bf2. You should be ****ing happy that someone like unfocused joined your squad, WTF does it matter that he isn't hl2. How many ****ing people do you know that would politely ask if the ywere kicked and not just flame your ass off. You ****ing assholes TK'ed just for joining your squad, and you think you owned him. You've got nothing on him, he will come a lot farther in this world then dipshits like you ever will.

We all do that sometimes, don't we?

a;though pesmerga does it everyday.
"Okay Pesmerga, you've been accepted to work at NASA. You can start on Monday, make sure you - WHAT?! YOU TEAMKILLED SOMEONE IN A COMPUTER GAME?

Sorry about all of that crap unfocused. Yesterday we had lots of people joining our squad and we just kick them because it would waste a lot of time to type of why every 5 seconds. When you rejoined is when we had you figured for another annoying nub that we had doing the same thing before. Just he kept TKing us until we got him kicked. So Sorry for all of time say your from HL2.NET and not a random nub.
we were playing and some tk'er came up to me and ran me over on purpose.

Me - "wtf? why u tk me"
Him - "cuz I did it on purpose u ****head"

then I saw him running around later in the map and knifed him until he died, then revived him with the medkit, then knifed, then revived, ect...then he just said.. "ass" .

and then I think I was kicked off the server for excessive teamkilling...oh well..sometimes you just gotta play at the TK'ers own game to show them what its like on the recieving end.

And another time me and Kamizakie were playing BF2 with this guy named Captain something (I cant remember the second part of his name) and his score was well into the negative 100s....eventually it became comical as he took off in helicopters and crashed them into full black hawks killing 6. Apparently there was no auto-tk kick on the server...eventually me and kamikazie got into the fun and know...

Lol BF2...what a game
Yesterday before a round started we were on karkand and had a bunch of vehicles below the jump by the second point. We were going to see if we could jump them all but a n00b on me and foxs team drove off and destroyed half of it. Since it was before the round I knifed him, and then fox revived him and I knifed him again. We kept doing that for a bit...until the server turned into a giant TK fest.
Glirk Dient said:
Sorry about all of that crap unfocused. Yesterday we had lots of people joining our squad and we just kick them because it would waste a lot of time to type of why every 5 seconds. When you rejoined is when we had you figured for another annoying nub that we had doing the same thing before. Just he kept TKing us until we got him kicked. So Sorry for all of time say your from HL2.NET and not a random nub.

Okay, I appreciate the apologies.

You can always lock the squad if you don't want random people joining it.
We didn't want to lock it because if the leader died he would leave and rejoin so we could spawn on someone that was still alive.
Me and another guy decided we wanted to pilot the MEC chopper in 32p Gulf of Oman, and in the usual initial rush to the heli pad the other guy began a rampage of tking to stop anyone else getting in the chopper. I was the only one he didn't kill. He started off on -20 odd, and wasn't kicked for some reason, but i was on a roll with the tv guideds and got hime out of negative.
I feel dirty saying this :) but the tking just seemed right at the time (i didnt do any) but i just sat there laughing while he continued to do it throughout the round.

TKing IS FUNNY!! (the first couple of times at least, and as long as you're not on the recieving end)
J_Tweedy said:
Me and another guy decided we wanted to pilot the MEC chopper in 32p Gulf of Oman, and in the usual initial rush to the heli pad the other guy began a rampage of tking to stop anyone else getting in the chopper. I was the only one he didn't kill. He started off on -20 odd, and wasn't kicked for some reason, but i was on a roll with the tv guideds and got hime out of negative.
I feel dirty saying this :) but the tking just seemed right at the time (i didnt do any) but i just sat there laughing while he continued to do it throughout the round.

TKing IS FUNNY!! (the first couple of times at least, and as long as you're not on the recieving end)

There was a guy that was throwing nades towards the US spawn in Karkand (we were MEC). I threw him an ammo bag every now and again and some guy was throwing health packs all over the place. I ran out of ammo bags and shot him in the leg with my PKM once....and he died. I got a tk. He didn't punish and the medic quickly revived him but I thought it was really strange. I'm sure he was at full life and I know I capped him in the leg...but he died anyways...
whenever i play as a sniper (most of the time) i tell people that i am setting a claymore (because they dont look over the ladder when they crawl over). well, this one guy didnt listen to me and he climbed up the ladder and the next thing that i knew "SuicidalPacifist teamkills whatever his name was" then he had the balls to punish me, so i asked him "WTF, why you punish when it was your fault" he said "well you didnt warn anybody about the claymores". so after he blew up the first one i had to put another one down, and again i warned the bastards that i was putting down another claymore. well the dumbass ran into it again and punished, then i asked the same question and he had the same anwser...

so thats my incounter with the retards on bf2
I love how people like to put mines at every possible exit to the base so we can't even get a humvee out. Then they bitch when a noob runs over his inpenitrable defense.