Another variety of Steam failure?


Veteran Incompetent
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Yes, yet another "Steam is down for me" thread...

My friend told me around two hours ago that he couldn't connect to Steam. I tried to connect, and managed it, and ironically he could too.
But an hour later he can connect and I can't, and I get the excact same problem he described to me; Steam forgets my password- in the sense that I'm forced to login again- and whenever I try to do so I get an error message claiming that the problem lies either with my internet connection or with the Steam network.

The forum seems to be off and on with server load errors at the moment... but when I did get a glimpse it seems quite a few people have the same problem. Probably pass in time, but considering I can't remember my password and that I can't use the retrieve feature (right now, at least) it doesn't bode well :(