Anouther stupid halo fanatic converstion


Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
I know, here we go agan, read on though this guy really is dumb.

Other person: I read a review that says halo 2's sp is crap
Me: The reviews ive read said its not that bad, but its not totally amazing.
Crapforbrains(CFB): No it wont be the sp will be amazing (only just got halo 2 here and we are in the middle of exams at school)
Me: Well its supposed to be very good yeh, im looking foward to it, the reviews said...
CFB: Well what do they know? Thats only their opinion. Halo 2 has loads of new features.
Me: But that dosent make a game amazing, the features may be done terrably. And the reviews are the experts, maybe you cant trust one persons opinion but i always look at several reviewers.
CFB: But they are all stupid computer geeks. Who do you trust, their opinion of yours?
Me: Well theirs, they are the experts remember. By the time I have opinion I have allready spent money, and i may have wasted it.
CFB: Blah, blah, blah (we go in circles for a while)
Me: So then, if a game got 10% by a reliable reviewer, would you buy it.
CFB: If it appealed to me yes, i choose games by reading the featues. Its only their opinion anyway.
Me: But what if everyone gave it a terrible score, what then?
CFB: If it appeals to me id still buy it
Me: Jesus christ...
Other guy: Yes thats what I do too.
Me: Well the way I choose a game is by looking at the reivews, I buy games with good scores.
CFB: Blah blah BLAH

Seriously though this guy is a totally wankface. He wouldnt play hl1 when i lent it to him because it wasnt for the XBOX. He wouldnt play the damn exelent Prince of Persia because he siad "he dosent like those types of games" (translate: he got stuck on ninja gaiden and hated action adventure ever more).

Its been a really crap day, everyone is being a wanker today.

grrrrrrrr :flame: :flame: :flame:
I know how you feel. :D

Dont worry, have a cookie! >hands him something cookelike that he could imagine whilst he finishes reading the sentence I've typed here<
Well he is sort of right, sometimes the reviews can be completely wrong
Who cares? Let him play the xbox while you enjoy HL2.
Fat Tony! said:
Well he is sort of right, sometimes the reviews can be completely wrong

But i look at lots of reviews. The majority arent gonna lie are they?
what i really want to know, how will they apply the new graphics of halo2 on an old piece of crap like xbox?
halo was really boring single player and was completely unoriginal, two player co-op was fun and so was multiplayer. xboxs are underated. It could be good but well im put off by the original
Unless he was saying how much Halo 2 rocks Half Life 2 even though you can't compare them, I would say he's sounding reasonable.

Like other's said, he's right. If reviewers rated HL2 really crappily I'd still buy it because it appeals to me.
Uh Kristafon, YOU were the one that looked like an idiot in that conversation. "Hurr hurr games are only as good as their reviews, I only buy games going on what reviewers say".

You fags and your Halo bashing is getting really lame especially considering HL2 fans are just as retarded.
I think I know that guy. He bought aquaman for GC and loved it.
Kristafon said:
But i look at lots of reviews. The majority arent gonna lie are they?

Game reviews are just the opinion of the reviewer when you boil it down. Some will love it; others will hate it. Personally I liked Halo 2, but I don't think it's worthy of "Game of the Year."
Look, as sound wave kinda said..though a bit..."mean"
HL2 and Halo fans can be just retarded. Not all of them are. Ive met both sophisticated HL2 and Halo fans. Also soundwave, your just said "HL2 and Halo Fans are retarded"
Halo bashing is getting really lame especially considering HL2 fans are just as retarded.
Now im being a stupid nitpicking bitch so don't mind what im doing.
You never said some or givin an amount. Thus it means "all".
(Don't respond to this, else ill argue with you and bring you down to my level and beat you with more experince)

But yes I've met some real stupid Halo fans. At the same time ive met some real stupid HL2 fans. Either way, no need to post any conversation of anything on here. Plus that conversation wasn't exactly... super stupid halo fan. As it's his opinon that he thinks that reviewers don't always review the game right. Which is perfectly correct.
If he thinks Halo 2 has a great sp then it's his choice..but then THINK TO YOURSELF what he would say about other games SP.
If he ever mentions how great HL2 is, do the following: Sneak into his house, grab his comp, walk into his room, beat the hell out of him with said comp, douse room in gasoline, light on fire, run like hell, rinse and repeat.
They arent going to lie, no. But they may be wrong!

Maybe they'll enjoy something that you dont?

Perhaps thats the reason for a good review?
I don't know about Halo but I agree with him about the reviews. If I listened to reviews I wouldn't have gotten two games that I really enjoy - The Getaway and Driver 3. Also, because of reviews I bought True Crime, and it sucked horribly. I don't trust reviews at all, they're completely unreliable. Choose a game based on how it appeals to you, not how it appeals to some nerd who has a nervous breakdown everytime the framerate drops by 5, or orgasms whenever he sees a really pretty wall. I don't care about that crap, just the plot and the game.
smwScott said:
I don't know about Halo but I agree with him about the reviews. If I listened to reviews I wouldn't have gotten two games that I really enjoy - The Getaway and Driver 3. Also, because of reviews I bought True Crime, and it sucked horribly. I don't trust reviews at all, they're completely unreliable. Choose a game based on how it appeals to you, not how it appeals to some nerd who has a nervous breakdown everytime the framerate drops by 5, or orgasms whenever he sees a really pretty wall. I don't care about that crap, just the plot and the game.

I played games whit low scores that are cool

Like The Getaway, that game was very cool
I have to sorta agree with SoundWave. I don't think that the "Halo fan" really came off as dumb. If he finds a game that he thinks will be cool even though it got bad reviews he'll still get's wrong with that? I say it's dumber to go with reviews instead of what you think about the game...take Doom 3 for example. I'm pissed that I bought it. It got some good reviews too.

I have bought some games (a long time ago) that I didn't even know had reviews...namely Rocket Jockey (I don't even know if it still works with XP). I bought this game just because I read the description on the box and saw the screenshots. It turned out to be one of the best game purchases I ever made. I played that game for sooooo long. It's so simple yet so much fun.

You basically ride a rocket (hence the name) that has very crappy steering capabilities. To compensate for that the rocket has built-in cables that shoot out the sides and grab on to pillars around the arena, track, or field. They latch onto the pillar and you swing around it on your rocket. Now pillars aren't the only thing you can attach your ropes to. You can attach to other people's rockets or the body of the person and fling them around. To make things even more fun, since you shoot cables on either side...with a simple press of a button you connect the two cables and you have yourself a nice clothesline between pillars or attach an opponent to a nearby spherical bomb and watch him get dragged away. Bombs are extremely fun to play with. Grab one and chuck it at an enemy or maybe attach two together (kinda tricky because they'll explode if they hit each other) and let them fly.

Man..I gotta play this game again. Just talking about it makes me wanna d/l it (sadly the CD broke).