Ant-Lion Guard AI PROOF!


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
At the end of the bugbait video when the ant lion guard pops out. He goes to the nearest thing to him and the thing thats posing the most threat, the combine soldiers shooting at him.

You can clearly see the AI IS NOT SCRIPTED as the antlion changes direction towards gordon EVERYTIME after he kills a combine soldier.

That means that it is scanning for targets to see wich one is of most threat to him. He's going towards gordon but then instantly he is getting shot by the combine and thinks"wait a minute, these guys are shooting at me and pose a bigger threat...dum di dum...time to kill them!"

Then he engages into the headbutting contest....

/me wonders what happens if I throw a pheromone grenade on the ant lion guard...hmmm.....
I thought it might have been an animation glitch, but you're probably right.
yeah I doubt AI was tuned down for the e3 demo... but ah whatever. Good observation though. :)
I think that the soldiers were made more stupid, but the aliens were intact, cause antlions would look pretty dumb if they toned them down too.
It was toned down for the combine soldiers in the tunnels and bugbait movies
Yeah I think that's exactly what happened. But it doesn't look right though. He should have just ranked the potential threat from all enemies right away, without having to check for it every time one enemy dies.
Personally I agree that it's an animation glitch but the fact that it doesn't attack Gordon until the Combine soldiers are dealth with displays the danger-assessment aspect of the AI wonderfully.
What d'you reckon would happen if you threw a spore at the AntLion Guard? They other AntLion's prob'ly wouldn't do anything, but you KNOW you'd try it out in the game...
Come to think of it, shouldn't the fact that the Antlions attack the Combine dispell ALL rumours that the two are in cahoots?
It's not scripted to do that....

on the other hand...

/me knows nothing about AI
if "something" more dangerous then "gordon" fires at me
attack "something"
attack "gordon"

i think that bugbait has the best AI in the vids so far (even if it isnt that great) but in that laundry room with the window gordons shoots out u can see the combine backing up and taking some cover.
in bugbait at the beggining the antlion attacks the combine thru the mattress. He must be a leet hacsor with teh no clippor cheat!!1111
Originally posted by BWMASTER
IF scripting was that easy....

Actually, once the lower-level functions are in place, it actually is that easy. I can't be bothered to open the HL1 sdk, but the danger assessment code there is very scriptish and simple on the higher levels. Enemies can be peeved, pissed, incensed, deranged, there's a sliding scale of hatred which is actually quite humorous to look at. I don't want to look at the video again right now either, but I would bet that what you noticed was animation tweening, going from one animation to another.
Originally posted by Zeus
in bugbait at the beggining the antlion attacks the combine thru the mattress. He must be a leet hacsor with teh no clippor cheat!!1111

over it maybe? you can se he hits the guy with his claws or feet or whatever...
No I saw the ant lion half way through the matress when he was backing up from his attack.
Originally posted by figge
if "something" more dangerous then "gordon" fires at me
attack "something"
attack "gordon"


:O do you code for Microsoft??!!!!?!??111one11
Isn't AI done in LISP?

(defun type-of-threat (characteristic)
(if (equal characteristic 'gordon)
It's a ****ing game, the ant lion doesnt have to turn his head physically to scan for things, it could be programmed to just attack w/o "looking" around himself for another target.
If in a car game the steering wheel doesnt turn, does it mean the car wont turn? No. It means the programmers didn't make it where the wheel could turn.
I don't know if you understand me, but.. who cares.. heh.. no one knows, yet. :D
well even if the AI isn't scripted, i think the part where the ant-lin roared at you and charged is ;)
also, funny that when the ant-lion headbutts the combine, they die, but when the ant-lion head butts you, you survive and fly backwards like 20 or 30 feet :dozey:
probably to give the player a fighting chance...hehe

ACK! Combine!
*Starts shooting*
cool...didn't notice the screen shakes from the rifle isn't as consistent as the fireing...
*Turns around just in time to see an AntLion Gaurd smash into him*

*Loads quicksave*

Originally posted by xtekian
also, funny that when the ant-lion headbutts the combine, they die, but when the ant-lion head butts you, you survive and fly backwards like 20 or 30 feet :dozey:

Well, that's like was said in another thread. "What's the point of having a demo, if ya DIE halfway through?"
Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
"if as*holes could fly... This place would be an airport!"
I thought it was...

If assholes could fly, this place would be busier than O'Hare.
Originally posted by Chazz
Well, that's like was said in another thread. "What's the point of having a demo, if ya DIE halfway through?"

Not to mention that you have the advantage of an incredibly well armoured boiler suit.
you have got a point, btw thats enough AI for the alien imo, just make the combine soldiers smart
Personally i dont give the smallest or the biggest crap, it looks cool and will play this game till my eyes bleed and spiders make nests in my nose. Who cares if the antlion guard thingy walks a little funny sometimes, it still looks cool.....right?
It looks like a glitch, like it doesn't know how to attack the combine soldier and then makes a spastic movement and then attacks...or something
I bet the AI is much more improved than the e3 video showed, since that was from a earlier biuld
Originally posted by -Biohazard
i think that bugbait has the best AI in the vids so far (even if it isnt that great) but in that laundry room with the window gordons shoots out u can see the combine backing up and taking some cover.

Really? Lol. I dunno what video you saw.

Originally posted by Chazz
Well, that's like was said in another thread. "What's the point of having a demo, if ya DIE halfway through?"

They could simply put on God-Mode and show us the A.I....
He's talking about the laundary room after gordon shoots out the two turrets in the bugbait movie.

I know what video he's talking about, but I didn't see anyone taking cover. Lol.