Anti Aliasing



Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum.

I've been scowering the Internet and Half Life forums but still cannot find a fix for this weird problem. I just bought and installed Half Life 2 last night (I know, I'm late into the game). I cannot seem to enable anti-aliasing. I've tried both in the game's options menu and in the nVidia drivers options. I've uninstalled the drivers and installed the latest (released on May 31, 2007) from nVidia's website. Nothing seems to change in IQ...still seeing a bunch of jaggies. :frown:

Here are my system specs:
Athlon64 2.6 GHz
DFI Lanparty Expert UT
eVGA 7900 GT 512 MB (in SLi)

I ran the benchmark in Lost Coast. To my surprise, I'm only getting about an average of 55 FPS! That's WAY TOO low for SLi. Anyone have any ideas as to what's happening here? All my other games run fine. Thanks in advance for any feedback. :)
make sure you are not using 8xs or 6x AA. 6x AA only works on ati cards. 8xs you wont really notice a difference. i recommend only using the in game settings and no the control panel.
Sorry guys. I should've posted this on the Help and Support section. Hopefully, a moderator will move this thread. Thanks.
Yeah, I think I only tried 6x AA in the game's options menu...I don't think I ever tried 4x. I'll do that when I get home. I hope it's just that simple. Thanks!