Anti Nike Sweatshop e-petition

why would i want to stop sweatshops? they provide me stylish shoes at a reasonable cost.
gh0st said:
why would i want to stop sweatshops? they provide me stylish shoes at a reasonable cost.
True that :D
Btw can I have your kids (If you have any, I'll take your cat gladly ;)) so I can let them do cheap work for me :p
Don't worry they will be taken care of ^-^
I like the leet HTML coding on that site.
Someone is just jealous that mr nike is worth $5 billion, and you are worth only 1. Don't worry, I'll get monk on the case :D

DreadLord1337 said:
The fact is, we don't care, and e-petitions get about as much done as FEMA with Katrina..
Lol I care, but boycotting is the wrong thing to do. The sweatshops get closed, and the kids end up with no income whatsoever. Girls get into prostitution, boys do even worse work for even less money. The kids have to be educated. Take the on the problem, not the effects of it.
here's a petition: **** CHILDREN. the little shits need to learn some discipline anyway and forced labor* is the best way to do it. plus we get awesome shoes. everyone wins.

* also can be coal mining or used needle tester
gh0st said:
here's a petition: **** CHILDREN. the little shits need to learn some discipline anyway and forced labor* is the best way to do it. plus we get awesome shoes. everyone wins.

* also can be coal mining or used needle tester

haha <3 I want a gh0st made it worth it t-shirt NOW
gh0st said:
here's a petition: **** CHILDREN. the little shits need to learn some discipline anyway and forced labor* is the best way to do it. plus we get awesome shoes. everyone wins.

* also can be coal mining or used needle tester

ya cuz at the tender age of 17 I'm sure you've seen your fair share of backbreaking manual labour ...what a ****ing joke, little pissants think they have life all figured out
Look, this is rediculous. First of all, there are hundreds of real petitions and real boycotts against Nike that aren't working.

Secondly the issue of sweatshops is a very delicate problem that might not even have a solution. If Nike is forced to raise wages, they'll just move somewhere else causing the people in those towns to suffer even more than they are now. If not, the situation will simply continue, if not worsen.
Lets take away the only jobs these kids have so their families will starve!
I see your points in that aspect, but at least they could increase their pay and allow breakes, they have NO lunch breakes and when bonded they are hounded until they pay by which they die before they can because they arn't payed enough to support themselves and there debt is massive. People who protest are killed or dissapear. They need at least some form of support :\
CptStern said:
ya cuz at the tender age of 17 I'm sure you've seen your fair share of backbreaking manual labour ...what a ****ing joke, little pissants think they have life all figured out
aww looks like someone tripped on their colostomy bag :rolleyes:
the_rebel_medic said:
I see your points in that aspect, but at least they could increase their pay and allow breakes, they have NO lunch breakes and when bonded they are hounded until they pay by which they die before they can because they arn't payed enough to support themselves and there debt is massive. People who protest are killed or dissapear. They need at least some form of support :\
Oh, I completely agree with you about that. Sadly though, I've looked into this issue and have found no solutions. I even went to a presentation by two people who went and worked at a sweat shop for a few months. Even they concluded by saying "Don't do anythin; anything you might do would only make the situation worse.
spookymooky said:
Oh, I completely agree with you about that. Sadly though, I've looked into this issue and have found no solutions. I even went to a presentation by two people who went and worked at a sweat shop for a few months. Even they concluded by saying "Don't do anythin; anything you might do would only make the situation worse.

Good. Because I like my blue Nike Free's.

Okay, because it has become aware I can't kid around on here without being obvious, (I type with a straight face) sweatshops? An absolutely horrible facet of many cultures, not just other's but our own. Entirely too few wages, not enough breaks, too YOUNG for the love of God. I don't care how poor your family is, no one should be forced to work like this.
This is more related the countries in which the factories exist. Countries where there is very little to no worker rights/protection schemes. If there's no laws that restrict the physical/verbal/sexual abuse of workers then bosses will exploit them. I know in first world countries it still happens, but the frequency is a lot lower. Even if Nike stop using their factories, the abuses will still occur.

Just thank god you don't live in one of those countries, always fight for worker rights and encourage social reform or else our countries will turn into shitholes like theirs.
Yes, lets take their jobs away so they can starve.
They need jobs some how...

EDIT: Beat me to it, WhiteZero.
no no no, they keep their jobs.. Nike need to pay and treat them better.
I don't object to paying people low wages and working in poor conditions - its an economic stage that all countries pass through on their way to a modern civilised society.

What I object to are the profit margins, and that people over here are prepared to pay such figures.
Heres an idea:

Why dont the working class collectively seize the walth of the rich, and plan its distribution, to each according to need?