Anti Piracy - IT Crowd style

I'm gonna have to start watching that, a few mates have reccomended it but I'd never bothered to see it yet. That clip was comedy :LOL:
Love IT Crowd but I've missed most of this series because Fridays are so busy compared to this time last year... :rolling:

I'll download this series at some point... and buy the DVD when it comes out.

I don't know if it's just me but I think season 2 is MUCH better than the first one. I though the first season was okay but this one is amazing!
That was freakin awesome...its so true, to...I bought a DVD from a pawn shop, and I swear to god that anti-piracy ad played 4 times in a row before the menu actually appeared...
4 times? O_O Are you sure that the DVD works okay?
Yeah i mean, its got the regular box, the disc has the label on it, not printed on, and the movie is totally legit...just weird.