Antlion, high poly 3D model

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Nov 8, 2003
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a 3D studio model of the Antlion ive been working on, it took 3 hours to model, and 1 - 2 hours to map. (maps done in photoshop). If you like Antlions your in for a treat.:cool:


  • antlion3 with tracers.jpg
    antlion3 with tracers.jpg
    56 KB · Views: 793
another picture, without advanced lighting


  • antlion2a.jpg
    33.1 KB · Views: 734
That looks sufficiently original for it not to be from the beta leak, so...

Well done:thumbs:! Looks awesome. You did that in 5 hours?

How many times did you have to look at a reference piccy?:E
just for the mapping i used the reference pic the most,, ive seen this creature so much, the shape sorta sticks in the mind so i didnt have to go back that often. .. and yes around 5 hours :)
Hot damn. Takes me 10 hours to make a 300 poly spaceship :E. But, then again, I use C4D. Which sucks.

Do we see the underside of an Antlion in any official shots?
lol, the more you use it the better you get. :). if you want me to do more renders i can post some later. just ask , and ill do my best
Not half bad that :)

Course I prefer the Antlion Guard from the source HDR demo, do that one and I'll be well happy :D
about 3 years, since I was 16 , but ive only just really started to pick it up
if anyone likes this sorta stuff, post your ideas on high poly 3D models, enviroments, etc. nothing silly, HL2 related stuff. Im up for something to do in my spair time :) and its good practice. (You see some people are willing to work for free :) )
how about a high poly version of the pit worm from Opposing Force? I'd post some reference pics for you but I just uninstalled it last night. It's a neat design though, would look good high poly.
well if anyone can get me some reference pics that would be great,:) if not then ill just go find some
That's damned great work Clarky mah' boy. You should possibly look for a job / career in 3d-modelling if you're not already in the business.

That's an amazing job, especially for just 5 hours of dilligent work :).

Great job.
Can you make me a barrel, like the ones in the hl2 vids, all dented and stuff.

I'm not going to use it for a mod, just for practice renders and stuff.
Originally posted by nw909
Can you make me a barrel, like the ones in the hl2 vids, all dented and stuff.

I'm not going to use it for a mod, just for practice renders and stuff.

Mmmm... secksual barrels dude, did you models those Fenric?
Originally posted by NSPIRE
Mmmm... secksual barrels dude, did you models those Fenric?

yup. I prefer the sign to the right though, that looked strangely good with proper lighting, can't find those images now though
Damn, if you can find them I'd like to see 'em :).
the maps are sweet :), did u use fakeosity? or tracers? for the render
Yeah, I was wonderin' that too. What'd you use Fenric?
(whispers) I think hes a proffessional, the maps look proffessional.
[whisper]Psssst! I like to whisper too...[/whisper]

Heh, I wanna' see that movie Elf... Will Ferrell's hillarious.
lol, he is, its sorta cheesey, but cheesey is the in thing, that snowball fight clip makes me laugh :)
Just a color map for the barrel, a worn looking decal for the bio-hazard image and a bump map. drawn freehand in photoshop, no fancy tricks used. I think probably the most basic model I've done but I've always liked them for some reason heh. The accident free sign was originally just for a joke but ended up being included, same with some vending machine even though I was told not to do one of those because their too cliche *grins*
Lol, Half-Life anyone? *grins too*

Cliche? Naaaaaah.
thats kewl, keep posting stuff:).. although that doesnt really answer the question... fakeosity.. or tracers?
Heh, Clarky. You and I posted at EXACTLY the same time :p. Creeeeepy.

I seeeeeeeee you! ^__~
so, u guys keep watching this thread for fresh Hl2 high poly models :)
ill probably get a 1 or 2 done in a week

already with dented HL2 barrels,

a pitworm

and the Antlion guard

i think him and the barrels are first on the list:), cause there HL2 related
Originally posted by NSPIRE
Lol, Half-Life anyone? *grins too*

Cliche? Naaaaaah.

They were all meant for a film that would have been kinda similar to Half-Life (though a lot of it seemed more like Stargate at times IMO), which was why I was told vending machines would be pushing our luck, but well I just thought atleast one would be cool flickering away in a corridor just out of shot, they did finally cave in and agree.. but then it got cancelled anyway so meh :D

Originally posted by clarky003
thats kewl, keep posting stuff:).. although that doesnt really answer the question... fakeosity.. or tracers?

just raytraced, three point lighting, area key light to get the shadows, slight backlight for the edges and a bluish tinted fill light to the bottom right.
nice, u shud of tryed light tracers, with a dim backlight, and a surface underneath the barrels , that would rock :)
not heard of light tracers, other than those things in some ammo so you can see where the bullets are going, unless I know the term by another name?
clarky and Fenric, what modeling programs do you use? I prefer Lightwave personally, but was wondering what you guys used.
Originally posted by tim8604
clarky and Fenric, what modeling programs do you use? I prefer Lightwave personally, but was wondering what you guys used.

3DS Max
Lightwave - modeling/surfacing
Maya - animation/dynamics
In-house programs
Softimage - modeling/mapping/animation/dynamics
Houdini - particles/modeling

Bunch of other stuff but those are the main 3D apps I use at the moment. Depends whats required for a particular job, sometimes I'll use them all or sometimes can get away with just using the one. I composite everything though and do it all in render passes so using various apps for one shot is easier I find. And you get the best of both worlds cause no single app can do everything, though Softimage XSI does come mighty close :D

Max is just in the list cause sometimes clients expect you to be able to use Max files, and instead of screwing things up trying to convert them to other formats its usually less hassle to just work in Max, I don't much like the program but I guess its not _too_ bad these days. Modeling is pretty neat in it, I will admit that atleast ;)
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