Antlion Nests in Episode 2?

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
I watched the Episode 2 trailer after completing Episode 1, and I noticed in one scene there was a blue Antlion Guard chasing Gordon in an underground tunnel. Is it possible that since we are in the Wastelands, we may fight our way through an Antlion nest and possibly face the Antlion King?
We may not face the Antlion King, but it does appear we may blast our way through an Antlion nest. We'll need more info as it comes along. Even though VALVe will keep quiet about any boss enemies, any sign of a coverup should be favorable for the Antlion King's existance.
I assume the antlion nest would be in that "mine shaft" that is talked about in the PC gamer article.
Go Antlion Grubs.

wow, just think of the possibilites! you walk into a shere-shaped room filled with coocons all over, with the King/Queen in the middle. and then when the bug thingy is dead, all the coocons opens and flood the room with infant antlions... RUN!
RakuraiTenjin said:
Why does everyone say King wouldn't it be Queen?

"Half Life:Raising the Bar" talked of an Antlion King as a boss they had been planning on using. Thus, with them taking other options for Antlions that they planned to use in HL2 originally (Like the nests and underground parts), it would be likely that would be a part implemented as well.
I'm not too sure about this Antlion King fellow also. It's kinda hard to believe that it can be larger than a Strider going by RTB. Unless the mines for some reason has some really big room, there probably won't be a good place for the King unless he was redesigned.
didn't hey say the antlion king was suppose to be bigger than a strider... alot bigger :O
It was supposed to be 50foot tall and Gordon could fit between its toes. That's on the clay model they made. I'm not sure I really feel the need to fight it anyway. :|

And yes, Antlion Nests = Mines. What better environment?
Samon said:
I'm not too excited about the nests, we'll see how they play.

Me neither, i hope we dont spend to long scurrying about in tunnels. Ive never been fond of levels where your underground, ie an abondend mine or something it just wouldnt feel right for HL2.
Seeing how the "Lowlife" chapter in EP1 worked despite all its darkness, I don't have much fears for this new mine chapter. Everything will be allright as long as the mines are not mostly dark and if ammo crates are in good supply.
Ant lion nests looks like some sweet ass scary gameplay. Nothing like clicking of insects and darkness to scare your dick off.
i never found any of the HL horror aspecks* scary at all, the game called Comdemned now thats another story, makes F.E.A.R look like PG
Considering how tall the Antlion king is supposed to be, maybe they could have just two huge claws sticking out of the ground swatting at you, and they would only swat whenever you made any movement on the ground. Obvisouly im getting this idea from the HL1 tentacle, but it would show how big the thing is supposed to be without having to make some ridiculuos big room to put the thing in. Only difference would be ANY movement made on the sand would cause the things to go insane as for the tentacle's it was just sound.
But people will have to see the whole thing eventually. Perhaps we can just shrink the King so that it's only 3-5 times the size of an Antlion Guard? That should be just large enough to make it mostly immobile, with its main attack being striking down with its claws.
True, but than we dont get the feeling that this thing is monstrous. I mean sure 3-5 times an Antlion guard is pretty freakin big, like a strider maybe, but were used to striders so it'd be like "meh its a big bug." Maybe you could just have it re-appear say as gordon escapes from the Nests or mines, or where ever the hell he is. For instance, Gordon could escape from where the nests and when you get a certain distance from it you hear a roar or something (I dunno) and the ground starts to shake and in the distance you see the ground basically blow up, with the Antlion king coming out, just as you crap your pants, synths blow it up and the combine inadvertently rescue you.....Yeah I just thought all of that up now D:
Anlion Kings that are only the size of Striders may hardly be the most monstrous creautres, but one will find that hard to believe when that person gets to one of their lairs. ;) VALVe will likely use perception tricks to make the King larger than it actually is. For example make the King tower over the lair it's in, something that can't be accomplished with the Strider. Also always have massive vibrations produced when the thing moves (this could be an explaination for why Antlions always stay away from the Combine Restrictors, as they naturally are not supposed to be near their King).
That could work, or you could have say half, of the thing sticking out of the ground, just enough to give you the sense that this thing is huge. A good way to do this, is not to make it tall but Big. What I mean by that is, the Strider is very tall, but its skinny. The Antlion king should be this giant mass with teeth and claws basically =P

Edit: I made this very detailed picture to show what I mean
Ah of course, all Antlion types so far are longer than they are tall. This rule would have to apply to the Antlion King as well.