Any Ethical Hackers out there?


Apr 23, 2004
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Early next year I'm going to be working on getting my Ethical Hacker Certification. Which pretty much consists of learning a rediculous ammount of stuff realted to hacking in order to secure your businesses network.
Link here: Education/ceh-course-outline.htm

Right now I'm working on getting the following:
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA)
and Linux+

Just wondering if by some crazy chance someone else out there has this certification, or any other computer certs for that matter.
I didn't know there was such a thing as an "ethical hacker certification" but go for it anyways lolz.

btw, who's it given by?

I've taken the A+ (and passed), but none of the others.

I'd like to hear what you think about the security+ test.
I downloaded the book "Hacking For Dummies" (I know its illegal downaload, shut up)
And its all about ethical hacking, it tells you info and all that jibba-jabba, Check it out, its a good book. (Buy it, if your a good person, I'm not, thats why I downloaded it...)
I think I'll wait for my CEH class, since I'll be getting 3 books, each about 2.5in thick.
Looks like a lot of stuff to learn in a 5 day course!
Murray_H said:
Looks like a lot of stuff to learn in a 5 day course!
Well, for the vocational school I'm going to has extended it to 8 days.
I can hardly read a short story, It took me the last 3 months to get half way through Hacking for Dummies! Good luck with Your Books!

(I don't have any reading disablilities, I can read at 121 WPM)
The best place for business networking certs. is Cisco. work on getting CCNA or CCNP
im working on my CCNA/CCNP cert's in high school. i effing hate that class, but theres lots of useful information. best to get red hat certifications as well, since its become an enterprise standard for serving.
Dog-- said:
(I don't have any reading disablilities, I can read at 121 WPM)

Can you understand it though?
bliink said:
The best place for business networking certs. is Cisco. work on getting CCNA or CCNP
CCCP?! In soviet russia, businesses network you...or something...

You know I was never good at these soviet jokes.
I'm in college now taking Computer Systems Technology and I plan on getting A+, Network+, MCSE, CCNA would be nice, but we'll see
bliink said:
The best place for business networking certs. is Cisco. work on getting CCNA or CCNP

I've got both of those, Cisco certified I am!
yeah, they must REALLY condense some of that stuff to get you to learn it all in 8 days.
It's not hard...just connect a bunch of shit....and BAM! You got a degree.
Who wants to be Crash and Burn?...or whatever her nick was..

Been so long since I seen that movie.
Tr0n said:
Who wants to be Crash and Burn?...or whatever her nick was..

crash override was his name when we was a kid. acid burn is the chick.

yes, ive seen that movie more times than i can remember.
poseyjmac said:
crash override was his name when we was a kid. acid burn is the chick.

yes, ive seen that movie more times than i can remember.
Apparently not enough...
Crash Override was his new alias when he got outta jail.
Zero Cool was his name as a kid, which he then used again later.
oh god that movie is so bad... I need to wash my brain out with soap now because I just remembered it
The chick and the part. Other then that, it was pretty cheesey.

i love it in movies when people just randomly hit keys or if they're "hacking" the people are looking at a surreal lay out and hacking security systems is as easy as a few clicks and key strokes. 1337 h4x0rz!!11
WhiteZero said:
Apparently not enough...
Crash Override was his new alias when he got outta jail.
Zero Cool was his name as a kid, which he then used again later.

oops! ok you win the battle of nerdy information *awards a medal*
bliink said:
oh god that movie is so bad... I need to wash my brain out with soap now because I just remembered it
Rofl :D

I loved the part where that young hacker is showering and suddenly an entire SWAT team pwns him while he's naked.
I got a Cisco networking cert, its all nice and official looking, most people haven't a clue what it is, but it gets you all the part time work you want.