Any games to recommend?


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Well, as I'm no longer engaged in the ultimate struggle over University acceptance, and I'm ordering a new computer, I could use some games to play.

But which ones?

I've been thinking of ARMA2, and Left 4 Dead, and perhaps others, but I think I need help.

So, what should I get? Obviously I won't be able to get more than 4 at the most, due to budget problems (although games are nearly $20 cheaper over here)...

The age of the game doesn't matter, if it's good, recommend away. :D

FPS, Strategy, etc. Don't care that much for RPGs, though. I find them too boring when trying to level up, and most of the time give up trying to finish. (I bought Diablo 2, and couldn't get to Act 4 in 2 years. :p)

So, anyone? Thanks in advance.
Obviously L4D2 ;)

TF2, BorderLands, Company of Heroes *though it's not my style of RTS, still an awesome game*

A few examples.
you can pick up Red Alert 3 brand new for about $10 online now. Also TF2 is great
you can pick up Red Alert 3 brand new for about $10 online now. Also TF2 is great

Red Alert 3? Hmm, might give it a try. TF2 doesn't seem to be my type of graphics, but I should try a demo or something.

Obviously L4D2 ;)

TF2, BorderLands, Company of Heroes *though it's not my style of RTS, still an awesome game*

A few examples.

Right. L4D2, is it any good? I've heard several good things about it. It'll definately be on my shopping cart, anyway. :p

Borderlands.... hmm, haven't heard much about it. Need to search it for a bit.

Already have one ;)

Oh, has anyone here played Hearts of Iron 3? I loved HOI2, and want to know if 3 is better.
I'm enjoying Empire: Total War atm, is pretty good apart from some AI weakness.

He wants a game, not a meal!
Right, I need to get that as well, ever since I read about it in the newspaper. :p
if you want cheap games, steam always has games on sale. Arma 2 is $25 this weekend!

Also is a great place to start to catch up on older games that are like $5-$10

Argh, I hate having to use Steam to buy games, it's always a hassle over here, paying for it. At least the downloads are superbly fast though, nearly 2MB/s.......
i bet you can still find cheap games online in Korea. you guys get as many games as Europe I bet
What type of games do you enjoy playing? No point in telling you about an awesome RPG if you don't like them or a fantastic RTS, when they only put you to sleep.

A few across the spectrum:

1) ARMA2 - Is a fun, though hard game. OFP:DR is faster paced & easier to play, but shallower overall. Though that's not to say that it's not fun, because I am finding that the more I play it, the more I am enjoying it.

2) Risen - A rather fun & colorful RPG, somewhat like Gothic & Two Worlds, though not quite as expansive. As I have already talked a lot about Risen in my other post, I'll not say any more here. Refer to my other post for more info & SS.

3) Fallout 3 - An excellent game IMO. Made even better by the 5 official DLC's & the thousands of user made mods.

4) Zeno Clash - A wild & crazy Punk shooter/melee hybrid. Very much worth playing, though it may disturb you. If you have not heard of this game, then I advise you to give it a looksee.

5) The Last Remnant - An excellent Final Fantasy-ish type of game with epic battles. I am unable to sum it up any better than that. I loved FF & so I really enjoyed this game, though honestly I only gave it a very brief play test, as I had a couple games queued before it. Once I finish with them, I fully plan to give it a proper go.

Just to name the first 5 that comes to mind. I have many more I could bore you with, but as I don't know the type of games you like, I'll stop with what I listed above.

L4D2 isn't out yet. Demo oct27 for preorderers. But I do recommend both of them so get the 2 pack on steam to save on getting both.
crysis: warhead is fun game too if your pc can handle it. should be around $20
Machinarium's a nice game. Also Batman: Arkham Asylum or if you like survival horror grab Dead Space.
Heh, Thanks guys. I'm prolly gonna spend this week playing demos.

Oh, and as for Dead Space, I'm intrigued by the storyline and atmosphere, but I think I need to be able to sleep at night. :p
how come it says AcePilot is the last person to post here but i dont see anything??
Mass Effect. You can set the levelling to auto for both you and your teammates and just spend the whole game shooting alien ass round the galaxy. Epic storyline.

Also, L4D2.

Also, Red Alert 3 sucks more hairy spherical objects than I can possibly convey in a mere forum post.
Company of Heroes, Dawn of War 2, WiC, COD4 (COD6 will be out in a few weeks time)

Also, Red Alert 3 sucks more hairy spherical objects than I can possibly convey in a mere forum post.

This, I remember a time when the Red Alert franchise didn't actually suck. They should of stopped after counterstrike and aftermath.