Any good stealth games out there?


Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
Besides "Splinter cell" and "metal gear solid".
I imagine you're talking console... Second Sight is a good one if you don't mind the psychic element. I just had a blast playing that for a good three hours. Any of the Hitman games are good... I'm personally one of the people who prefers the option to blast through stealth games if you don't feel like being stealthy.
Me too, but I am actually talking pc. I was actually considering buying splinter cell 3.
Samon said:
Seconded. I loved that game... :D
thirded, me too, you should get it, great story, and arguably one of the best levels in pc gaming history, The Shalebridge Cradle.

can run choppy though even on good rigs.
Hitmans are always great..yes it's easy just to go in there and blast everything but... being sneaky and stealthy is much more of a challenge.
Splinter Cell 3 is good, but it can be a little frustrating at times if you're normally used to walking around blasting heads off like me.
Thief: Gold and Thief II: The Metal Age. Stealth at it's best in my opinion. If you haven't already, buy Deus Ex too.
Eeek. That makes 4 games for me to buy too.

Thief 1 - 3
Deus Ex

Would you believe I have been planning on buying Deus Ex for nigh on 3 years. And I have never got round to it. Even when I saw it for a fiver... :(
I really wish i got up to that Shalebridge Cradle.
Is there any games out there (stealth games) that is as good as the chronicles of Riddick: Escape from butcher bay?
Thief: Deadly Shadows i thought was just as good as Riddick. but it's alot uglier then Riddick. I mean the game, not Vin Diesel.
Like previously stated, all of the Thief games are exceptional..